Homeless Student List

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This program will provide a list of students that have been marked as Homeless using a Program Homeless code in Student Master and/or the Program Code Fast Loader with current dates. Also, to have a "Y" in the Service column of this report, there must be a current Homeless service code in the Homeless Service Log.

Menu Location

Student > Reports > Homeless Students List

Setup Options


Year - Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.

District - Default value is based on the user’s security settings. The user will be limited to their district only.

School - Default value is based on the user's security settings. If the user is assigned to a school, the school default value will be their school site code.

Grade - Leave blank or select all to include all grade levels. Otherwise, choose the desired grade level.

As of Date - This choice will list only those students who are actively enrolled as of the date selected in the date field.

Homeless Begin Date - Choose the homeless begin date.

Homeless End Date - Choose the homeless end date.


  • All - Select this to show all students.
  • Sped Only - Select this to show Sped only students.
  • Non Sped - Select this to show Non Sped students.


  • All - Select this to show all students.
  • 504 Only - Select this to show 504 only students.
  • Non 504 - Select this to show Non 504 students.


  • All - Select this to show all students.
  • LEP Only - Select this to show LEP only students.
  • Non LEP - Select this to show Non LEP students.

Active Only - This choice will list only those students who are actively enrolled as of the date selected in the date field.

Show SSN on Report - Check to include the Social Security Number on the report. It is not recommended to display/print the SSN on this report.

Skip Blank Start/End Program Dates - Skip students with no start or end dates.

Only show Students who Started On or After Homeless Begin Date - Click to show students who have a start date of on or after Homeless begin date.

Column - Leave blank to include all columns. Click to obtain a pick list columns that can be selected to view on the report.

Report - The user can click in this box to select a report that was previously created.

OK - Click to continue.

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.



Column Headers

Last Name - Student's last name.

First Name - Student's first name.

Middle Name - Student's middle name.

SIDNO - Student's district identification number.

SASID - State assigned student identification number.

Sch - Student's school of enrollment.

GD - Student's grade of enrollment.

Gender - Student's gender.

Ethnic - Student's ethnicity.

DOB - Student's date of birth.

Parent/Guardian - Name of the student's parent/guardian.

Student's Phone Number - Phone number of student.

Parnet/Guardian Phone Number - Phone number of parent/guardian.

Relationship to Parent/Guardian - This will state what the relationship is between the student and the Parent/Guardian.

Homeless Code

  • 48 - Homeless Shelters
  • 49 - Homeless Doubled Up
  • 50 - Homeless Unsheltered
  • 51 - Homeless Hotels/Motels
  • 52 - Homeless Unknown/Other (not allowed at this time)

Lunch - Free/Reduced Lunch indicator. All Homeless students receive Free Lunch.

ECode - Student's entry code into school.

EDate - Student's entry date into school.

LCode - Student's leave code from school.

LDate - Student's leave date from school.

Begin Date - When the student became homeless.

End Date - When the student was no longer homeless.

Begin Type - Value will be one of the following choices.

  • 01 - Type 1
  • 02 - Type 2
  • 03 - Unaccompanied Youth
  • 04 - Farming
  • 05 - Seafood
  • 06 - Awaiting Foster Care

End Type - Value will be one of the following choices. These are the state`s homeless reason codes, as the second set of numbers corresponds to the state numbers.

  • 01 - XX Type 2
  • 02 - XX Type 3
  • 03 - 01 Mortgage Foreclosure
  • 04 - 02 Flooding
  • 05 - 03 Hurricane
  • 06 - 04 Tropical Storm
  • 07 - 05 Tornado
  • 08 - 06 Wildfire or Fire
  • 09 - 07 Man-made Disaster (Major)
  • 10 - 08 Eviction
  • 11 - 09 Unemployment/Loss of Job
  • 12 - 10 Domestic Violence
  • 13 - 11 Illness
  • 14 - 12 Financial Hardships
  • 15 - 13 Lack of Affordable Housing
  • 16 - 14 Unaccompanied Youth
  • 17 - 15 Incarceration of Parent/Guardian
  • 18 - 16 Unsafe Living Conditions

Services - A value of Y, for yes, indicates that there are services related to this program. To have a "Y" in the Service column of this report, there must be a current Homeless service code in the Homeless Service Log.

To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.



Setup - Click to go back to the Setup box.

Print - This will allow the user to print the report.

Help - Click to view written instructions and/or videos.

Save - Click save first and a box will appear to name the report. Then click to save the report.

Report - The user can click in this box to select a report that was previously created.

Sorting and other data manipulations are explained in the following link: List Programs Instructions/Video

Student Master Main Page

JCampus Main Page

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