Graduation Template Editor

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Revision as of 11:38, 2 January 2018 by Egadmin (talk | contribs)
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The Graduation Template Editor will allow the counselor to create a multi-year request template so that they may easily load in students` requests by using the Student Graduation Template Loader. Once loaded, the counselor can quickly review the students` current and future requests and make adjustments based on the students` progress.

Grad template.png On the left, click on Scheduling. Under Entry, select Graduation Template Editor.

File:Gte.pngFor this specific setup box, see the definitions below. To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.

  1. Click the Ok button.

Definitions of Column Headers

To find definitions of commonly used columns follow this link: Common Column Headers.

Enter a Name and Description for the template. Make sure the name is unique for every template created.


Delete - deletes that row only
Course Name - name of the course
Gd - course grade level
Yr Taken - year the course was taken
PreReq Course 1,2,3 - course needed before chosen course is taken
PreReq Gd 1,2,3 -
CoReq Course 1,2,3 -
CoReq Gd 1,2,3 -
Save - saves that row only


Search - allows you to narrow your courses to certain transcript groups or you can use the search box

Print Options

To find the print instructions, follow this link: Standard Print Options.

Sorting and other data manipulations are explained in the following link: List Programs Instructions/Video

JCampus / Scheduling

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki