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This program will provide the user a way to create and maintain event messages for communication.

Menu Location

On the left navigation panel, select Communication > Entry > Student Event Message or click on the Phone icon at the top right of the screen.


Whether the menu option is chosen or the phone icon is chosen, a normal or an emergency call can be created to send out to students and staff.


For creation of the emergency description buttons, go to Communication>Message Manager>Emergency tab.

Select either Normal or Emergency.

Note that the only staff members that have permission can view and create Emergency call(s), which is hard coded in the JCall system, are Admin (AD and 700), Principals (PR, S0), Assistant Principals (AP), and Superintendent (SI). A 911 call manually cannot be input when creating a new message and is only available through the emergency call button.

Setup Options

Event setup box.png

Year - Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.

District - Default value is based on the user's security settings. It will be limited to their district only.

School - Default value is based on the user's security settings. If the user is assigned to a school, the school default value will be their school site code.

All Students and Staff - Click to choose all students and staff members. The totals of the students and staff will display below the buttons. Click on the totals to see a roster of the student/staff with other information as well.

All Students - Click to choose all students. The total of the students will display below the buttons. Click on the total to see a roster of the student with other information as well.

All Staff - Click to choose all staff. The total of the staff members will display below the buttons. Click on the total to see a roster of the staff with other information as well.

Student Filters - Click to be able to choose from filters for the students.

Staff Filters - Click to be able to choose from filters for the staff members.

Schedule Call - Select if the message is to be scheduled for a future date/time.

  • Date - Select the date for the message to go out.
  • Time - Select the start time for messages to start going out.
  • Stop Time - Select the stop time for messages to stop going out. In Communication Configuration, calls are set for start and stop times for the district as a whole. This will override and allows an earlier time to be selected, if needed.

Next- Click to continue.





Previous - Select this option to return to the previous page.

Next- Click to continue.

Pre-Created Message - This will provide a way for a user to pre-create messages. A message must be created prior to setting up a campaign.

Campaign - These are messages that are setup in advance.


On The Fly - These are messages that are setup as needed (on the fly) and sent out.


Message Manager - Select to setup a campaign to send out at a later date.

Refresh - Refresh the screen to see Campaign or On The Fly messages that have been set up.


Title - This is the title that was set up for the campaign.

Description - This is the message that will be sent out in the campaign.

Voice - Count of Languages this Voice Recorded message has available to send. Click in the field and a popup box will appear. Select Add located at the bottom of the box. Another popup box will appear to select the language the message is to be sent out in and give it a title. Follow the instructions listed below.

WAV - Count of Languages this WAV message has available to send. Click in the field and a popup box will appear. Select Add located at the bottom of the box. Another popup box will appear to select the language the message is to be sent out in and give it a title. Follow the instructions listed below.

T2S - Count of Languages this Text to Speech message has available to send. Click in the field and a popup box will appear. Select Add located at the bottom of the box. Another popup box will appear to select the language the message is to be sent out in and give it a title. Follow the instructions listed below.

SMS - Count of Languages this SMS message has available to send. Click in the field and a popup box will appear. Select Add located at the bottom of the box. Another popup box will appear to select the language the message is to be sent out in and give it a title. Follow the instructions listed below.

Email - Count of Languages this Email message has available to send. Click in the field and a popup box will appear. Select Add located at the bottom of the box. Another popup box will appear to select the language the message is to be sent out in and give it a title. Follow the instructions listed below.

Created Date - This is the day and time the message was created.

Create User - This is the user who created the message.

Setup - Select the year, district and school.

Help - This takes you to written instructions and instructional videos.

Add - Select to add a new campaign.

Close - Select to close the popup box.

Previous - Select this option to return to the previous page.

Preview - Select to view the recording.

Send - Select to send out the message.

Record Message Over Phone - Select to record message over land and/or cell phone.

Follow the instruction below.

Event instructions.png

Record Voice Message With Microphone - Select to record and send out a voice message.

Follow the instructions below.

Record voice.png

Title - Add a title

Description - Add a description.

Script - This is only optional but the user can type in in the script here to read from once clicking on Record.

Record - Speak the message into a microphone that has been previously set up to your computer. Using JCampus Mobile, the user can also use their cell phone as a microphone.

Play - Once the message is recorded, the user can play back the message to check for accuracy.

Previous - Select this option to return to the previous page.

Preview - Select to view the recording.

Send - Select to send out the message.

WAV Voice Message - Select to choose and send out a WAV Voice Message from a previously recorded message using "Record Voice Message" or a new message can be created here as well.

Select voice.png

After checking the box to send out a WAV Voice Message, click Next to continue.

When the popup box appears, select Manage Recordings. Another popup box will appear to show all previous voice recording, select the New button located on the bottom of the page. By doing this, a title, description and script will need to entered, next select Record. Once this has been done, select Play to hear the recorded message. Make sure to select Save. The message can be deleted by selecting Cancel.

By selecting the Refresh button, the new recording will display in the list.

Previous - Select this option to return to the previous page.

Preview - Select to view the recording.

Send - Select to sent the message.

Text-to-Speech Message - Select to send out a Text-to-Speech Message.

Text to speech.png

Enter Title - Enter the title of the message.

Enter Message - Type the body of the message in this area to send out. There is an 800 character space limit.

Also send SMS - Check the box to send out a SMS message in addition to the Text to Speech message. The SMS character limit without a link being sent is 160 characters. Anything beyond that will always be sent with a link.

Also send email - Check the box to sent out an email in addition to the Text to Speech message. Note that if there is a pronunciation problem, send the text to voice call with the phonetic spelling of the words and then send a separate SMS message with the actual spelling.

Send in Home Language (if available) - Check the box to have the call attempt to translate the message text into the student's home language as marked in the Home Language field in the Student Master - Country Entry.

  • NOTE that, the 'Send in Home Language' option does not limit who receives the message, it only translates the message (if typed in English) to the student's home language. If you are already doing the translation on your side, you should use the 'Parent Home Language' option in the Student Filters window to limit who receives the English version and the Spanish version. If you don't want to worry about translating yourself, you can just type the message in English and select the 'Send in Home Language' option and the program will automatically send Spanish to those students who have Spanish as home language, in Student Master - Country Entry, and the original message for the English home language students.

Include Student Progress Center Message - If checked, this option will append the following text to the end of the message. Please visit your district's web based Student Progress Center for more details.

Previous - Select this option to return to the previous page.

Preview - Select to view the Text to Speech message being sent out.

Send - Select to sent the message.

SMS Text Message - Select to send out an SMS Text Message.


Enter Title - Enter the title of the message.

Enter Message - Type the body of the message in this area to send out. The SMS character limit without a link being sent is 160 characters. Anything beyond that will always be sent with a link.

Also send Text-To-Speech - Check the box to send out a Text to Speech message in addition to the SMS Message.

Also send email - Check the box to sent out an email in addition to the SMS Message message.

Send in Home Language (if available) - Check the box to have the call attempt to translate the message text into the student's home language as marked in the Home Language field in the Student Master - Country Entry.

  • NOTE that, the 'Send in Home Language' option does not limit who receives the message, it only translates the message (if typed in English) to the student's home language. If you are already doing the translation on your side, you should use the 'Parent Home Language' option in the Student Filters window to limit who receives the English version and the Spanish version. If you don't want to worry about translating yourself, you can just type the message in English and select the 'Send in Home Language' option and the program will automatically send Spanish to those students who have Spanish as home language, in Student Master - Country Entry, and the original message for the English home language students.

Previous - Select this option to return to the previous page.

Preview - Select to view the SMS message being sent out.

Send - Select to sent the SMS message.

Email - Select to sent out an Email.


Subject - Type the subject in the subject line.

Show Reply Name and Address - Check the box to show a reply name and address. If the box is left unchecked, it will automatically generate a reply message, Please do not reply to this email. Please contact the school with any questions you may have.

Message - Type in the body of the email message that will be sent out.

To Student - Check the box to send out an email to students.

Single Parent/Guardian - Check the box to send out an email to the first parent/guardian to have an email.

All Parents/Guardians - Check the box to send out an email to all parents/guardians listed with an email.

Previous - Select this option to return to the previous page.

Preview - Select to view the email message.

Send - Select to send the message. Once Send has been selected, a pop up box will appear with the number of students to send the email to.


Next a list will appear of all of the student's that will receive the email, along with a popup box reiterating the number of student's who will receive the email. Select OK for the email to send.


Add Attachment - By selecting this option, a popup box will appear. Next, select Add and it will display the JDrive to where the attachment was saved.

Communication Main Page

JCampus Main Page

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki