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'''This program will provide the user a way to load student's course requests to use in conjunction with the [[Automatic Scheduler]].'''
==Menu Location==
'''Scheduling > Entry > Load Student Course Requests'''
==Setup Options==
'''Year''' - Select the appropriate school year. For this program, select the Year for the '''upcoming''' school year.
'''District''' - Default value is based on the user's security settings. It will be limited to the user's district only.
'''School''' - Default value is based on the user's security settings. If the user is assigned to a school, the school default value will be the user's school site code.
'''Stu Grades''' - Select the grade level(s) of the students that need course requests.
'''Active Only''' - Check to include only those students who were active as of the date indicated in the date field below the ''Active Only'' button.
'''Date''' -  Select student active "as of date".
'''Include Scheduled Requests''' - Check this option to show student requests that have already been scheduled. Leave unchecked to view only unscheduled requests.
'''Allow Multiyear Requests''' - Check this option to enter student requests up to five years in advance.  Once inside the program, when clicking on the course name, a drop down will appear and allow the choice of multiple years.
'''Skip Obsolete Courses''' - Check this option to exclude courses that are marked as obsolete in the course selection list.
'''Course Grades''' - Click in this field to get a list of grades. Click on the grades in the list to limit the course selection list to those grade levels.
'''Create Courses From Master Schedule''' - Check this option to limit the course selection list to only those courses in the Master Schedule. Otherwise, the [[Course Catalog]] will be used.
'''Show Master Schedule Comments''' - Check this option if the comments entered in the Master Schedule Editor need to be displayed in the course list.
'''Edit Next School Request''' - This setting will allow the user to view the students at the schools they are enrolled for next, and load their templates for their next school. To use this feature, the user must have the security action for Load Student Course Requests of Allow Selection of Next Year Students. Check to be able to enter schedule requests for the current students while using the current year date and school on the setup box, for the next school year and school and even if they are going to a different school.
*Example: A middle school counselor can enter an eighth grade student`s schedule requests and/or five year plan for their high school record.
'''Current Year Requests Only''' - Select to show course requests for only the year selected on setup box instead of all future years. So if the student has more than one year of course requests entered, the Year column on the left side of the screen will only show the course requests that have been entered for the upcoming school year and not the future years.
'''Display Long Course Names''' - Check this option if you want the '''Long Course Names''' to be displayed in the course pick list.
'''Default Language''' - Click the drop-down arrow in the language selection field to choose the language to use to display the Long Course Name.
To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: [[Standard Setup Options]].
===Filters Options===
[[File:Load Student Course Request--additional filters.png]]
'''Spec Codes''' - Leave blank or select all to include all special codes.  Otherwise, choose the desired code.
'''Programs''' - Leave blank or select all to include all programs.  Otherwise, choose the desired program.
'''Exclude Special Codes''' - Leave blank if all special codes are to be included in the report. Otherwise, click in the field to the right of Exclude Special Codes to select the desired special code(s) to exclude.
'''Clubs''' - Leave blank or select all to include all clubs.  Otherwise, choose the desired club.
[[media:SC-LoadStudentCourseRequests.mov|Load Student Course Requests video]]
'''Sports''' - Leave blank or select all to include all sports.  Otherwise, choose the desired sport.
'''Counselor''' - Responsible for scheduling, testing, student grades and transcripts. Leave blank if all counselors are to be included in the report. Otherwise, click in the field to the right of Counselor to select the desired counselor(s) to view.
==Menu Location==
'''Team''' - Leave blank or select all to include all teams.  Otherwise, choose the desired team.
'''Show: All, Sped Only, Non Sped''' - Check the appropriate option button to filter the students as follows:
'''All''' - This options will show '''All''' students - both Special Education and Regular Education.
[[File:Load Student Course Request--location.png]] The '''Load Student Course Requests''' program can be accessed via the following path: '''JCampus -> Scheduling -> Entry -> Load Student Course Requests'''
'''Sped Only''' - This option will show only the Special Education students.
'''Non Sped''' - This option will show only the Regular Education students.
==Setup Options==
'''Ok''' - Click to continue.
'''Filters''' - Setup box is correct. This setup box will go away and the original '''program setup box will be displayed on the screen'''.
[[File:Load Student Course Req--Setup box.png]] To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: '''<span style="background:yellow">[[Standard Setup Options]]</span>'''.
'''Ok''' - Click to continue.
:'''Year''': Select the appropriate school year.  For this program, select the '''Year''' for the upcoming school year.
'''Note''' - The Setup Options can be revised at any time by clicking on the '''Setup''' button at the bottom of the screen and making changes to the appropriate options.''
:'''District''': Default value is based on your security settings. You will be limited to your district only.
:'''School''':  Default value is based on your security settings. If you are assigned to a school, the school default value will be your school site code. You will not be able to change this value. If you are a supervisor or other district office employee with access to the Student Information System, you will be able to run programs for one school, a small group of schools, or all schools in your district
:'''Stu Grades''':  Select the grade level(s) of the students that need course requests.
:'''Active Only''': Check to include only those students who were active as of the date indicated in the date field below the ''Active Only'' button.
:'''Include Scheduled Requests''': Check this option to show student requests that have already been scheduled.  Leave unchecked to view only unscheduled requests.
:'''Allow Multiyear Requests''':  Check this option to enter student requests up to five years in advance.
:'''Skip Obsolete Courses''': Check this option to exclude courses that are marked as obsolete in the course selection list.
:'''Course Grades''':  Click in this field to get a list of grades.  Click on the grades in the list to limit the course selection list to those grade levels.
:'''Create Courses From Master Schedule''':  Check this option to limit the course selection list to only those courses in the master schedule.
:'''Show Master Schedule Comments''':  Check this option if the comments entered in the Master Schedule Editor need to be displayed in the course list.
:'''Course Long Name Options''':  Complete this section regarding the options for displaying the Long Course Names:
::*''Display Long Course Names'':  Check this option if you want the ''Long Course Names" to be displayed in the course pick list.
::*''Default Language'':  Click on the drop-down arrow in the language selection field to choose the language to use to display the Long Course Name.
==Filters Options==
[[File:Load Student Course Request--setup box.png]]  [[File:Load Student Course Request--additional filters.png]]
===Left Column Headers===
:'''Spec Codes''':  This field will filter the list based on Special Codes.  Special Codes must have been entered into the Student Master record for students. Leave blank if all special codes are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to right to get a list of Special Codes to choose from.
'''Diploma Path''' - Student's diploma pathway.
:'''Programs''':  This field will filter the list based on Programs.  Programs must have been entered into the Student Master record for students. Leave blank if all Program codes are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right to get a list of Program Codes to choose from.
:'''Exclude Special Codes''': Leave blank if all special codes are to be excluded into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Exclude Special Codes to select the desired special code(s) to exclude.
:'''Clubs''': Extracurricular activities in which students may participate. Leave blank if all clubs are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Clubs to select the desired club(s) to view.
:'''Sports''': Leave blank if all sports are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Sports to select the desired sport(s) to view.
:'''Counselor''': Responsible for scheduling, testing, student grades and transcripts. Leave blank if all counselors are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Counselor to select the desired counselor(s) to view.
:'''Team''': This selection should only be used if your school is using Team Scheduling. Leave blank if all team names are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Teams to select the desired Teams(s) to view.
:'''Show: All, Sped Only, Non Sped''': Check the appropriate option button to filter the students as follows:
::*''All'':  This options will show ''All'' student - both Special Education and Regular Education.
::*''Sped Only'':  This option will show only the Special Education students.
::*''Non Sped'':  This option will show only the Regular Education students.
'''Career Option''' - Student's career option.
Click the '''Ok''' button when the '''Filters''' setup box is correct. This setup box will go away and the original '''program setup box will be displayed on the screen'''.  
'''Cluster''' - Student's vocational cluster(s).
Click the '''Ok''' button on the original setup box to enter the program.
'''Concentration''' - Student's vocational concentration(s).
''Note:  The Setup Options can be revised at any time by clicking on the '''Setup''' button at the bottom of the screen and making changes to the appropriate options.''
'''D''' - Delete record.
[[#top|Top of Page]]
'''Student Request''' - Course request.
'''Long Name''' - Requested course long name.
===<u>Loading Course Requests for a Single Student</u>===
'''Year''' - Year for this request-click to reschedule this request to a different future year.
===='''Finding the Student'''====
:*'''Find''':  Use the "Find" button at the bottom of the screen to bring up the Find box and search for the specific student.
:*'''Scrolling''':  Use the "Prev" or "Next" button at the bottom of the screen to scroll through the list of students.
===='''Loading the Course Requests'''====
:*'''Load Student''':  Use the "Load Student" button at the bottom of the screen to bring up the form below to load the course requests.
[[File:Load Student Course Req 3.png]]
'''CR''' - Credit for this course by semester.
::'''Select Standard/Priority Codes'''
::The user can select one, multiple, or all of the following options:
:::*''All Courses(*)'':  Select this option to load "*" standard courses to students.
:::*''Female Courses (F)'':  Select this option to load "F" standard courses to females.
:::*''Male Courses (M)'':  Select this option to load "M" standard courses to males.
:::*''1 Elective Courses'':  Select this option to load priority code 1 courses to students.
:::*''2-5 Elective Courses'':  Select this option to load priority codes 2-5 courses to students.
:::*''6-9 Elective Courses'':  Select this option to load priority codes 6-9 courses to students.
::'''SELECT COURSES (overrides standard/priority selections)'''
:::Clicking on this button will bring up the Course List and will allow the user to select one or more courses to add as requests to the selected students.
::'''Select Year(s) To Load'''
:::The user can select one or more of the school years displayed.
::Click on the "'''OK'''" button to process the selected operations and close the window or click on the "'''Cancel'''" button to cancel the operations and close the window.
:*'''Manual Procedure''':  Click on a course in the right panel of the screen and it will appear as a request in the left panel. (See below)<br>
[[File:Load Student Course Req 5.png|frame|none|''Manually Load Student Course Request'']]<br>
[[#top|Top of Page]]
'''T''' - Transcript group for this course.
'''GD''' - Course grade level.
===<u>Loading Course Requests for Multiple Students</u>===
'''H''' - Half year flag. Choose 1 to have student placed in 1st semester or 2 for 2nd semester.
:'''Load School''':  Auto loads requests for all students for the selected grade(s)
[[File:Load Student Course Req 6.png]]
::'''Select Standard/Priority Codes'''
::The user can select one, multiple, or all of the following options:
:::*''All Courses(*)'':  Select this option to load "*" standard courses to students.
:::*''Female Courses (F)'':  Select this option to load "F" standard courses to females.
:::*''Male Courses (M)'':  Select this option to load "M" standard courses to males.
:::*''1 Elective Courses'':  Select this option to load priority code 1 courses to students.
:::*''2-5 Elective Courses'':  Select this option to load priority codes 2-5 courses to students.
:::*''6-9 Elective Courses'':  Select this option to load priority codes 6-9 courses to students.
::'''SELECT COURSES (overrides standard/priority selections)'''
:::Clicking on this button will bring up the Course List and will allow the user to select one or more courses to add as requests to the selected students.
::'''Select Year(s) To Load'''
:::The user can select one or more of the school years displayed.
::Click on the "'''OK'''" button to process the selected operations and close the window or click on the "'''Cancel'''" button to cancel the operations and close the window.
[[#top|Top of Page]]
'''Hon''' - Course honor code(s).
'''S''' - Course standard flag.
===<u>Deleting Course Requests for a Student</u>===
'''P''' - Course priority code.
#To delete a single request, click the red cell to the left of the course
#To delete auto loaded requests for the school:
##Click on the menu item "Action"
##A menu will drop down. Select the option "Delete All Auto Loaded Unsched Requests For School".  All auto loaded and unscheduled requests will be deleted
#To delete unscheduled requests for the selected student only:
##Click on the menu item "Action"
##A menu will drop down.  Select the option "Delete All Unsched Requests For Student"
[[#top|Top of Page]]
'''Alt''' - Request alternate course value.
'''Sect''' - Request section number if scheduled.
===<u>Alternate Course Requests</u>===
'''C''' - Request semester if scheduled.
Courses can be specified as "Alternate" courses, that is, courses that can be scheduled if the primary courses cannot be scheduled.
There are two types of Alternate Courses:
#'''Parent/Alternative''':  In this case, the alternate course is a substitution for a specific 'parent' course.
##''Specify the '''Parent''' course.
##''Specify the '''Alternative''' course.''  (A "Parent" course may have multiple "Alternative" courses)
#'''Generic Alternative''':  In this case, the alternative course can be substituted for any course in Transcript Groups 8 or 9.
<span style="color:red">'''''NOTE: The Automatic Scheduler will <u>NOT</u> try to schedule the Parent/Alternative alternate courses but <u>WILL</u> attempt to schedule the Generic Alternative courses if that option is selected in the Automatic Scheduler setup box.'''''</span>
'''Tea''' - Click in this field to request a teacher name. Only teacher's names that teach this course will appear in the teacher name list. The teacher(s) chosen will be used in the [[Automatic Scheduler]] setup box "Allow teacher requests", if checked.
====<u>Creating Parent/Alternative Course Requests</u>====
'''Tea ID''' - Request teacher ID.
'''Parent/Alternative: Step 1'''
===Right Column Headers===
[[File:LSR_Parent_Course.png|frame|none|''Create the "Parent" Course for the Parent/Alternative Setup'']]
'''Parent/Alternative: Step 2'''
'''GD''' - Grade where course is normally taken from.
[[File:LSR_Alternative_To_Parent_Course.png|frame|none|''Create the "Alternative" Course to a Corresponding "Parent" Course'']]
'''Course Name''' - Local name for the course. (prints on report cards, screens, etc.)
====<u>Creating Generic Alternative Course Request</u>====
'''Long Name''' - Expanded name of course include internationalization.
[[File:LSR_GA_Alternative_01.png|frame|none|''Create a "Generic Alternative" (GA) Course Request'']]
'''CRE''' - Credit-Carnegie Unit value-cocredit.
[[#top|Top of Page]]
'''HONR''' - Course catorgies-i.e. honors, obsolete TOPS, etc.
'''ST''' - Standard course for grade indicator.
'''SE''' - Number of horizontal semesters-one session-this course.
===<u>Additional Information</u>===
'''PD''' - Number of vertical class periods-one session-this course.
Additional information has been added to the Load Student Course Requests screen to further assist the counselors and others with determining the courses to request for the students.
[[File:LSCR_Additional_Information.png|frame|none|''Additional Information to the Load Student Course Requests program'']]
'''ST Code''' - State code-use 999999 for non-state courses such as conduct.  (Right click to enter 999999)  1) Left click-select state code from state listing.  2) Right click-type in the state code.
The following buttons are available:
'''ST Course''' - State course name normally 741 manual.
:'''SPED''':  Clicking on this button will bring up the Special Education information for the student.  If it is NOT colored, then no information is available.
'''LNUM''' - Local course number.
:'''504''':  Clicking on this button will bring up the 504 information for the student.  If it is NOT colored, then no information is available.
:'''LEP''':  Clicking on this button will bring up the LEP information for the student.  If it is NOT colored, then no information is available.
:'''Health''':  Clicking on this button will bring up the Health information for the student.  If it is NOT colored, then no information is available.
Also, the following information is also available:
'''PT''' - Priority code for automatic scheduling.  Higher number has more priority.
:'''Diploma Path''':  If available, the Diploma Path code and description will be displayed.
'''SEQ''' - This is the sequence as denoted in the Master Schedule Editor.
:'''Career Option''':  If available, the Career Option code and description will be displayed.
:'''Cluster''':  If available, the Career Cluster code and description will be displayed.
:'''Concentration:  If available, the Career Area of Concentration code and description will be displayed.
[[#top|Top of Page]]
'''VOC PRI''' - Vocational course-only necessary to code this column for primary only.
'''GRP''' - State approved transcript group.
===<u>Print Student Course Requests</u>===
'''REC''' - Record number.
Use the "PrtStu" button at the bottom of the screen to print the student(s) Course Request Forms
:'''PrtStu''':  Clicking on the "PrtStu" button displays the ''Print Course Request Forms'' setup/print box.
::[[File:LSR_PrtStu_Setup_Form.png|frame|none|''Print Course Request Form'']]
:::'''Print Options'''
:::*''Include Scheduled Requests'':  Select this option to show both scheduled and unscheduled requests.  Leave unchecked to show unscheduled requests only.
:::*''Print Course Offerings'':  Select this option to print all course offerings at the end of each student request form.  The Master Schedule must exist for the base year.
:::*''Print Stu Short Form'':  Select this option to print a student short form with each student request sheet.
:::*''Course Listing Layout'':  Select to have the course listing printed in a horizontal or vertical format.
::'''HomeRoom and Grade Range'''
:::*''Use Homeroom Order'':  Select to have the forms printed by HomeRoom Teacher and then alpha by student within the homeroom.
:::*''Homeroom Teacher'':  Click in the ''Homeroom Teacher'' field to select the Homeroom Teachers to print.
:::*''Grade'':  Click in the ''Grade'' field to further filter the grade level for the students in the selected homerooms.
::'''Student Selection'''
:::*''Special Codes'':  This field will filter the list based on Special Codes.  Special Codes must have been entered into the Student Master record for students. Leave blank if all special codes are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to right to get a list of Special Codes to choose from.
:::*''Programs'':  This field will filter the list based on Programs.  Programs must have been entered into the Student Master record for students. Leave blank if all Program codes are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to right to get a list of Program Codes to choose from.
:::*''Select Student(s)'':  Click in this field to select the student or students to print.  NOTE:  In some cases, there be no students to choose from due to the choices in the previous fields.  For instance, if select homeroom teacher "A" and grade "10", but there are no 10th grade students in teacher A's homeroom, there will be no students in the list.  The following field all combine to determine the students listed in the ''Select Student(s)'' field:  Homeroom Teacher, Grade, Special Codes, and Programs.
::'''Year and Credit Options'''
:::*''Add Alt Course Credit to Total Credits'':  Select this option to add the Alternate course credits to the Total credits for the student.
:::*''Print Year 1516'':  Print the information for school year 1516.  (Current school year plus 1).
:::*''Print Year 1617'':  Print the information for school year 1617.  (Current school year plus 2).
:::*''Print Year 1718'':  Print the information for school year 1718.  (Current school year plus 3).
:::*''Print Year 1819'':  Print the information for school year 1819.  (Current school year plus 4).
:::*''Text Box'':  Type in any comment you want to appear on the Course Request Forms.
:::*''Print Comments'':  Select this option if you want the Comments in the above Text Box to appear on the Course Request Forms.
::'''Buttons At Bottom of Form'''
:::*''Print Forms'':  Clicking on this button will print the Course Request Forms based on the above specifications.
:::*''Cancel'':  Cancels the PrtStu operation and closes the window.
[[#top|Top of Page]]
'''SCH''' - School number where course is taught.
'''OBJFUN''' - Employee job code for this course.
'''PDF''' - PDF file name.
===<u>Course Request Alert</u>===
'''FWGT''' - Final weight percentage for final exam.  This applies the E2 grade as a percentage of the overall grade.
''When a course is loaded where the student already has grades posted and/or a transcript record, the user will get the following warning message advising them of this fact. (See below)
[[File:LSR_Warning_Message.png|frame|none|''Warning Message for Duplicate Course'']]
