Current GPA Report

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This report provides the user with a current year GPA and a cumulative GPA for the current year.

Menu Location


On the left navigation panel, select Grades > Lists > Current GPA Report .

Setup Options


Year - Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.

District - Default value is based on the user's security settings. It will be limited to their district only.

School - Default value is based on the user's security settings. If the user is assigned to a school, the school default value will be their school site code.

Grade - Leave blank or select all to include all grade levels. Otherwise, choose the desired grade.

Special Code - Leave blank if all special codes are to be included into the report. Otherwise, choose the desired special code.

Program Code - Leave blank if all program codes are to be included into the report. Otherwise, choose the desired program code.

Gender - Leave blank or select all to include both genders. Otherwise, choose the desired gender.

Ethnic - Leave blank or select all to include all ethnicities. Otherwise, choose the desired enthnicity.

Order to List

  • Alpha - This will run the report in alphabetical order.
  • Grade - This will run the report by grade level.
  • Homeroom - This will run the report by Homeroom teachers.
  • Counselor - This will runt he report by counselor.
  • School - This will run the report for the entire school.

Homeroom - Leave blank if all homerooms are to be included into the report. Otherwise, choose the desired homeroom.

Counselor - Leave blank if all counselors are to be included into the report. Otherwise, click in the field to select the desired counselor(s) to view.

Advisor - Selects students for this report based on the Advisor that have been assigned to individual students.

Team - Leave blank if all teams are to be included into the report. Otherwise, choose the desired team.

Club - Leave blank if all clubs are to be included into the report. Otherwise, choose the desired club code.

Sport - Leave blank if all sport codes are to be included into the report. Otherwise, choose the desired sport code.

As of Date - This choice will list only those students who are actively enrolled as of the date selected in the date field.


  • All - This is for all student's.
  • Sped Only - This is for sped only student's.
  • Non Sped - This is for non sped student's.


  • All - This is for all student's.
  • 504 Only - This is for 504 only student's.
  • Non 504 - This is for non 504 student's.


  • All - This is for all student's.
  • LEP Only - This is for sped only student's.
  • Non LEP - This is for non LEP student's.

Show Remote Schedule Only - This will only display the students with remote schedules.

Military Students Only - List only students whose parents have military status.

Show Mailing Address - This will display the student's mail address to print.

GPA Print Type

  • Alpha Basic - 4.0 GPA but will allow for the states 5.0 courses to be averaged in but not the W, 7 and H in the Course Catalog's Honor column.
  • Alpha Loaded - 5.0 scale using courses that are designated in the Course Catalog's Honor column.
  • Alpha Raw - pure 4.0 GPA but will NOT allow for the states 5.0 courses to be averaged in.
  • Numeric Basic - same as the definition for Alpha Basic but uses numeric grades.
  • Numeric Loaded - same as the definition for Alpha Loaded but uses numeric grades.

Cumulative GPA on

  • Grading Period - Choose to use Grading Period grades only for averaging.
  • Semester - Choose to use Semester grades only for averaging.
  • Final - Choose to use the grade in the Final column for averaging based on the Pupil Progression in the Sponsor Site settings.

Update GPA - Click to calculate current year grading period averages.

OK to continue.

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.



Column Headers

Sch - Student's school of enrollment

SIDNO - Student's identification number

Student Name - Name of the student

Mailing Address Line 1 - This will display the student's mailing address if selected on the set up screen.

Mailing Address Line 2 - This will display the student's mailing address if selected on the set up screen.

Mailing City - This will display the student's mailing city if selected on the set up screen.

Mailing Zip - This will display the student's mailing zip code if selected on the set up screen.

Grd - Student's grade level

P1-P6 - Progress periods

S1-S2 - Semesters

F1 - Final

Cume is cumulative grade average of the current year grades depending on if you choose, grading periods, semesters or final.

Order is the display order.

To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.

Note: When you see blanks on this report, it means the student has a zero (0) for their GPA as they have a failing grade. Instead of a zero (0), the report will leave a blank to signify a 0.



Setup - Click to go back to the Setup box.

Print - This will allow the user to print the report.

Help - Click to view written instructions and/or videos.

Grades Main Page

JCampus Main Page

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