SPC (Student Progress Center)

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This program will provide the user a way to modify the Student Progress Center's registration and viewing options.

These selections also impact JCampus Student.

Menu Location

System > Entry > Communication Configuration

Setup Options


Year: Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.

District: Default value is based on your security settings. You will be limited to your district only.

To access the SPC (Student Progress Center) Program, select the SPC tab at the bottom of the screen. Then select the Options tab at the top of the SPC screen.

Login Settings


Turn Off SPC: Check this option to turn off the Student Progress Center.

  • NOTE that upon checking this option, the original screen will change to different wording.
  • A message can be added as to why the SPC has been turned off in the SPC Offline Message and the Offline Message Language can be chosen as well.

Use Login Message: Check this option to turn on the ability to add a custom message to be seen on the Login screen of the Student Progress Center for the whole district.

Login Message Language: Select the language for the custom login message. You will need to type using the foreign language as this is not a translator.

Login Message: Type in the custom message that will display to the user (when the SPC is not turned off) on the Login screen. This is a clickable area that opens a window with a rich text editor. This will allow the user to add hyperlinks and text formatting to the login message. When OK is clicked the text area shows only the text.

Allow students to login: Check this option to allow students to log in to the Student Progress Center. Students do NOT have to Register As New User like parents and guardians to create usernames/passwords. See Student Login Editor for instructions on how to generate usernames and passwords for students and then they can log in to the Student Progress Center.

  • Use student active directory (only in certain districts): If students have an active directory account, check this option to use their active directory usernames and passwords instead of generating usernames and passwords in JCampus. When checked, you will then be asked to enter the active directory "Domain" name, "Host" name, and DN (Distinguished Name).

Force Student Password Change - Select this option to force students to change their password the first time they login.

Allow staff to login: Check this option to allow district staff members to log in to the Student Progress Center.

  • District staff is defined as AD, PR, AP, CO, SO and S7 profiles.
  • If the option is checked to allow staff to log in and AD is not in the profile list, users that have a profile of AD and have a school of 700 will be able to log in.
  • If the option is not checked, then no staff should be able to login.

Allow Staff Profiles: If you would like to add additional profiles, such as TE or SE, to the list of those that can log into the Student Progress Center, click in this field and select the desired profiles as well as the profiles listed above. By adding additional profiles, you are deactivating the default profiles, so they have to be added back in also.

Treat Staff Profiles as S7: If you want a profile to have the same security as a S7, then add the profile here. The S7 profile was created for SPED and/or IEP teachers to be able to view student`s records that are assigned to them. Also in Mobile, S7 profiles will ONLY be able to access students for which they provide services.

PSN Generation Mode - Choose the mode used to generate new PSN numbers.

  • Last 5 of SSN
  • Randomly Generated

Parent/Guardian Two Factor Authentication


Turn On Two Factor Authentication - Select this option to turn on two factor authentication to the Student Progress Center for parent/guardian logins.

Frequency of Validation - Choose the frequency validation will be required, Every Time, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

Delivery Options - Choose the delivery mode for validation, Email, Cell, or Both.

Alternate From Email Address - Only fill this in if you want the emails to come from a different email than the default.

Alternate Email Password - Only fill this in if you want the emails to come from a different email than the default.

Student Two Factor Authentication


Turn On Two Factor Authentication - Select this option to turn on two factor authentication to the Student Progress Center for student logins.

Grades Requiring Validation - Select the student grade levels that will require validation.

Frequency of Validation - Choose the frequency validation will be required.

Delivery Options - Choose the delivery mode for validation.

Alternate From Email Address - Only fill this in if you want the emails to come from a different email than the default.

Alternate Email Password - Only fill this in if you want the emails to come from a different email than the default.

Tabs Settings


Hide Attendance Tab: Check this box to hide the Attendance Tab.

Hide Calendar Tab: Check this box to hide the Calendar Tab.

Hide Communication Tab: Check this box to hide the Communication Tab.

Hide Discipline Tab: Check this box to hide the Discipline Tab.

Hide Grades Tab: Check this box to hide the Grades Tab.

Hide Pages Tab: Check this box to hide the Pages Tab.

Hide Pages Tab Schools: Check this box to select schools to hide the Pages Tab. If blank all schools are hidden.

Hide Test Tab: Check this box to hide the Test Tab.

Hide Transcript Tab: Check this box to hide the Transcript Tab.

Default Student Start Page - Choose the first screen shown when a student logs into the Student Progress Center. Click on the down arrow for a pick list to choose from. Only the pages that are enabled will be shown in the pick list.

Communication Settings


Show JCall Messages - Select this option to show JCall messages in Student Progress Center.

