Tardy Analysis

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This report is used to create a count of Tardies (attendance code 14) and Late To School (code 19) for a given date range. It will also look at the time that school starts and compare the check in time of the student which is the state defined way of considering student tardy. A tardy by the state`s definition is anyone who enters or exits school early, not simply based on the codes. Some districts don`t use the codes of 19 or 24.

The report can be printed and/or emailed to persons on the school/district staff.

Letters MUST be created before any letters can be printed. Refer to the instructions below the Setup Box options on how to create the letters and how to print them.



On the left navigation panel, select Attendance > Count > Tardy Analysis.

Setup Options


If you need instructions for setup values to be used, follow the link for Standard Setup Options.

For other set up values not listed in the standard set up list:

  1. Skip Excused Tardies: Attendance code 14 Tardy can be marked as "excused" or "unexcused".
    • If checked, "excused" Tardy records will not be counted in the report.
    • If not checked, "excused" and "unexcused" records will be counted in the report.
  2. Include Unexcused Late to School / Early Departure: Attendance code 19 `Late to School/Early Departure` is used when a student comes in late to school or checks outs early. It checks the tardy based on State definition of a tardy (late to school/early leaver) and not just codes 19 or 14. NOTE: The Tardy Analysis Report is for the tardy to class not tardy to school. The tardy to school is used for truancy purposes.
    • If checked, the Late to School code 19 records will be counted in the report.
    • If unchecked, the Late to School code 19 records will not be counted in the report.
  3. Show Students Who Have a Tardy Record for the To Date: Select to limit the report to only students who have a Tardy record on the actual To Date chosen.
    • This is a helpful option if this report is run daily. By selecting this option, the report is limited to showing counts only for students who have a Tardy on the To Date.
  4. Select the Tardy Counts for each box that you want to show on the report. The number that is entered in each of these squares will show up in the columns on the report. The numbers/counts that appear there after clicking OK are NOT student counts but are Tardy counts. Upon clicking on the tardy count number, you will have a list of students with exactly that number of tardies that you entered in the box. In the report, PTD (period to date) represents the count of tardies using the From Date and To Date. YTD (year to date) is the count of tardies for the entire school year as determined by the sponsor site.
  5. Select Tardies >=--This value would override the preset numbers in the above boxes. If you enter a number in this box, after clicking OK, you will get a number/count of tardies (NOT student counts). Upon clicking on the tardy count number, you will have a list of students with tardies of at least that number entered or more (>=).
  6. If you are printing letters then you must click the Letters button.
  7. A Letter Options setup box will appear.
  8. Select the letter(s) according to the policy for each grade range in the setup box.
    • 1-3 Letter
    • 4-8 Letter
    • 9-12 Letter
    • If you may created a letter based on grade level groups (1-3, 4-8, and 9-12) select them accordingly. Or, select the same letter for all three groups.
  9. Click Ok to return to the program setup box.
  10. Click Ok to move to the next screen.
  11. The list of tardy counts will appear on the screen.

To print parent letters, they must exist before you can continue. If you need instructions on how to create the letters, use this link to view the instructions Letter Maintenance. If you use this link and want to return to this set of instructions, click the back arrow at the top left of the screen.

Tip--You may create a letter based on grade level groups (1-3, 4-8, and 9-12) if your policy makes such a distinction. Name them with the grade level as part of the name for ease of identification in the next steps. Or, you may create one letter to be used school wide.

Print Options

To print this report, follow this link: Standard Print Options.

To print letters to parents:

  1. Click the number in the cell under Total.
  2. A list of students with their YTD (year-to-date) and PTD (period-to-date) count on the left side of the report.
  3. Click the Letters button. The letters printed will be based on the selection made in the setup box.
  4. Select the student(s) whose parents/guardians are to receive letters.
  5. Click the letters button and a print preview will appear.
  6. To get the print icon on this window, hover the mouse in the bottom right area of the preview. A grey rectangle will appear with several icons. Click the print icon at the right end of this rectangle. Another print preview will appear; click the print button at the top left to print the report. Close the print preview.


Click on the number count.
Select the students
  • Click the check box to the left of the student's name to select individual students.
  • Check the check box a the top of the "Check box" column to either select or unselect all of the students.
Click the Email button.
Teacher Email - choose a teacher(s) to also send the email to.

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