Grade Distribution

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Video How-to

Grade Distribution Report video


This program can be accessed using either of the following methods:

  • Admin or Direct access via the left navigation panel, select Grades > Count > Grade Distribution Report.
Using this method, the setup options will pop up when the program opens.
  • Teacher via the Gradebook, select Reports > Grades > Grade Distribution Report.
Using this method, the setup options will NOT pop up when the program is displayed. The user will need to click on the setup button associated with the program to bring up the setup options.

Setup Options








Class Period

Course Group

Course Name

Marking Period


As Of Date



Special Codes



OK - Click to continue.

Column Options

Sch - School site number

Teacher - Teacher name To obtain a quick list of the teacher's attendance record and student discipline referral incident count, click on the teacher's name.

Course - Course name

TGR: Total grades posted.

Column Header A, A%, through F, F%: Count of students with an A, B, etc., followed by the percent of each. If the user clicks on the number in the grades count cells, the roster of students who have that grade will be displayed on the screen.

  • To obtain a quick list of students failing a single course, click on the count of "F" grades for a single course.
  • To obtain a quick list of students failing all classes taught by a teacher, on the teacher summary row, click on the count of "F" grades.

Column Header P, P%: Number of students earning a grade of P followed by the percent.*Column Header O, O% through U, U%: Number of students earning a grades of O, S, N, U followed by the percent of each.

Column Header I, I%: Number of students with an incomplete followed by the percent.

Column NUM: Total numeric points divided by total grades posted.

Column Grade: Grading scale letter equivalent of the NUM column. This field will be empty if a mix of grading scales are used.

Column OT: The total of other grades posted.

column QP: The total quality points divided by the number of grades posted.

Num - Total numeric points divided by total grades posted. Clicking in the cell will display a drill down of the grades counted. This field will be empty if mixed grading scales are used.

Grade - Grading scale letter equivalent of the NUM column. Clicking in this cell will display a drill down of the grades being counted. This field will be empty if mixed grading scales are used.

Print - To find the print instructions, follow this link: Standard Print Options.

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