This allows the user to view the student's discipline and attendance points.
Column Options
Total Pos - Student's total positive points to use to purchase items.
Date - Date transaction was recorded
Total Neg - Student's total negative points
Week Pos - Student's total positive points earned for the week
Week Neg - Student's total negative points earned for the week
Att - Total positive/negative points received for daily attendance
Acad - Total positive points received for daily attendance
Tardy - Total negative points received for Tardies (code 14)
Late - Total negative points received for Late to School (code 19)
Early - Total negative points received for Early Leave (code 19)
PerfAt - Total positive points received for Perfect Attendance. (Calculated at the end of each grading period)
Minor - Total negative points received for minor referral
Major - Total negative points received for major referral
Susp - Total negative points received for suspension
Det - Total negative points received for detention (code 03, 08, 14, 45 or 46)
NoRef - Total positive points received for no office referrals
A - Total positive points received for Grades of A
B - Total positive points received for Grades of B
C - Total positive points received for Grades of C
D - Total positive points received for Grades of D
F - Total positive points received for Grades of F
Other - Total points earned or lost for other
Description - Description of the points earned or lost
Total Available Points - Student's total available points
Student Name - Name of the student
Grade - Grade level of the student
Student ID - Student identification number
Weekly - This tab displays a weekly look at the student's point details.
Transaction - This tab displays a per transaction look at the student's point calculations.