Pattern Board Student Scheduler

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Teacher Menu Administrator Menu
Pattern Board Menu.png

Setup Options (For Administrators Only)


Year - Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.

District - Default value is based on your security settings. You will be limited to your district only.

School - Default value is based on your security settings. If you are assigned to a school, the school default value will be your school site code. You will not be able to change this value. If you are a supervisor or other district office employee with access to the Student Information System, you will be able to run programs for one school, a small group of schools, or all schools in your district.

As Of Date - This choice will list only those students who are actively enrolled as of the date selected in the date field.

Schedule Start Date - Select the date that the students started taking the course.

Student Grade - Grade level of students whose records need to be edited or whose names are to be included on a report. Leave the field blank if all grade levels are to be included. Otherwise, click in the field to the right of Grade(s) to select the desired grade level(s) to be included.

Show - Select whether to view all students, sped students only, or non-sped students only.

Special Codes - Special Codes must have been entered into the Student Master record for students. Leave blank if all special codes are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Special Codes to select the desired special code(s) to view.

Clubs - Extracurricular activities in which students may participate. Leave blank if all clubs are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Clubs to select the desired club(s) to view.

Select Team - This selection should only be used if your school is using Team Scheduling. Leave blank if all team names are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Teams to select the desired Teams(s) to view.

Class Load Color Highlighting - Select this option to have cells colored based on the number of students scheduled to the section.

Team Scheduling - This selection should only be used if your school is using Team Scheduling. Check the box to view the student`s team on the screen.

Limit Master Schedule Viewer By Student Grade (right click) - Select this option to limit the master schedule records, on right cell click, by student grade.

Show Courses Not Being Offered - Select this option to display courses not offered on the master schedule.

Show Master Schedule Comments - Select this option to display comments from the master schedule in the course listing.

Student Grade - Select this option to limit the master schedule records by student grade when auto-scheduling the student.

Requested Course Grade - Select this option to limit the master schedule records by the requested course`s grade level when auto-scheduling.

Display Long Course Names - Select this option to display the long course name in the master schedule screen. The default language is English.

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.

Print Options

Pattern Board Setup 2.png

Semester - Select the semesters to print.

Class Period - Select the class periods to print.

Scheds Per Page - Select the number of schedules to print per page.

Order To List - Select the default print order (Alpha, Grade, Homeroom, Team, Advisor, Counselor, Counselor, Class Period order).

Period Order - Select the class period in which to order the schedules.

Print Locker Information - Select to print the student`s locker information on the student`s schedule.

Print Comment - Select to print the master schedule comments on the student`s schedule.

Include Blank Student Schedules - Select to print students without requests or schedule records.

Print AB DOW Titles - Select to print the master schedule`s A/B DOW title.

Print Unscheduled Requests - Select to print a list of the student`s unscheduled requests underneath each schedule.

Only Show Students With Unscheduled Requests - Select to print only students with at least one unscheduled request.

Hide DOW Title - Select this option to hide the DOW column.

Print Master Schedule Comments Instead of DOW - Select to print the master schedule comments instead of the DOW on the student`s schedule.

Print Short Form (1 One Schedule Per Page Only) -

Student Lunch ID - Select to print student lunch ids on the student`s schedule.

Print Demographics - Select to print the student`s demographic page.

Print State ID Number - Select to print the student`s SASID on the schedule (Only available when printing one schedule per page).

Print Course State Code - Select to print the course record`s state course code on the student`s schedule (Only available when printing one schedule per page).

Print Course Long Names Instead Of Short Names - Select to print the course long name instead of the course short names on the student`s schedule. The short name will be printed if no long name has been assigned to the course.

Color Setup

Pattern Board Setup 3.png

Level 1 Sections with few students - Select the color to display when there are only a few, based on the selected Low Level Ratio, students scheduled to the class.

Low level ratio - Select the level of students that will turn the cell to the selected level 1 color. Select from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 0.5, which is 50% of the class.

Level 2 Sections with a medium number - Select the color to display when there are a medium number, based on the selected Medium Level Ratio, of students scheduled to the class.

Medium level ratio - Select the level of students that will turn the cell to the selected level 2 color. Select from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 0.8, which is 80% of the class.

Level 3 Sections with a high number - Select the color to display when there are a High number, based on the selected High Level Ratio, of students scheduled to the class.

High level ratio -Select the level of students that will turn the cell to the selected level 3 color. Select from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 1.0, which is 100% of the class.

Note - This is optional. Not required for scheduling purposes.

To find definitions for other standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.


Pattern Board Main.png

Column Headers

Course - Name of the request/scheduled course.

Credit - Number of credits the course is worth.

Alt - Flag that denotes that a course is an alternate or general alternate course.

SEM 1, 2, 3, 4 - The semester a course is available to be scheduling in.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. - The class period a course is available to be scheduled in.

To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.


Pattern Board Top.png

Find - Find a student.
Prev - Click to view the previous student.
Next - Click to view the next student.
iGear - Click to view other areas for the student such as Attendance, Discipline, Grades, etc.
Print - Click to print a student`s schedule.
Setup - Click to return to the setup box.
Auto - Click to automatically schedule the selected course requests.
  • Preserve Manually Scheduled - This will reschedule all of the courses that are NOT already manually scheduled (marked with an 'M').
  • Reschedule All - This option will reschedule all of the courses, including the courses that were manually scheduled.
Set Man - Click to set all scheduled requests to manually scheduled. This will keep the automatic scheduler from changing the requested sections.
Set Auto - Click to set all scheduled requests to automatically scheduled. The will allow the automatic scheduler to change the requested course.
Undo - Click to undo all changes made to the student`s schedule.
Unsched - Click to unschedule the student.
Delete All - Click to delete all requests and scheduled items.
Reports - Click to view the student`s Diploma Pathway, Career Option, Cluster, and Concentration.
Help - Click to go to the scheduling help documentation.
GD - Student`s grade.
Yr - School year selected on the setup box.
Dist - Student`s school district.
Sch - Student`s school.
Team - The teams the student was assigned to.
Student Information Bar - Displays whether a student has SPED, 504, LEP, or HEALTH records by appearing in, most often, red. Click on the button to view a summary of the student`s information.
Credit - Displays the number of unscheduled credits verses scheduled credits.


Pattern Board Bottom.png

Search - By default, the search bar searches by the COURSE NAME column. Click on any other column header to search by the contents of the selected column.
All Courses - Click to switch between all courses by student grade level and all courses.

Column Headers

GD - Grade level of the course
COURSE NAME - Local name for the course (prints on report cards, screens, etc.)
CRE - Credit Carnegie Unit value
HONR - Course Categories (EX: Honors, Obsolete, TOPS)
ST - Standard Course for grade indicator
SE - Number Horizontal Semesters-one session-this course
PD - Number of Vertical Periods-one session-this course
ST CODE - State Code assigned for course
ST COURSE - State Course Name
LNUM - Local Course Number
PT - Priority Code for auto scheduling--higher number has more priority
SEQ - SEQ Horzontal Semester Priority
VOC PRI - Vocational Course--only necessary to code this column for primary only
GR TYPE - Course Grade Type ID for grades calculations
SEM FINAL - Grade Type Semester Final
GRP - State Approved Transcript Group. 1=Eng, 3=Math, etc.
REC - Record Number
SCH - School Number where course is taught
OBJFUN - Employee Job Code for this Course
PDF - Obsolete
FWGT - Final Weight Percentage for final exam. This applies to the E2 grade as a percentage of the overall grade
PART - Part Number used for Partial Year Courses to denote what half is taken
FIVE PT - Uses the 5 point grading scale
WEIGHT - Course Weight override of sponsor PPP settings
CTYPE - Course Type Designation

How To

Scheduling a Student
Move Grades

Scheduling Main Page

Classroom Main Page

JCampus Main Page

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki