Pattern Board Student Scheduler

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Menu Location

Teacher Menu Administrator Menu
Pattern Board Menu.png

Setup Options (For Administrators Only)


Year - Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.

District - Default value is based on the user's security settings. It will be limited to their district only.

School - Default value is based on the user's security settings. If the user is assigned to a school, the school default value will be their school site code.

As of Date - This choice will list only those students who are actively enrolled as of the date selected in the date field.

Schedule Start Date - Select the date that the students started taking the course.

Student Grade - Leave the field blank if all grade levels are to be included. Otherwise, choose the desired grade.


All - Select to view all students.

Sped Only - Select to view only Sped students.

Non Sped - Select to view only non Sped students.

Special Codes - Leave blank if all special codes are to be included into the report. Otherwise, choose the desired special code.

Clubs - Leave blank if all clubs are to be included into the report. Otherwise, choose the desired club code.

Select Team - Leave blank if all team names are to be included into the report. Otherwise, choose the desired team.

Class Load Color Highlighting - Select this option to have cells colored based on the number of students scheduled to the section.

Team Scheduling - This selection should only be used if your school is using Team Scheduling. Check the box to view the student`s team on the screen.

Limit Master Schedule Viewer By Student Grade (right click) - Select this option to limit the master schedule records, on right cell click, by student grade.

Show Courses Not Being Offered - Select this option to display courses not offered on the master schedule.

Show Master Schedule Comments - Select this option to display comments from the master schedule in the course listing.

Student Grade - Select this option to limit the master schedule records by student grade when auto-scheduling the student.

Requested Course Grade - Select this option to limit the master schedule records by the requested course`s grade level when auto-scheduling.

Display Long Course Names - Select this option to display the long course name in the master schedule screen. The default language is English.

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.

Print Options

Pattern Board Setup 2.png

Semester - Select the semesters to print.

Class Period - Select the class periods to print.

Scheds Per Page - Select the number of schedules to print per page.

Order To List - Select the default print order (Alpha, Grade, Homeroom, Team, Advisor, Counselor, Counselor, Class Period order).

Period Order - Select the class period in which to order the schedules.

Print Locker Information - Select to print the student`s locker information on the student`s schedule.

Print Comment - Select to print the master schedule comments on the student`s schedule.

Include Blank Student Schedules - Select to print students without requests or schedule records.

Print AB DOW Titles - Select to print the master schedule`s A/B DOW title.

Print Unscheduled Requests - Select to print a list of the student`s unscheduled requests underneath each schedule.

Only Show Students With Unscheduled Requests - Select to print only students with at least one unscheduled request.

Hide DOW Title - Select this option to hide the DOW column.

Print Master Schedule Comments Instead of DOW - Select to print the master schedule comments instead of the DOW on the student`s schedule.

Print Short Form (1 One Schedule Per Page Only) - Select to print the student's short form. This applies only when printing one student schedule per page.

Student Lunch ID - Select to print student lunch ids on the student`s schedule.

Print Demographics - Select to print the student`s demographic page.

Print State ID Number - Select to print the student`s SASID on the schedule (Only available when printing one schedule per page).

Print Course State Code - Select to print the course record`s state course code on the student`s schedule (Only available when printing one schedule per page).

Print Course Long Names Instead Of Short Names - Select to print the course long name instead of the course short names on the student`s schedule. The short name will be printed if no long name has been assigned to the course.

Color Setup

Pattern Board Setup 3.png

Level 1 Sections with few students - Select the color to display when there are only a few, based on the selected Low Level Ratio, students scheduled to the class.

Low level ratio - Select the level of students that will turn the cell to the selected level 1 color. Select from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 0.5, which is 50% of the class.

Level 2 Sections with a medium number - Select the color to display when there are a medium number, based on the selected Medium Level Ratio, of students scheduled to the class.

Medium level ratio - Select the level of students that will turn the cell to the selected level 2 color. Select from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 0.8, which is 80% of the class.