''If the user clicks "Cancel" on the warning message, the warning will disappear and the selected course will NOT be added to the Request List.
'''PART''' - Part number used for partial year courses to denote what half is taken.
''If the user clicks "OK" on the warning message, a screen will pop up to display the grades and/or the transcript information.''  (See below)
[[File:LSR_Grades_Transcript.png|frame|none|''Grades and Transcript Information'']]
'''FIVE PT''' - Uses the 5 point grading scale.
''If the user clicks "Close" on the Grades/Transcript display, the window will close and the selected course will NOT be added to the Request List.
''If the user clicks "OK" on the warning message, the window will close and the selected course WILL be added to the Request List.''
[[#top|Top of Page]]
'''CTYPE''' - Course type designation.
===<u>Action Menu</u>===
There are several items on the Action Menu that may assist with the Load Student Course Requests Program
There are several items on the Action Menu that may assist with the Load Student Course Requests Program
[[File:LSR_Action_Menu.png|frame|none|''Action Menu'']]
:'''Gear Box''': The ''iGear Box'' has tools that can provide relevant information when making decisions regarding scheduling.  '''[[Using iGear]]'''
:::[[File:LSR_iGear.png|frame|none|''iGear Menu'']]
:'''Master Schedule''':  Clicking this will display the Master Schedule.
:'''Graduation Template Scheduler''':  Clicking this will bring up the Graduation Template Scheduler for the student currently being displayed.
:'''Delete All Unsched Requests for Student''':  Clicking this option will delete all the '''<u>unscheduled</u>''' requests for the displayed student.  The user will get a confirmation message prior to the actual deletion.
:'''Delete All Auto-Loaded Unsched Requests For School''':  Based on the options selected on the following screen, all auto-loaded, unscheduled requests will be deleted.
:::[[File:LSR_Delete_Auto-Loaded_Requests_Options.png|frame|none|''Delete Auto-Loaded Requests Options'']]
:::*Select the grade(s).
:::*Select the year(s).
:::*Click "OK" to continue.
:::*The user will get a confirmation screen prior to the actual deletion.
[[#top|Top of Page]]
'''[[Using the iGear]]''' - The iGear Box has tools that can provide relevant information when making decisions regarding scheduling. 
'''Master Schedule''':  Clicking this will display the Master Schedule.
'''Graduation Template Scheduler''':  Clicking this will bring up the Graduation Template Scheduler for the student currently being displayed.
'''Delete All Unsched Requests for Student''':  Clicking this option will delete all the '''<u>unscheduled</u>''' requests for the displayed student.  The user will get a confirmation message prior to the actual deletion.
'''Delete All Auto-Loaded Unsched Requests For School''':  Based on the options selected on the following screen, all auto-loaded, unscheduled requests will be deleted.
'''Help''' -  Takes the user to the ''Scheduling'' help screen.
'''Prev''' - Click to navigate to the previous student.
===<u>Buttons at the Bottom of the Screen</u>===
'''Next''' - Click to navigate to the next student.
:'''Help''':  Takes the user to the ''Scheduling'' help screen.
:'''MSched''':  Displays the Master Schedule selection screen.
:'''Print''':  To find the print instructions, follow this link: '''<span style="background:yellow">[[Standard Print Options]]</span>'''.
'''Setup''' - Click to display the setup box.
[[#top|Top of Page]]
'''Find''' - Click to select a student.
'''MSched''' -  Displays the Master Schedule selection screen.
''Last updated: 2016.01.05 (rd)''
'''PrtStu''' - Click to print the student's request form.
'''Load School''' - Click to auto-load request for all students for the current students grade.
'''Load Student''' - Click to auto-load requests for the current student.
'''Non Site Requests''' (Non Sites Requests) -  When a student has requests already entered from another site within the district, the NSR button will be lit up. Click to see the requests. The button will be grayed out if a student does not have any requests from other schools within the district.
[[Standard Print Options | '''Print''']] - This will allow the user to print the report.
[[Loading Course Requests for a Single Student]]
[[Loading Course Requests for Multiple Students]]
[[Deleting Course Requests for a Student]]
[[Alternate Course Requests]]
[[Creating Parent/Alternative Course Requests]]
[[Creating Generic Alternative Course Request]]
[[Additional Information]]
[[Print Student Course Requests]]
[[Student Selection]]
[[Course Request Alert]]
[[Scheduling|'''Scheduling''' Main Page]]
'''[[JCampus|JCampus]] / [[Scheduling]]'''
[[WebPams|'''JCampus''' Main Page]]

Latest revision as of 10:50, 6 June 2024

This program will provide the user a way to load student's course requests to use in conjunction with the Automatic Scheduler.

Menu Location

Scheduling > Entry > Load Student Course Requests

Setup Options


Year - Select the appropriate school year. For this program, select the Year for the upcoming school year.

District - Default value is based on the user's security settings. It will be limited to the user's district only.

School - Default value is based on the user's security settings. If the user is assigned to a school, the school default value will be the user's school site code.

Stu Grades - Select the grade level(s) of the students that need course requests.

Active Only - Check to include only those students who were active as of the date indicated in the date field below the Active Only button.

Date - Select student active "as of date".

Include Scheduled Requests - Check this option to show student requests that have already been scheduled. Leave unchecked to view only unscheduled requests.

Allow Multiyear Requests - Check this option to enter student requests up to five years in advance. Once inside the program, when clicking on the course name, a drop down will appear and allow the choice of multiple years.

Skip Obsolete Courses - Check this option to exclude courses that are marked as obsolete in the course selection list.

Course Grades - Click in this field to get a list of grades. Click on the grades in the list to limit the course selection list to those grade levels.

Create Courses From Master Schedule - Check this option to limit the course selection list to only those courses in the Master Schedule. Otherwise, the Course Catalog will be used.

Show Master Schedule Comments - Check this option if the comments entered in the Master Schedule Editor need to be displayed in the course list.

Edit Next School Request - This setting will allow the user to view the students at the schools they are enrolled for next, and load their templates for their next school. To use this feature, the user must have the security action for Load Student Course Requests of Allow Selection of Next Year Students. Check to be able to enter schedule requests for the current students while using the current year date and school on the setup box, for the next school year and school and even if they are going to a different school.

  • Example: A middle school counselor can enter an eighth grade student`s schedule requests and/or five year plan for their high school record.

Current Year Requests Only - Select to show course requests for only the year selected on setup box instead of all future years. So if the student has more than one year of course requests entered, the Year column on the left side of the screen will only show the course requests that have been entered for the upcoming school year and not the future years.

Display Long Course Names - Check this option if you want the Long Course Names to be displayed in the course pick list.

Default Language - Click the drop-down arrow in the language selection field to choose the language to use to display the Long Course Name.

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.

Filters Options

Load Student Course Request--additional filters.png

Spec Codes - Leave blank or select all to include all special codes. Otherwise, choose the desired code.

Programs - Leave blank or select all to include all programs. Otherwise, choose the desired program.

Exclude Special Codes - Leave blank if all special codes are to be included in the report. Otherwise, click in the field to the right of Exclude Special Codes to select the desired special code(s) to exclude.

Clubs - Leave blank or select all to include all clubs. Otherwise, choose the desired club.

Sports - Leave blank or select all to include all sports. Otherwise, choose the desired sport.

Counselor - Responsible for scheduling, testing, student grades and transcripts. Leave blank if all counselors are to be included in the report. Otherwise, click in the field to the right of Counselor to select the desired counselor(s) to view.

Team - Leave blank or select all to include all teams. Otherwise, choose the desired team.

Show: All, Sped Only, Non Sped - Check the appropriate option button to filter the students as follows:

All - This options will show All students - both Special Education and Regular Education.

Sped Only - This option will show only the Special Education students.

Non Sped - This option will show only the Regular Education students.

Ok - Click to continue.

Filters - Setup box is correct. This setup box will go away and the original program setup box will be displayed on the screen.

Ok - Click to continue.

Note - The Setup Options can be revised at any time by clicking on the Setup button at the bottom of the screen and making changes to the appropriate options.



Left Column Headers

Diploma Path - Student's diploma pathway.

Career Option - Student's career option.

Cluster - Student's vocational cluster(s).

Concentration - Student's vocational concentration(s).

D - Delete record.

Student Request - Course request.

Long Name - Requested course long name.

Year - Year for this request-click to reschedule this request to a different future year.

CR - Credit for this course by semester.

T - Transcript group for this course.

GD - Course grade level.

H - Half year flag. Choose 1 to have student placed in 1st semester or 2 for 2nd semester.

Hon - Course honor code(s).

S - Course standard flag.

P - Course priority code.

Alt - Request alternate course value.

Sect - Request section number if scheduled.

C - Request semester if scheduled.

Tea - Click in this field to request a teacher name. Only teacher's names that teach this course will appear in the teacher name list. The teacher(s) chosen will be used in the Automatic Scheduler setup box "Allow teacher requests", if checked.

Tea ID - Request teacher ID.

Right Column Headers

GD - Grade where course is normally taken from.

Course Name - Local name for the course. (prints on report cards, screens, etc.)

Long Name - Expanded name of course include internationalization.

CRE - Credit-Carnegie Unit value-cocredit.

HONR - Course catorgies-i.e. honors, obsolete TOPS, etc.

ST - Standard course for grade indicator.

SE - Number of horizontal semesters-one session-this course.

PD - Number of vertical class periods-one session-this course.

ST Code - State code-use 999999 for non-state courses such as conduct. (Right click to enter 999999) 1) Left click-select state code from state listing. 2) Right click-type in the state code.

ST Course - State course name normally 741 manual.

LNUM - Local course number.

PT - Priority code for automatic scheduling. Higher number has more priority.

SEQ - This is the sequence as denoted in the Master Schedule Editor.

VOC PRI - Vocational course-only necessary to code this column for primary only.

GRP - State approved transcript group.

REC - Record number.

SCH - School number where course is taught.

OBJFUN - Employee job code for this course.

PDF - PDF file name.

FWGT - Final weight percentage for final exam. This applies the E2 grade as a percentage of the overall grade.

PART - Part number used for partial year courses to denote what half is taken.

FIVE PT - Uses the 5 point grading scale.

CTYPE - Course type designation.



There are several items on the Action Menu that may assist with the Load Student Course Requests Program

Using the iGear - The iGear Box has tools that can provide relevant information when making decisions regarding scheduling.

Master Schedule: Clicking this will display the Master Schedule.

Graduation Template Scheduler: Clicking this will bring up the Graduation Template Scheduler for the student currently being displayed.

Delete All Unsched Requests for Student: Clicking this option will delete all the unscheduled requests for the displayed student. The user will get a confirmation message prior to the actual deletion.

Delete All Auto-Loaded Unsched Requests For School: Based on the options selected on the following screen, all auto-loaded, unscheduled requests will be deleted.



Help - Takes the user to the Scheduling help screen.

Prev - Click to navigate to the previous student.

Next - Click to navigate to the next student.

Setup - Click to display the setup box.

Find - Click to select a student.

MSched - Displays the Master Schedule selection screen.

PrtStu - Click to print the student's request form.

Load School - Click to auto-load request for all students for the current students grade.

Load Student - Click to auto-load requests for the current student.

Non Site Requests (Non Sites Requests) - When a student has requests already entered from another site within the district, the NSR button will be lit up. Click to see the requests. The button will be grayed out if a student does not have any requests from other schools within the district.

Print - This will allow the user to print the report.


Loading Course Requests for a Single Student

Loading Course Requests for Multiple Students

Deleting Course Requests for a Student

Alternate Course Requests

Creating Parent/Alternative Course Requests

Creating Generic Alternative Course Request

Additional Information

Print Student Course Requests

Student Selection

Course Request Alert

Scheduling Main Page

JCampus Main Page

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki