Address Editor

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Revision as of 07:20, 23 August 2022 by Egadmin (talk | contribs)
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This program will provide the user a way to edit all the information concerning addresses for students. These addresses are for parents, guardians, and people listed as emergency contacts.

Menu Location


On the left navigation panel, select Student Master > Loaders > Address Editor.

Setup Options


Year - Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.

District - Default value is based on the user’s security settings. The user will be limited to their district only.

School - Default value is based on the user's security settings. If the user is assigned to a school, the school default value will be their school site code.

As of Date - This choice will list only those students who are actively enrolled as of the date selected in the date field.\

Grade - Leave blank or select all to include all grade levels. Otherwise, choose the desired grade level.

Gender - Leave blank or select all to include all genders. Otherwise, choose the desired gender.

Ethnic - Leave blank or select all to include all ethnicities. Otherwise, choose the desired ethnicity.

Address Filter - User may type in the cell to filter the address(es).(Ex. Youree-This would select all of the street names that contain that word)

Homeroom - Leave blank or select all to include all homerooms. Otherwise, choose the desired homeroom.

OK - Click to continue.

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.



Column Headers

Sch - Student's school of enrollment.

Student Name - Student's full name.

SIDNO - Student's identification number.

Save - Save data for this student, click in the cell once all changes have been made to save each individual line.

Mail Address 1 - Address line one of student. When the user clicks on address fields, the AVS system will suggest addresses on the Address Editor box when typing in the data.

Mail Address 2 - Address line two of student.

Mail City - City for mailing address.

Mail State - State for mailing address.

Mail Zip - Zip code for mailing address.

Mail Zip4 - Zip code plus four.

Phy Address1 - Physical address line one for the student.

Phy Address2 - Physical address line two for the student(ex. apartment #).

PhyCity - Physical city for the mailing address.

PhyState - Physical state for the mailing address.

PhyZip - Physical zip code for the mailing address.

PhyZip4 - Zip code plus four.

HArea - Student's main home phone area code.

HPhn - Student's main home phone number.

HExt - Student's main home phone extension.

SCellArea - Student's cell phone area code.

SCellPhn - Student's cell phone number.

EmergAddress1 - Address line one for emergency notification.

EmergAddress2 - Address line two for emergency notification(ex. apartment #).

EmergCity - City location for emergency notification person(s).

EmergState - State for emergency notification person(s).

EmergZip - Zip code for emergency notification person(s).

EmergZip4 - Zip code plus four*GMailAddress1 - Address line one for guardian(s).

EHomeArea - Student's 911 emergency contact's home phone area code.

EHomePhn - Student's 911 emergency contact's home phone number.

EHomeExt - Student's 911 emergency contact home phone extension.

EWorkArea - Student's 911 emergency contact's work phone area code.

EWorkPhn - Student's 911 emergency contact's phone number.

EWorkExt - Student's 911 emergency contact's work phone extension.

ECellArea - Student's 911 emergency contact's phone area code.

GMailAddress2 - Address line two for guardian(s)(ex. apartment #).

GMailCity - City location for guardian(s).

GMailState - State for the guardian(s) address.

GPhyAddress - Address line one for the guardian(s).

GPhyAddress2 - Address line two for the guardian(s)(ex. apartment #).

GPhyCity - Guardian(s) physical city.

GPhyState - Guardian(s) physical state.

GPhyZip - Guardian(s) physical zip code.

GPhyZip4 - Zip code plus four.

MAddress1 - Mother`s address line one.

MAddress2 - Mother`s address line two(ex. apartment #).

MCity - City for mother`s address.

MState - State for mother`s address.

MZip - Zip code for mother`s address.

MZip4 - Zip code plus four.

FAddress1 - Father`s address line one.

FAddress2 - Father`s address line two(ex. apartment #).

FCity - City for father`s address.

FState - State for father`s address.

FZip - Zip code for father`s address.

FZip4 - Zip code plus four.

To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.



Setup - Click to go back to the Setup box.

Print - This will allow the user to print the report.

Help - Click to view written instructions and/or videos.

Student Master Main Page

JCampus Main Page

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki