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|[http://wiki.edgear.net/wiki/w/images/1/19/30Graduate_Index_Report.pdf Graduate Index Report]
|[http://wiki.edgear.net/wiki/w/images/1/19/30Graduate_Index_Report.pdf Graduate Index Report]
|Student Master
|Student Master
|List of Seniors (grade 12) showing any Endorsments, Graduates, GEE/Non Diploma Exits, and SBLC Failures for purpose of Graduation Index check.
|List of Seniors (grade 12) showing any Endorsements, Graduates, GEE/Non Diploma Exits, and SBLC Failures for purpose of Graduation Index check.
|Homeless Lunch Report
|Homeless Lunch Report

Revision as of 07:50, 19 May 2021

Below is a listing of the Scheduled (former "On Demand") and As It happens Automatic Notification Reports that can be scheduled for delivery to desired recipients. Click on the "Name" of the report to see an example.

Scheduled (former "On Demand")

Name Area Description
Absence Analysis Letter Report Attendance This report will generate letters similiar to the Absence Analysis program based on the setup box information provided.
Attendance by Course and History Letter Report Attendance The report will generate letters similar to the Attendance by Course and History program based on the setup box information provided. "Delay Days" can reset a term in Attendance by Course and History by subtracting the number of instructional days from the delay days option, and use that date as the as of date to run the report.
Attendance Posting Report Attendance List of schools who did not post attendance for the previous instructional day.
Cumulative Absence Report Attendance List of students that have ten or more cumulative days of absences for current school year. Skip codes are now included.
Daily Absence Comparison Report Attendance This report compares the daily attendance of all schools for today and the previous instructional day and highlights attendance.
Excessive Absence by Factor Attendance The report will generate letters similar to the Excessive Abs by Factor program based on the setup box information provided.
Full Day Absent Analysis for District Report Attendance Report of absences for the last week by school in the district.
Attendance Comparison Report Attendance Report compares Excused Unexcused and Suspension attendance transactions for current year vs prior year by school.
Attendance Five Day Grading Period Check Attendance This report lists the students that have been marked absent for five or more days in the current grading period.
Attendance Ten Day Check Report Attendance Lists of students who have ten or more consecutive days of attendance transactions.
Truancy Letters Report Attendance Lists students for each school in the district who fit the definition of truant as of the current day.
Roll Call Verification Classes Report Attendance This report lists all the classes where the teacher has not signed off Roll Call verification today.
Roll Call Verification Homeroom Report Attendance This report lists all the homeroom teachers that have not signed off for Roll Call verification today.
Roll Call Verification All Report Attendance This report lists all the classes and homerooms where the teacher has not signed off for the Roll Call Verification today.
Daily Attendance Count Report Attendance This report is the count of students in attendance today at the time the report is run.
Daily Tardy Report Attendance List of students that have a tardy attendance code (14) reported on the current day. In the Select Setup Options, select "Include Total Tardy Count" to add a column to this report that displays the year to date tardies for the student. Select "Reset Date Range for Term" to use the current terms start date instead of first day of school as the date from. Note: The user must check them both for the "Reset Date Range for Term" to work correctly.

Note: Total Tardy Count must be checked for the Reset Date Range for Term to work.

