Transcript Setup
This program allows the user to configure the transcript settings for the school.
Menu Location
On the left navigation panel, select System > Entry > Sponsor Site Editor.
Select the Transcript Setup tab on the bottom of the page.
Setup Options
Year - The school year for this sponsor site record
District - The district for this sponsor site
School Name - The school name
School - The school number
Established - The date the site was established
Closed - The date the site was closed
Title - The title of the principal (Mr. Mrs. Dr. etc)
First - The first name of the principal
Last - The last name of the principal
Email - The email address of the principal
Grade From -
Grade Thru -
Alpha Honors Method -
Numeric Honors Method -
Give Ties Same Rank -
Rank Method -
Tie Breaker -
Give Partial Credit -
Delete - To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options