Automatic Scheduling

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Automatic Scheduling Method There are four methods of Automatic scheduling in the Block Fast Loader. Each method will use all available blocks for each grade.

  • Sequential Student Scheduling--This method divides the students equally among the available homerooms. For example: 100 students divided among 4 homerooms would put 25 students into each homeroom. The first 25 will be assigned to the same homeroom; students 26-50 will be assigned to the next homeroom; etc.
  • Capability Student Scheduling--This method uses the GPA from the previous year of each student . The process will divide the students among the homerooms according to gender groups within ethnic groups within GPA groups. The system will schedule all students with an A first. Scheduling black females, white females, black males, white males, etc through all of the ethnic groups. It will then start with all students that have a B using each gender within each ethnic group. The process will continue until all GPA groups have been scheduled.

Scheduling Main Page

Block Fast Loader Page
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