Show JCall Messages Before Scheduled Date - Select this option to show JCall messages before their scheduled date and time in Student Progress Center. The default setting is for it to be unchecked so messages will not display before the scheduled time.

Hide Call Types - Types of calls to hide in the Student Progress Center. You can specify a specific call like 'AT001' or you can hide all attendance calls by just putting 'AT'. Use 'DI for discipline and 'GR' for grades. Separate each type with a comma. This will hide all communication in the SPC whether using the parent or the student username/password access.

Contact Information Settings


Allow viewing of parent/guardian contact information - Check this box to display "Contact Information" within the "Make Selection" drop down. This option will not allow a student or parent to update the parent contact information, only view.

Allow updating of parent/guardian address information - Check this option to allow the students and parents to update the parent's mailing address.

Allow updating of parent/guardian email information - Check this option to allow the students and parents to update the parent's email address.

Allow updating of parent/guardian phone information - Check this option to allow the students and parents to update the student's phone number.

Allow viewing and updating of parent/guardian phone output information - Check this option to allow the students and parents to update the parent phone output information.

Allow student to update cell phone number - Select this option to allow students to view and update their cell phone number. In the SPC> Menu> Make selection pull down> the Contact Information option is now there. Adding a cell phone number can now be seen in Student Master.

Document Archive Settings

The Document Archive Settings options will only be displayed if the district has the DOC product.


Share Documents - Select this option to allow sharing documents through Student Progress Center. Uncheck this box to not share documents through Student Progress Center and the Document tab will no longer display. Users can still use the Print To DAS feature to push documents to SPC so that when the Share Documents box is checked again, those documents will be there for viewing.

Document Categories - Set which document categories are allowed to be shared through Student Progress Center.

DAS Auto Print - Choose from the list, the DAS Auto Print files that are allowed to be shared through Student Progress Center. The setup boxes will have the option of Print to DAS.

DAS Signature Needed - Set which DAS files requires a signature through Student Progress Center.

Grade Settings


Allow Student Assignment/Lesson Marked Completed - Select this option to allow students to mark an assignment or a lesson as completed in Student Progress Center.

Show All Lessons with Homework - Select this option to show all lessons with homework on the calendar tab.

Show Assignment Class Average - Select this option to show class averages for assignment grades on Grades tab.

Show District Comparison Of Grades and Test Scores - Select this option to show district comparisons on Test tab. This option will display graphs comparing the student's grades and test scores in a course to the average district grade in the same course.

Show Flex Card - Select this option to allow viewing of Flex Cards on the Grades tab

Show Lessons Not Displayed in Gradebook - Select this option to show lessons not displayed in gradebook on the Calendar tab. If this option is checked, it will display all lesson plans and assignments. Otherwise, only gradable assignments will be displayed.

Show Only Active Courses - Select this option to only show the active courses on the Grades Tab.

Show Only Approved Lessons - Select this option to only show lessons that have been approved, which are displayed on the Calendar tab.

Show Only Homework for Lessons - Select this option to only show the homework details (no other information) for lessons, which are displayed on the Course Work tab of the Calendar tab.

Show Only Report Card - Select this option to show only the report card with no drill down or assignments on the Grades Tab.

SPC Registration System Setting


Process SPC Applications - Select this process to allow entering of student applications through Student Progress Center for ORS (Online Registration System).

From - Set the first day when submitting student applications is allowed through Student Progress Center.

To - Set the last day when submitting student applications is allowed through Student Progress Center.

Prevent Updating of Student Demographic Information - Select this option to not allow student demographic information changes to be made in the student registration process for ORS.

Force Student Information Update - Select this option to force parents to update student demographic information to complete the student registration process after login.

SPC Display Options



Allow Principals To View All Schools - Check this option to allow principal profiles to view all students at all schools in the Student Progress Center. Otherwise, they will only have access to students at their school.

Attendance Skip Codes - Select the attendance codes to skip when displaying the Attendance tab.

Hide Browse - Select this option to hide the browse button on the Student Progress Center login screen.

Hide Fees - Select this option to hide fees on the Student Progress Center.

Hide Grades/Transcript If Fees Due - Select this option to not allow viewing of Grades and Transcript tab in the SPC when fees are due. If a student owes a fee the grades will not be displayed and there will be a message to the parent to call the school.

Hide Notes - Select this option to hide school/teacher notes in the Student Progress Center.

Hide Schedule Times - Select this option to hide schedule times in the Student Progress Center and the cell phone app.

Show All Discipline History - Select this option to show all years of discipline for student on the Discipline tab.

Show Bell - Select this option to show the bell assigned to the student in the Student Progress Center.

Show Birth Date - Select this option to show student birth date in Student Progress Center.

Show Bus Information - Select this option to show student bus information in Student Progress Center. Check to display the student's bus and stop number on the Student Home Page.

Show Student Bus Address - Select this option to show student bus address in Student Progress Center. If the student has a bus number and this item is checked, the pick up/drop off addresses will be visible.

Show Comments on Calendar Tab - Select this option to show the master schedule comments for a course on the Calendar Tab.

Show Comments on Request Tab - Select this option to show the master schedule comments for a course on the Request Tab.

Show Comments Schools - Select schools to show master schedule comments for. If blank, all school comments are shown.

Show Community Service and Scholarship Information - Select this option to show community service and scholarship information on the transcript tab of the Student Progress Center.

Show Courses with Zero Max Seats - Select this option to show courses with zero max seats on the Request Tab.

Show Current Year Grades on the Transcript - Select this option to show current year grades on the Transcript tab.

Show Custom Codes - The user can choose which custom codes to display in the Student Progress Center, if the student has them assigned to them.

Show Custom Code Values - Select this option to show the custom code values for the codes selected above in the Student Progress Center.

Show Discipline Details - Select this option to add a details column to table on the Discipline tab.

Show Discipline Without Administrator Action - Select this option to show discipline without administrative action on the Discipline tab.

Show GPA on Transcript - Select this option to show GPA on the Transcript tab.

Show GPA Rank on Transcript - Select this option to show GPA Rank on the transcript tab. If the GPA rank is above 999 then do not show the Rank/Time stamp.

Show Homeroom - Select this option to show homeroom in the Student Progress Center on the Student Home page.

Show Location Scanning - Select this option to show the last 5 weekdays of location scanning on the Attendance Tab.

Show Long Course Name - Select this option to show long course name in Student Progress Center.

Show Lunch Status - Select this option to show the student's lunch status in Student Progress Center.

Show Messages For "A" Assignments - Select this option to show messages for "A" assignment grades on the Communication tab.

Set "A" Assignment Message School - Select the school you want to set the "A" assignment message for.

"A" Assignment Message - Set the custom message for "A" assignment grades for the school selected. Write the message that will be displayed on the Student Progress Center (SPC) for students at the selected school who earn an 'A' on an assignment. If school 700 is selected, the message will be displayed for students at all schools. A different message can be created for each school. Click Save.

Show New Year On - Set the day when new school year will be shown in Student Progress Center. Select "Always Show" (which is set to July 1st), "First Day of School", or 1, 2, 3, or 4 "Week(s) Before First Day". This option will tell the system when to display new year items

  • Example: "Force Student Information Update" can start on July 1st if "Always Show" is chosen.

Show No Page Message - Select this option to show a No Page message per course if a page has not been set up on the Pages tab.

Show Only Alpha Final Grade on Transcript - Select this option to only show Alpha Final Grade on the Transcript tab.

Show Previous Year's Graduates - Select this option to show previously graduated students in Student Progress Center.

Show Program Codes - Select this option to show program codes in Student Progress Center.

Show School Lookup Link - Select this option to display a link, on the Online Registration System login page, that will allow access to the School Lookup Program. You will now be able to click on the link Find Schools and be able to look up school attendance zones on a mapping system. (Must have DMS)

Show Special Codes - Select this option to show special codes in Student Progress Center.

Show Student SPC Login Information - Select this option to show the student's SPC login and password information on the home page in the Student Progress Center.

Show Student Contact Information - Select this option to show the student's email and password information on the home page in Student Progress Center.

Hide the Student Email and Password from Student Logins - Select this option to hide student email and password from student logins.

Hide the Student Email and Password from the Parent Logins - Select this option to hide student email and password from parent logins.

Show Student Points - Select this option to show student's total points earned.

Enable Student Attendance Verification - (17459) Select to enable the student attendance verification button so that a virtually marked student can see the red button to mark their self as Present. This setting is connected to the Calendar Editor, so it will not display on holidays.

  • The student has to be logged in with the student's username and password (not the parent's username and password) to see the red attendance button in the Student Progress Center.
  • Once the student marks their self as Present, the button will turn green be be disabled.
  • When a student clicks the Present button, there is a record for code 70 for the start time of that day for the school the student is enrolled in.

Set Daily Cut Off time for Attendance Verification - Enter the cut off time for the red attendance button to be disabled and a message will let the student know that it is too late to mark their self as Present.

Show Teacher Email - Select this option to show teacher email addresses in Student Progress Center. This will allow students and parents to access their teacher's and principal's e-mail address on the Communication page.

Once all of the items on the Option panel have been complete, the user should click on the SAVE button. The user may also click on the SAVE ALL button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes.

Top of Page

Accessing the SPC Validation choices

Select the Validation tab at the top of the SPC screen. See below:


SPC Validation Options


For each of the items listed, if the Show column is checked, the item will be displayed on the Registration Screen and if the Validation column is checked, the item is required for registration.

Enable PSN Authentication for Registrations - Check this box to enable PSN authentication for registrations.

Require PSN - This is the student's PSN number as found in Student Master and is always displayed and required for registration. NOTE: To break the "link" to another student, the PSN will need to been removed for 5 years in Student Master.

Require Last Name - Last Name of the person registering.

Require First Name - First Name of the person registering.

Require Middle Initial - Middle initial of the person registering.

Require Address Line 1 - The first line of the address of the person registering.

Require Address Line 2 - The second line of the address of the person registering.

Require City - The city of the address of the person registering.

Require State - The state of the address of the person registering.

Require Zip - The zip code of the address of the person registering.

Require Home Phone Number - The home phone number of the person registering

Require Work Phone Number - The work phone number of the person registering.

Require Cellphone Number - The cellphone number of the person registering.

Require Beeper Number - The beeper number of the person registering.

Require Email Address - The email address of the person registering.

Require Employer Name - The name of the employer of the person registering.

Enable Two Factor Authentication for Registrations - Check this box to enable two factor authentication for registrations.

Require First Name - First name of the person registering.

Require Last Name - Last name of the person registering.

Rquire Cellphone Number - The cellphone number of the person registering.

Require Email Address - The email address of the person registering.

No Match Warning - Set the custom message that will display when no match is found when registering a new account.

Save - Click to save all information.

Accessing the SPC Request choices

Select the Request tab at the top of the SPC screen. See below:


These instructions will provide information on entering the configuration for allowing parents and/or students to enter course request(s) during the spring scheduling process for the next school year in the Student Progress Center.

On the left navigation panel, select System, Entry and Communication Configuration.

  1. Select the SPC tab at the bottom of the screen. Three new tabs appear on the top of the configuration window.
  2. Select the Request tab at the top.
  3. There are two options for request configuration, Request By School or Request By School and Grade. Note that the Request By School overrides any individual settings entered in the Request By School and Grade.

Request By School

This option allows the request tab to display in Student Progress Center so that parents/students can then enter requested courses. Make sure the student(s) have an enrollment record for the next year by using the Create New Year Student Master. Parents/students can then enter requested courses for selected schools in the district regardless of grade or date range. This option does not allow you to set begin/end date limitations for the request tab to display like the option below.
NOTE: The Request By School overrides any individual settings entered below in the Request By School and Grade.
  1. Click in the school field and select the school(s) for which request(s) can be made.
  2. Allow Alternates - Checking this box sets all schools in the first box to allow students to select/view alternates.
  3. Allow Editing of School Entered Requests - Checking this box sets all schools in the first box to edit school entered requests. This a school wide option and will override any individual school settings below.
  4. Allow Only Viewing - Checking this box sets all schools in the first box to allow only viewing existing requests. This is a school wide option and will override any individual school settings below.
  5. Allow Printing - Checking this box sets all schools in the first box to allow student requests form printing. This is a school wide option and will override any individual school settings below.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.

Request By School and Grade

This option also allows the request tab to display in Student Progress Center so that parents/students can then enter requested courses, but you can set begin/end dates for the tab to display for individual schools in the district.
NOTE: The Request By School (above) overrides any individual settings entered in the Request By School and Grade.
  1. Enter the following information for a school, one grade at a time. Then repeat for the next school.
  2. Click in the school field and select the school(s) for which request(s) can be made.
  3. Select the grade. The grade is the next year grade level. So for current 9th graders, enter 10 in this column.
  4. Select the start date for the current year to start allowing requests to be entered. The start and end dates for the different grades can be the same, overlap, or be distinct date ranges.
  5. Select the end date for the current year to stop allowing requests to be entered. The start and end dates for the different grades can be the same, overlap, or be distinct date ranges.
  6. Select to add an area for students/parents to enter alternate requests. These requests will only replace elective courses (transcript group codes 8 and 9) that could not be scheduled by the Automatic Scheduler.
  7. Select to give students/parents the ability to print the request form.
  8. For Editing, check to allow students/parents to change requests entered by counselors or other school employees.
  9. Save the configuration by clicking the green save cell at the right end of the row.
  10. To Delete, use the red column on the appropriate row to not allow students to enter requested courses for their schedule at their next year school. Answer OK to the pop up confirmation question and OK to the last question and the row will be removed.


Setup - Click to go back to the Setup box.

Save All - Click to save all the changes made to any of the programs or screens available in the Communication Configuration program.

HELP - Click to view written instructions and/or videos.

Communication Configuration Page

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