Level 3 Sections with a high number - Select the color to display when there are a High number, based on the selected High Level Ratio, of students scheduled to the class.

High level ratio -Select the level of students that will turn the cell to the selected level 3 color. Select from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 1.0, which is 100% of the class.

Note - This is optional. Not required for scheduling purposes.

To find definitions for other standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.



Top Main Column Headers

Course - Name of the request/scheduled course.

Credit - Number of credits the course is worth.

Alt - Flag that denotes that a course is an alternate or general alternate course.

SEM 1, 2, 3, 4 - The semester a course is available to be scheduling in.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. - The class period a course is available to be scheduled in.

To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.

Bottom Main Column Headers

Search - Here is how it works:

  • First, it will search for courses that begin with the text entered into the search bar.
  • Then, it will search for courses that contain the text.
  • Finally, it will search for the typed text in the course grade, course name, and group description field.

All Courses - Click to switch between all courses by student grade level and all courses

Graduation Templates - Click to schedule the student to a graduation template. It will show a template number and a template description.

GD - Grade level of the course

COURSE NAME - Local name for the course (prints on report cards, screens, etc.)

CRE - Credit Carnegie Unit value

HONR - Course Categories (EX: Honors, Obsolete, TOPS)

ST - Standard Course for grade indicator

SE - Number Horizontal Semesters-one session-this course

PD - Number of Vertical Periods-one session-this course

ST CODE - State Code assigned for course

ST COURSE - State Course Name

LNUM - Local Course Number

PT - Priority Code for auto scheduling--higher number has more priority

SEQ - SEQ Horzontal Semester Priority

VOC PRI - Vocational Course--only necessary to code this column for primary only

GR TYPE - Course Grade Type ID for grades calculations

SEM FINAL - Grade Type Semester Final

GRP - State Approved Transcript Group. 1=Eng, 3=Math, etc.

REC - Record Number

SCH - School Number where course is taught

OBJFUN - Employee Job Code for this Course

PDF - Obsolete

FWGT - Final Weight Percentage for final exam. This applies to the E2 grade as a percentage of the overall grade

PART - Part Number used for Partial Year Courses to denote what half is taken

FIVE PT - Uses the 5 point grading scale

WEIGHT - Course Weight override of sponsor PPP settings

CTYPE - Course Type Designation

To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.



Find - Find a student.

Prev - Click to view the previous student.

Next - Click to view the next student.

iGear - Click to view other areas for the student such as Attendance, Discipline, Grades, etc.

NSR - Non site requests. Shows schedule requests for non enrolled sites but will be grayed out if student has no requests from other school sites within the district.

Print - This will allow the user to print the report.

Setup - Click to return to the setup box.

Auto - Click to automatically schedule the selected course requests.

  • Preserve Manually Scheduled - This will reschedule all of the courses that are NOT already manually scheduled (marked with an 'M').
  • Reschedule All - This option will reschedule all of the courses, including the courses that were manually scheduled.

Set Man - Click to set all scheduled requests to manually scheduled. This will keep the automatic scheduler from changing the requested sections.

Set Auto - Click to set all scheduled requests to automatically scheduled. The will allow the automatic scheduler to change the requested course.

Undo - Click to undo all changes made to the student`s schedule.

Unsched - Click to unschedule the student.

Delete All - Click to delete all requests and scheduled items.

Reports - Click to view the student`s Diploma Pathway, Career Option, Cluster, and Concentration.

Help - Click to view written instructions and/or videos.


GD - Student`s grade.

Yr - School year selected on the setup box.

Dist - Student`s school district.

Sch - Student`s school.

Team - The teams the student was assigned to.


Student Information Bar - Displays whether a student has SPED, 504, LEP, or HEALTH records by appearing in, most often, red. Click on the button to view a summary of the student`s information.

Credit - Displays the number of unscheduled credits verses scheduled credits.

How To

Scheduling a Student

Move Grades

Scheduling Main Page

Classroom Main Page

JCampus Main Page

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