Bad Phone Number Report Communication List of student/phone numbers that JCall Communication System attempted to call and received a disconnected or invalid phone number response.
Discipline ISS/OSS List Report Discipline This report will list all of the students that are suspended in either ISS or OSS for today's date.
Discipline Days Alert Report Discipline List of students suspended today have 4 or more days of discipline. It will break them down in groups according to the number of days.
Bus Suspension Report Discipline This report lists the students that are suspended from the bus on today's date.
Discipline Report Discipline List of students with discipline errors.
Assignment Audit Report Grade This report will generate emails from the Assignment Audit program based on the set up box information provided.
Grades Distribution Report Grade This report lists grades counts by totals and percentages.
Lesson Plan Audit Report Grade This report lists teachers and their lesson plan counts in various statuses for the current week.
Five Day Assignment Check Report Grade This report lists the teachers that currently have assignments with due dates during the past five instructional days.
Current Marking Period Assignments Report Grade This report will list all of the teachers who have not posted assignments for the current marking period.
Incomplete Grades Report Grade List of students that currently have unresolved "incomplete" grades.
Lesson Plan Check Report GradeBook List of teachers that currently have no assignments for the next week.
Past Due Assignments Report GradeBook List of teachers that currently have assignments with due dates more than 7 days ago which have no grades currently posted.
Absences By Health Reason Report Health Report of absences with a health absence reason by severity for the current date and for Year to Date.
Active Employee Login Report Human Resources List of staff security records and email information of any employee who is inactive based on the system's current date and still has a valid security record.
Doc Archive Notification Human Resources Executes when a file is uploaded and the Doc Archive is in Human Resource mode.
Employees With No Certificate Report Human Resources This report will list the currently active staff members without a certificate.
Highly Qualified Teacher Report Human Resources List of teachers/schools that have teachers that are not highly qualified for a course they teach.
Object Function Email Check Report Human Resources List of employees with no email address in the Human Resources system.
Staff Leave List Report Human Resources This report will list any records with a change date of yesterday and a separation date.
Staff Entry List Report Human Resources This report will list all the staff members with an entry date of yesterday.
Staff ID Check Report Human Resources List of teachers in school's master schedule that does not match any employee in the HR system by staff ID.
Staff Contract Check Report Human Resources This report lists the teachers in your school's master schedule that does not match any employee in the HR system by staff.
Teachers with No Schedule Oct 1 Report Human Resources This report list the staff members with an object code of 112, have active contracts as of October 1st, and do not have any schedule.
SBLC Meetings Report SBLC This report lists all SBLC meetings scheduled for today and also send an email to all stakeholders with the meeting details.
Master Schedule Remote Site Report Scheduling List of dual enrollment master schedule sections that do not have a remote site location.
Missing Course Data Report Scheduling Lists of course records are missing at least one of the following: group code, state code, credit value, or grade.
Student Schedule Check Report Scheduling List of students with no schedule.
Add/Drop Class Report Scheduling This report lists all the students that have had classes added or dropped today and will send an email to each teacher with adds or drops for their classes. Additional email addresses are not necessary for teacher to receive this.
IAP Review Date Report Special Ed This report lists the active students whose IAP Review is overdue or is due in the next 60 days.
IEP Alert Report Special Ed This report lists the active students whose IEP is due within the entered number of days.
IEP Alert Report by IEP Authority Special Ed This report test that the Highly Qualified Teacher Report in the ANS section will not have a problem with the changes made to the cmGetEmail class.
Leave Vs Services Report Special Ed List of inactive Special Ed students with active services.
School Number Report Special Ed List of Special Ed students with jurisdiction mismatch.
Student SSN Compare SPED SSN Report Special Ed List of students that have the same student ID but different SSNs between the Student Master and JSPED, or the same SSN and different student IDs.
SER Exit Report Special Ed Lists the students who have an Exit date of yesterday entered in their Special Education Activity.
Doc Archive Notification-Student Student Master Executes when a recommended expulsion is saved for a discipline referral without hearing information for grades 9-12.
Dropout Report Student Master List of all enrollment records for the year of students with a leave code associated with drop out condition (Exit codes with "D")
Homeless Code Search Report Student Master List of students who coded as "homeless other/unknown".
Enrollment Late Arrivals Report Student Master List of students who have been enrolled since the first day of school based on each school's calendar file.
Exit Codes Report Student Master List of students with a leave code who lacks transfer to/date requested/date sent. Also audits for public school numbers if leave code implies student left to attend a private school and vice versa.
Enrollment Report Student Master List the students with enrollment errors.
Graduate Index Report Student Master List of Seniors (grade 12) showing any Endorsements, Graduates, GEE/Non Diploma Exits, and SBLC Failures for purpose of Graduation Index check.
Homeless Lunch Report Student Master Lists all students who have been detected as homeless without an accompanying LU1 free lunch code.
IBC Linkage Report (Student) Student Master List of students who have IBC 50 records without an attached document.
Lunch Comparison Report Student Master Report of schools that compares free and reduced lunch counts for the current year vs prior year.
Missing Emergency Information Report Student Master List of students that are missing emergency contact information.
Missing Parent Information Report Student Master List of students that are missing parent/guardian contact information.
Multiple SSNs Report Student Master List of students that have multiple SSNs for the current year.
Name Format Report Student Master List of students that have invalid first, middle, or last names or invalid suffixes.
Out of Zone Enrollment Report Student Master This report list the students who are enrolled outside their enrollment zone without an approved Out of Zone record. To get the notification, the date has to be between the begin and end date of the OOZ record in Student Master.
Out of Zone Open Transfers Report Student Master This report list the active students with questionable addresses per school.
Student Master Entry List Report Student Master List of students that entered the district on the previous school day in school order.
Student Master Leave List Report Student Master List of students who have exited on the previous day.
Homebound Return Report Student Master This report lists the students coded as Homebound in Program Codes whose return date is today.
Entry Records Request Audit Student Master This report will list all the students with an entry code and a transferred from school that do not also have a date Request.
Leave Records Request Audit Student Master This report will list all the students with a leave code and a transferred to school that do not also have a Date Request Sent.
MFP Student Master This report lists the MFP Report results ran as of today's date. There is a setup box option for more detailed information.
Students with No SASID Report Student Master This report is the students that do not have SASID numbers in Student Master.
Questionable Address Student List Report Student Master This report lists the active students with questionable addresses per school.
Students With Temporary SSN's Student Master This report will list the students with a social security number that starts with a 9. It displays in grade and student name order.
Daily ORS Validation Code Report System This report lists the most recent daily Online Registration System Validation Code that has been generated.
Questionable Address List System Sends an email with a report that lists the counts of questionable student physical addresses found in the district broken out by school.
New Submitted Registration Report - PreK System This report lists all the new preschool students that submitted registration records yesterday.
Grading Period Date Check Report System List of date range overlaps found in the System/Sponsor Site's Grading Period setup.
New Submitted Registration Report - Non PreK System This report lists all the new non preschool students that submitted registration records yesterday.
DEWS Detailed Student Report System This report lists all of the students who are at risk for dropping or failing out of school.
DEWS Detailed New Student Report System This report lists all of the new student who are at risk for dropping or failing out of school since the last run of this report.
DEWS School Summary Report System This report details school summary data for all 8th-12th grade students who are at risk for dropping or failing out of school.
DEWS 9th Grade Summary Report System This report details school summary data for all 9th grade students who are at risk for dropping out or failing out of school.
JCall Pending Calls Report (Communication) System This report lists the event calls that are still in the pending status after the schedule time has passed for the current day.
DashBoard Tracking report Transcripts Sends an email report with the school, student name, sidno, CUE grade, CUE 8th grade, CUE 9th grade 1st sem, CUE 9th grade 2nd sem, English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Drop Date and Reason

As It Happens

Name Area Description
Human Resource Data Change Notification Human Resource Master Sends an email report when the employee name, staff ID number, hire date or separation date has been changed in the HR Master.
3rd Unexcused Absence notification Attendance Sends an email report when the student`s third unexcuded absence occurs for the current semester or school year.
5th Unexcused Absence notification Attendance Sends an email report when the student`s fifth unexcused absence occurs for the current semester or school year.
7th Unexcused Absence Notification Attendance Sends an email report when the student`s seventh unexcused absence occurs for the current semester or school year.
Homeless Unexcused Absence Notification Attendance Executes when a user selected threshold of unescused homeless student absences occurs for the current semester or school year.
Homeless 5th Unexcused Absence Attendance Sends an email when a homelss student's 5th unexcused absence occurs for the current semester or school year.
Homeless Student Leave Notification Attendance Sends an email report when a leave code has been added or changed for a homeless student in the Student Master.
Unexcused Absence Notification Attendance Sends an email report when a user chooses a certain number of unexcused absences for the current semester or school year.
4871 Health Symptom Notification Attendance Sends an email report when a check out occurs with flu like symptoms.
UO71-NCOV Acute Respiratory Disease Notification Attendance
Attendance Record Deletion Notification Attendance Sends an email report when an attendance record older than the number of days selected is deleted.
Check In Skip Notification Attendance Sends an email report when a check in skip occurs.
Check Out Skip Notification Attendance Sends an email report when a check out skip occurs.
Late To School Notification Attendance Sends an email report when a late to school occurs and it is the 4th or more late to school transaction during the past 35 calendar day period.
Multiple Attendance Record Deletion Notification Attendance Sends an email report when multiple attendance records are deleted.
Tardy Notification Attendance Sends an email report when a tardy occurs and it is the 4th or 10th tardy in the prior 35 calendar day period.
Tardy Notification - 3rd Unexcused Attendance Sends an email report when a tardy occurs on, not after, the 3rd unexcused tardy.
School Notes Deletion Notification Communication Sends an email report to all stakeholders when a school note is deleted by someone who is not the owner of the note.
504 Discipline Posting/Modification Notification Discipline Sends an email report when a discipline record (major referral) is posted or modified for a 504 student.
504 Recommended Expulsion Notification PK-5 Discipline Sends an email report when a recommended expulsion is saved for a discipline referral without hearing information for grades PK-5 for a 504 student.
504 Recommended Expulsion Notification 6-8 Discipline Sends an email report when a recommended expulsion is saved for a discipline referral without hearing information for grades 6-8 for a 504 student.
504 Recommended Expulsion Notification 9-12 Discipline Sends an email report when a recommended expulsion is saved for a discipline referral without hearing information for grades 9-12 for a 504 student.
504 Suspensions and Expulsions Discipline Sends an email report when a suspension or expulsion is posted or modified for a 504 student.
Discipline ISS/OSS Notification Discipline Sends an email report when a discipline record is saved with an ISS or OSS administrative action and used to request assignments from teachers.
Discipline Posting/Modification Bus Suspension Notification Discipline Executes when a discipline record (major referral) is posted or modified with a bus suspension administration code.
Discipline Posting/Modification Counselor Suspension Notification Discipline Executes when a discipline record (major referral) is posted or modified with a "Referred to Counselor" (Code 02) teacher action or (Code07) administrative action.
Discipline Posting/Modification Major Notification Discipline Sends an email report when a discipline record (Major referral) is posted or modified.
Discipline Posting/Modification Minor Notification Discipline Sends an email report when a discipline record (Minor referral) is posted or modified.
Discipline Posting/Modification Suspensions and Expulsions Notification Discipline Executes when a discipline recordd (major referral) is posted or modified with a suspension or expulsion.
Discipline Record Deletion Notification Discipline Sends an email report when a discipline record posted prior to today is deleted.
ESL Suspensions and Expulsions Discipline Sends an email report when a suspension or expulsion is posted or modified for an ESL student.
Homeless Discipline Posting/Modification Notification Discipline Executes when a discipline record (major referral) is posted or modified for a homeless student.
Sped Discipline Days Suspended Notification Discipline Executes when a discipline record (major referral is posted or modified for a SPED student with a suspension and the total.
Office Referral Notification Discipline Sends an email report when a 'Referred to Office' (Code 06) teacher action is posted or modified. This will only send if posted by a teacher.
Multiple Referrals Without Action Notification Discipline The way this program works, is that the student gets an email after the 4th minor referral, until the student gets a major referral. The count for referrals can be customize. Next to Minor Count put the number of referrals it will take for a notification to go out.
Recommended Expulsion Notification PK-5 Discipline Sends an email report when a recommended expulsion is saved for a discipline referral without hearing information for grades PK-5.
Recommended Expulsion Notification 6-8 Discipline Sends an email report when a recommended expulsion is saved for a discipline referral without hearing information for grades 6-8.
Recommended Expulsion Notification 9-12 Discipline Sends an email report when a recommended expulsion is saved for a discipline referral without hearing information for grades 9-12.
Sped Discipline Posting/Modification Notification Discipline Sends an email report when a suspension or expulsion is posted or modified for a SPED student.
Sped Recommended Expulsion Notification PK-5 Discipline Sends an email report when a recommended expulsion is saved for a discipline referral without hearing information for grades PK-5 for a SPED student.
Sped Recommended Expulsion Notification 6-8 Discipline Sends an email report when a recommended expulsion is saved for a discipline referral without hearing information for grades 6-8 for a SPED student.
Sped Recommended Expulsion Notification 9-12 Discipline Sends an email report when a recommended expulsion is saved for a discipline referral without hearing information for grades 9-12 for a SPED student.
Sped Suspensions and Expulsions Discipline Sends an email report when a suspension or expulsion is posted or modified for a SPED student.
ESL Discipline Posting/Modification Notificaiton Discipline Executes when a discipline record (major referral) is posted or modified for an ESL student.
Assignment Grade Modification/Deletion Notification Grades Sends an email report when an assignment grade record is posted, modified or deleted by an user other than the teacher of record.
Grade Record Modification/Deletion Beyond 73 Days Notification Grades Sends an email report when a grade record is modified or deleted past 73 days of posting.
Homeless Failing Grade Notification Grades Sends an email report when a homeless student has received a failing grade.
Medication Action Delete Notification Health Sends an email report when a student's Medication Action record has been deleted.
Medication Schedule Delete Notification Health Sends an email report when a student's Medication Schedule record has been deleted.
Nurse Consultation Delete Notification Health Sends an email report when a student's Health Consultation record has been deleted.
Employee Attendance Deletion Notification Human Resources Sends an email report when an employee has an attendance record deleted from a closed pay period.
Employee Attendance Posting Notification Human Resources Sends an email report when an employee has attendance posted outside of the current pay period.
ORS Health Changes Notification Online Registration System Sends an email report when a student is approved in ORS with health data different that current health record.
ORS Home Language Notification Online Registration System Sends an email report when a student is approved in ORS with a home language other than English.
Master Schedule Section Add Notification Scheduling Sends an email report when a section is added in the Master Schedule Editor.
Master Schedule Section Change Notification Scheduling Sends an email report when a section is changed in the Master Schedule Editor.
Approved Out of Zone Notification Student Master Executes when an approved Out of Zone is saved for a student.
Student Entry Notification Student Master Executes when an entry code is entered for a student in the Student Master.
Student Leave Notification Student Master Executes when a leave code has been changed for a student in the Student Master.
Student Data Change Notification Student Master Executes when a student's first name, middle name, last name, SSN, birthdate, gender, or ethnicity is changed.
Student Transfer Notification Student Master Sends an email report when a student is transferred within the district or to/from another district. If within district, it will list both schools.
Public List Removed Notification Student Master Sends an email report when a student has the option checked to remove from the public list.
Student Leave With Active OOZ Notification Student Master Sends an email report when a leave code has been changed for a student in the Student Master and there is an active OOZ record that exceeds the entered leave date.

Communication Configuration Page

ANS (Automated Notification System) Page

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki