Diagnosis Coder

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Revision as of 14:24, 18 November 2015 by Egadmin (talk | contribs)
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Getting Started

  1. On the left navigation panel, select Health from the buttons on the left side of the screen.
  2. Select Loaders under the Health program area on the left of the screen.
  3. Select Diagnosis Coder.
  4. The setup box will appear on the screen.

Setup Options

  1. Year: This will default to current year.
  2. District and School: These default values are based on your security settings.
  3. Grade: Leave the Grade field blank if all grade levels are to be included. Otherwise click in the box to the right of Grade and select the desired grade level(s) to be included.
  4. Ethnic: Leave the Ethnic field blank if all ethnics are to be included. Otherwise click in the box to the right of Ethnic and select the desired ethnics to be included.
  5. Gender: Leave the Gender field blank if all grade levels are to be included. Otherwise click in the box to the right of Gender and select the desired gender to be included.
  6. Only Undiagnosed: Select to limit student list to those who do not have a diagnosis. If this is left unchecked, all students with a consult record will be listed on the loader screen.
    • NOTE: Only students with a "Consult Record" will show whether you check or do not check the Only Undiagnosed box.
  7. Dx Code: Click in the cell to the right to get a list of Diagnosis Codes. Click in the square to left of “Value” to select all code numbers and the corresponding description. You may select one or more of the Diagnosis Codes and Descriptions needed by clicking in the check box to the left of the Code number. Click OK to enter the selections in the Dx Code.
    • NOTE: The Dx Codes displayed will be determined by the dates entered in the Consults From and the Consults To date boxes. For dates prior to October 1, 2015, the ICD 9 codes will be displayed. For dates on or after October 1, 2015, the ICD 10 codes will be displayed. Selecting the Consult date range prior to entering the DX codes will make this process go smoother.
  8. Consults From: Select the "From" date by either selecting the month, day, and year individually or by clicking on the calendar to the right of the "Consults From"
  9. Consults To: Select the "To" date by either selecting the month, day, and year individually or by clicking on the calendar to the right of the "Consults To"
    • NOTE: The Consult date ranges CANNOT span the October 1, 2015 date. If Consult From date is prior to October 1, 2015, then the Consult To date will also have to be prior to October 1, 2015. Changing the Consult date ranges may require that you re-enter the Dx Codes.
  10. Select the Ok button to move to the next screen.

Diagnosis Screen Features

  1. Names will be populated from Health/Health System/Consultations.
  2. The screen will be divided into two sections.
    • Student list on the left with the Date Screened, Time, Unit, Dx Code, Diagnosis Description, Reason, and Action.
    • Diagnosis Codes and descriptions will be listed on the right. This list will be based on the selections for the Consult From and Consult To dates in the setup box.
  3. To enter a new Dx Code for a single student click in the Dx CODE cell to the right of the student's name. An asterisk will appear in the cell. Select the code from the list on the right side of the screen. The asterisk will be replaced with the code and the code description.
  4. To enter a new Dx Code for multiple students with the same diagnosis, click in the Dx CODE cell to the right of each student's name. An asterisk will appear in the cells. Select the code from the list on the right side of the screen. The asterisks will be replaced with the Dx Code and the code description.
  5. The Reason cell can be populated by clicking in the cell and typing the information in the edit window that will pop up.


  1. To print this report click the print button at the bottom of the screen. A popup will appear with a set of document print options--PDF, XLS, CSV, HTML. Click the print button on this popup and a print preview window will appear.
  2. To get the print icon on this window, hover the mouse in the bottom right area of the preview. A grey rectangle will appear with several icons. Click the print icon at the right end of this rectangle. Another print preview will appear; click the print button at the top left to print the report. Close the print preview.

Last Updated: 2015-11-18 (rd)

JCampus / Health

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki