Audit Log
Audit Review Report - This program will allow the user to view who has accessed certain programs and the date and time stamp of when they entered.
On the left, click on System, Entry, then select Audit Log.
Setup Box Options
To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.
For other set up values not listed in the standard set up list:
Login - If you want to limit your search by a certain login, click in the box and choose the login(s). The box to the left of Value works as a "Select All".
Categories -If you want to limit your search by a certain catergory, click in the box and choose the category(s). The box to the left of Value works as a "Select All".
Programs - If you want to limit your search by a certain program, click in the box and choose the program(s). The box to the left of Value works as a "Select All".
Permissions -If you want to limit your search by a certain permission, click in the box and choose the permission(s). The box to the left of Value works as a "Select All".
Host Name - If you want to limit your search by a certain host name, click in the box and choose the host name(s). The box to the left of Value works as a "Select All".
IP Addresses - If you want to limit your search by a certain IP address, click in the box and choose the IP address(s). The box to the left of Value works as a "Select All".
Messages - for internal use only
Click OK to move to the next screen.
Column Headers
To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.
For other columns not listed in the common column list:
Date - The date that the user accessed the program
Login - credentials required to obtain access to a program
Category - which area you want to search
Program - which program in the category chosen you want to search
Permission - profiles of users that defines their permission into programs
Host Name - the computer the user was on
IP Address - the IP address of the user's computer
Message - for internal use only
Java version - lists the version of Java used by the user's computer
JPAMS version - lists the version of JPAMS by the user's computer
Print Options
To find the print instructions, follow this link: Standard Print Options.
Sorting and other data manipulations are explained in the following link: List Programs Instructions/Video