Teacher Class Period Breakdown
From EDgearWiki
This program report gives the count by ethnicity and the percentage for each ethnicity for each class period. The report also includes the ethnicity of the teacher and the categories in each period. The Categories includes (1) All special ed, (2) all English language learners (3) all gifted or (4) no special grouping.
Menu Location
On the left navigation panel, select Scheduling > Count > Teacher Class Period Breakdown.
Setup Options
- The following items are not part of the standard setup options:
- Expand Race--Will give all of the races at the school per class period.
- Combine Student Grade(s)--Combines all of the student in that class period instead of listing each grade level separately.
- Include No Loaded Period(s)--The teachers with no students assigned to them will be included.
- Include Course Name--To include course name to report.
- To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.
Column Headers
- To find definitions of commonly used columns follow this link: Common Column Headers.
- District (Dist) - district in which the student is enrolled
- School/Site - site code of the school in which the student/employee is enrolled/works
- Teacher - name of the teacher of the course in which the student is enrolled
- Ethnic, Eth - primary ethnicity of the student/employee
- Gender - gender of the student/employee
- CP - Class Period
- Course Name/Course Code - Name(s)/Codes(s) of the course(s) in which the student is enrolled or as listed in the Master Schedule or Course Catalog
- Grade, Grd - grade level of the student and/or course
- Cat - will give you a y-yes and n-no if all students in the class are classified with all four:
- *All Sped
- *All English language learners (ELL)
- *All Gifted
- *No special grouping
- CNT - Gives the count of each race included for the report
- % - Gives the percentage of each racial makeup of the class
- NOTE--Clicking on a column cell count will produce a list of student(s) that make up that count.
- Setup--the user may change the settings previously selected for running the program
- Print--To find the print instructions, follow this link: Standard Print Options.
- Help--takes you to the Help website for written instructions and instructional videos
- Employee Ethnicity Legend--Show/Print legends for the teachers ethnicity value and the category field values.
- Student Category Legend--Show/Print legends for the students category field values.
Print Options
To find the print instructions, follow this link: : Standard Print Options.
JCampus Main Page --Egadmin 10:29, 2 January 2018 (CST)