Separation List
This program will provide users a list of employees that are no longer employed in your district/school with their separation date.
Menu Location
On the left navigation panel, select Human Resources > List > Separation List.
Setup Options
Sep From Date - the start date of the date range for which you want employees who are no longer employed in your district/school. Sep to Date - the end date of the date range for which you want employees who are no longer employed in your district/school. Sep Reason - click in this field to select the separation reason(s) that you want on the report. Show Type - select either Emp ID (the employee's local ID number) or Emp SSN (the employee's social security number). Object - code associated with the general group of employees such as supervisor, administrator, teacher, etc. Function - code associated with the specific group such as teacher, secretary, principal, etc. OK - Click to continue To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.
Column Headers
- Emp ID--either the local ID or the social security number based on the Setup box selections.
- Last Name--Employee's last name.
- First Name--Employee's first name.
- Hire Date--Date that the employee was hired. This is a recent piece of information that the state requires; therefore, some employees that have been employed for several years may not have this information in the Human Resources database.
- Sep Date--the last date that the former employees were employed by your district/school.
- Contract Type--the general area in which the employee was working such as supervisor, administrator, teacher, etc.
- Sep Code--The reason why the employee left the district/school.
- Sep Description--The description associated with the Separation Code.
Buttons at the bottom of the screen
- Setup--returns to the setup box so you can review the setup options. Setup options can be changed via this button without closing the program.
- Print--refer to the instructions below to print the report.
- Help--connects to the documentation that provides step-by-step instructions for how to run this program.
Print Options
To find the print instructions, follow this link: Standard Print Options.
Sorting and other data manipulations are explained in the following link: List Programs Instructions/Video