Mathletes Report
This program will provide a list of students with their selected grading period or semester (term) averages in math their math class(es).
Setup Box Options
To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.
Refer to the lists below for other set up values not listed in the standard set up list.
- Course Group--Groups of courses based on the Transcript Groups
- Schedule type--Method of scheduling used such as 2x8, 4x4, etc.
- Term A/Term B--Grading period or Semester averages based on the schedule type selected above.
- Report Title--Title of the report generated by this program.
Definitions of Column Headers
School--The number of the school in which the student is enrolled.
Student Name--The name of the student.
Sidno--The local student ID number.
Grade--The grade level of the student.
Course A--The name of the course for the selected first grading period or semester
Course B--The name of the course for the selected second grading period or semester
State Code--Six digit state code of the course
Teacher A--The name of the teacher of the selected first grading period or semester.
Teacher B--The name of the teacher of the selected second grading period or semester
Homeroom--Name of the homeroom teacher
Term A--Grade average of the Term A or first course selected
Term B--Grade average of the Term B or second course selected