Separation List

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This program will provide users a list of employees that are no longer employed in your district/school with their separation date.

On the left, click on Human Resources. Under List, select Separation List.

Setup Box Options

  1. To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.
  2. For other set up values not listed in the standard set up list:
    Sep From Date--the start date of the date range for which you want employees who are no longer employed in your district/school.
    Sep to Date--the end date of the date range for which you want employees who are no longer employed in your district/school.
    Sep Reason--click in this field to select the separation reason(s) that you want on the report.
    Show Type--select either Emp ID (the employee's local ID number) or Emp SSN (the employee's social security number).
    Object--code associated with the general group of employees such as supervisor, administrator, teacher, etc.
    Function--code associated with the specific group such as teacher, secretary, principal, etc.
  3. Click OK to move to the report screen.

Column Headers

Emp ID--either the local ID or the social security number based on the Setup box selections.
Last Name--Employee's last name.
First Name--Employee's first name.
Hire Date--Date that the employee was hired. This is a recent piece of information that the state requires; therefore, some employees that have been employed for several years may not have this information in the Human Resources database.
Sep Date--the last date that the former employees were employed by your district/school.
Contract Type--the general area in which the employee was working such as supervisor, administrator, teacher, etc.
Sep Code--The reason why the employee left the district/school.
Sep Description--The description associated with the Separation Code.

Buttons at the bottom of the screen

Setup--returns to the setup box so you can review the setup options. Setup options can be changed via this button without closing the program.
Print--refer to the instructions below to print the report.
Help--connects to the documentation that provides step-by-step instructions for how to run this program.

Print Options

To find the print instructions, follow this link: Standard Print Options.

Sorting and other data manipulations are explained in the following link: List Programs Instructions/Video

Human Resources Main Page

JCampus Main Page

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki