HR Overview

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Security Actions in User Management

  • A user must have a category of Staff-Program Human Resource Master-Action Delete A Perm (Program Level Permission) to allow the Delete button to show - Delete a No Access it will not allow the Delete button to display.
  • With the StaffHuman Resource RWSSNInsert permission, you can hide the SSN in the Human Resource Master after the first input of a new person. When you are making a "New" person and you save it, the SSN will gray out and then when you do Prev/Next, the SSN area will disappear.
  • A user must have the action of Update Contact Information set to blank in order to access the tabs at the bottom of the Human Resource Master. If the action is set to Update, the user will only have access to the Demographic tab.


Adding an Employee video

Menu Location


On the left navigation panel, select Human Resources > Human Resource Master.

Setup Options


Select School Year - For school year 19/20, 2019 would be displayed. The default value is ALL because when you are entering a new employee, you may want to see returning personnel to update instead of requiring a new employee record.

Enter District Code - Default value will be your district.

Enter School Code - Default value is ALL. This is recommended so that changing of or adding new contracts can be done without changing setup values.

Home Base - Default value is ALL.

Include Substitutes - Default value is YES.

OK - Click to continue.

Cancel - Click to cancel box.

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.

Demographics Tab


The Resource Master screen will have the following title fields with RED letters *Name, Staff ID, SSN, Gender, Date of Birth. These are critical fields that are required for a new employee record to be created. Additional information will be required for data submission to the DOE for PEP.

*Name - Click in the field and a new popup will appear. Enter First Name, Middle Name, Last Name and suffix (if applicable).

Contact Information - Add addresses, phone numbers and types, emails, etc.

*Staff ID will be automatically generated at this time.

*SSN - Click the field for the data entry popup to appear. Add the Social Security number, Interface ID information, etc. The generate temporary SSN popup will also appear. Click Yes to generate one. Click No then enter the SSN for the employee. In place of a SSN, the staff members State ID can be entered instead.

*Gender - Click in the box using the drop down list.

*Date of Birth - Click this field and use the calendar selection process to select the employee's date of birth.

Driver License - Click this field to enter the information for License Type, License State, License Number, and Expiration Date.

Citizenship - Click this field to enter the information for Citizenship Status, Country of Citizenship Code, Nationality, First Entry Date into the US, and Country of Citizenship Name.

Languages - Click this field to enter the information for Correspondence Language Code, Dominant Language Code, Home Language Code, Correspondence Language Name, Dominant Language Name, and Home Language Name.

Eligibility - Click inside the box for a list to choose from.

Substitute Info - Click this box to enter the information for Sub Area, Sub Location, and Approval Date.

Obsolete - Click this box for a list of Type, and Codes to choose from.


Department - Click inside the box for a list to choose from.

Position - Click this field to enter the information Immunization Type, Date, Mandated or Not, and Immunization Status Code.

General Ethnic/Religion - Select whether employee is Hispanic/Latino or Non-Hispanic/Latino

Applicable Ethnic - Select either 01 American Indian or Alaskan Native, 02 Asian, 03 Black (Not Hispanic), 04 Hispanic (not required if employee is Hispanic), 05 White (Not Hispanic) or 06 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. Multiple ethnic indicators can be selected.

Married Status - Click inside the box for a list to choose from.

Military Status - Click this field to enter the information Military Service Type, Military Duty Status, Military Enter Date, Military Discharge Date, Military Discharge Type, and Military Res. Oblig. Ending Date.

Emergency Contact - Click inside the box to enter emergency contact information.

Health Information - Click inside the box to enter health information such as Medical Examinations, Health Insurance, etc.

Immunization Info - Click inside the box to enter Immunization information.

Highest Education - Information required for all employees.

Cert Info - Certification Information. Enter information in the Active Certification section-Type, Number, Suffix, and/or Exception. Also, you can import a teacher`s certificates by clicking on the TeachLA button.

NTE/Praxis Info - Click inside the box to see information.

Highly Qualified - Enter up to 14 areas in which a certified employee is highly qualified. Each area requires a Method by which HQ was determined.

Payroll ID - You may type in this information if you have the security in User Management.

Do Not Overwrite with Import - Check this box to not change employee record during automatic employee imports.

Status Code - Click inside the box to choose from the list, 01 School Board Employee, 02 Post Secondary Employee, 03 Contracted Professional Services Person, 04 Third Party Contracted Employee, 05 Classified State Employee, 06 Unclassified State Employee, and 07 Resident Teacher.

  • 07 Resident Teacher are student teachers that work with Mentor teachers. For EdLink Staff files reporting, this works in combination with the Add Staff column of the Master Schedule Editor and the Mentor Teacher (RMT) in the Special Codes field of HR Master. In Master Schedule Editor, the Mentor Teacher would be the main teacher and the Resident Teacher would need to be added to the Add Staff field and a schedule will be generated for the Resident Teacher.

Hire Date - Date employee was hired.

Staff Info - Click to see confidential info.

Site - Contract/Site information.

Contracts - Contract/Site information.

Special Codes - Click inside the box for staff special codes information.

  • Mentor Teacher (RMT) are teachers that work with Resident teachers. For EdLink Staff files reporting, this works in combination with the Add Staff column of the Master Schedule Editor and the Resident Teachers in the Status Code field of HR Master. In Master Schedule Editor, the Mentor Teacher would be the main teacher and the Resident Teacher would need to be added to the Add Staff field and a schedule will be generated for the Resident Teacher.

Separation - Click inside the box for separation information. Add a date that the staff member is terminating employment. This is similar to a leave date for students in Student Master except that PEP defines the end date as the last day an employee is assigned work. Student leave dates are the day after their last day of attendance at the school.

Retirement Code - Click inside for a list of retirement codes.

Retiree CD - Indication of whether a return-to-work retiree salary is with/without salary limits or caps

Change Data - Date and time employee made change(s).

Comments - Other comments.

Save - or continue entering the information in the other remaining fields. Refer to the PEP data requirements below to determine what additional information will be needed for DOE submissions.

No security assigned: When an employee is given a separation date, and if there is no username and password in User Management assigned to the employee, you will get the statement, "No Security Records Found for this Employee."

Security record: When a separation date is assigned, you will then be get the question, "This will immediately inactivate any access the user has to the JCampus system. Do you wish to inactivate this user in security?" You will need to answer Yes or No.

  • Then, choose the separation reason and add a comment if necessary; close the box and save the record.

Employee Picture - To upload the picture to the appropriate staff member, click on the picture.

Education Tab


Delete - Delete information in this row

Title - Title of degree

Type - Type of certification

Conferring Date - Conferring date

Degree/Cert No - Degree/Certification number

Funding Source - Funding source

Institution - Institution name

Inst Type - Instructional type

Specialization - Special certification

Postsecondary - Secondary certification

Course Work Taken - Course work taken

GPA - Grade point average

Non Course Ed Program/Staff Dev. Act - List Non-Course Educational programs and Staff Developments attended.

Outcomes - Outcomes of these programs

Distinctions - Distinction awards

Honor and Award - Names of honors and awards

ID System - ID system of institution

Address/Contact - Address of institution and contact information

Ed Program/Staff Development

Program Support

Rid -

Save -

Key -

Qualification Tab


Delete - Click to delete information in this row

Credential Type

Non Educator Credential Type

Non Teaching Credential Type

Teaching Credential Type

Teaching Credential Basis

Credential Authorized Function

Authorized Instruction Level

Teaching Field or Area Authorized

Fee Amount

Fee Payment Status

Fee Payment Date

Program Sponsor

Credential Description

Date Credential Requirement Met

Credential Issuance Date

Credential Expiration Date

Initial Credential Issuance Requirements

Induction Program Mentor

Credential Renewal Requirements

Number of Units Required for Credential Renewal

Credential Renewal Units Attempted

Staff Advisor for Credential Renewal

Credential Renewal Date

Background Check Type

Background Check Completion Date

Assessment Information

ID System

Institution Information




Prior Experience

Public Service

Related Traveling Experience

Other Interests




Employment Tab


Delete - Click to delete information in this row.


Business Type

Start Date

Teaching Assessment & Level

Employment Nature


Seperation Reason

Contact Information

Supervisor and Mentor

Entry Information

Salary Compensation

Benefit Compensation

Benefit Contributions


Payroll Info

Tax Withholding Info

Attendance Status



Record No


Confidential Tab


Additional PEP 100 Staff Demographic Info

Contracts/Site Position Information

  • Note: The user may click on the paperclip next to the employee's name at the top shaded area to show "Employee" Doc Archive Records.



Bottom Tabs







Delete - Click to delete information.

New - Click to add new employee/information.

Save - Click to save information.

Prev - Click to see previous employee.

Next - Click to see next employee.

Setup - Click to go back to the Setup box.

Print - This will allow the user to print the report.

Help - Click to view written instructions and/or videos.

Human Resource Master Main Page

Human Resources Main Page

JCampus Main Page

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki