Setup and Load A/B Scheduling
This program is a fast loader that assigns days of the week to display in the column in the Master Schedule Editor. This indicates the days that the section is taught in a A/B schedule. This will come in handy when the schedules are printed as it shows the student which days to attend class. In the program Print Student Schedules, check the "Print A/B DOW Titles" if your school use AB DOW titles.
Menu Location
On the left navigation panel, select Scheduling > Loaders > Setup and Load AB Schedules.
Setup Options
Year - Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.
District - Default value is based on the user's security settings. It will be limited to their district only.
School - Default value is based on the user's security settings. If the user is assigned to a school, the school default value will be their school site code.
Course Grades - This option limits the courses to only those with the selected grades.
Class Periods - Select master schedule class periods to process
OK - Click to continue
To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.
Column Headers on Left Side
School - Students enrolled School.
DoW - Day of the week.
Section - Section number.
CP - Class period.
Teacher's Name - Name of Teacher.
Staff ID - Staff ID number.
Course - Local course name.
CGD - Course grade.
S1 - Semester 1 availability.
S2 - Semester 2 availability.
S3 - Semester 3 availability.
S4 - Semester 4 availability.
C1 - Load count for semester 1.
C2 - Load count for semester 2.
C3 - Load count for semester 3.
C4 - Load count for semester 4.
Room - Room number.
Record No - Record number.
To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.
Column Headers on Right Side
School - School site number.
DoW Title - Title for this day of the week.
All - Select "All" to auto-select or (un-select) all days of the week for the row.
Monday - Class taught on this day of the week.
Tuesday - Class taught on this day of the week.
Wednesday - Class taught on this day of the week.
Thursday - Class taught on this day of the week.
Friday - Class taught on this day of the week.
Saturday - Class taught on this day of the week.
Del - Click to delete this record.
Rec No - Record number.
To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.
Setup - Click to go back to the Setup box.
Print - This will allow the user to print the report.
Help - Click to view written instructions and/or videos.
New AB Section