Screening Test Entry

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This program will provide teachers a way to enter K-3 Literacy screenings and DRDP based on their roster/homeroom.

Also note that Screening Tests can also be entered through Test Score Editor and Test Score Import.

Menu Location

Teachers can find the program on their main menu and in Classroom under Reports > Rosters > Screening Test Entry.

Screening.png or Screening1.png

Teachers do need security settings for this program in User Management.


Setup Options

Teachers can enter Dibles Next, STEEP and STEP Literacy Assessments. The Kindergartner DRDP evaluation can also be entered.



Column Headers

School - School of enrollment.

School Name - Full name of student's school of enrollment.

Last Name - Student's last name.

First Name - Student's first name.

SIDNO - Student's school identification number.

Grade - Student's grade level.

DOB - Student's date of birth.

Homeroom - Student's homeroom teacher.

Entry Code - Student's entry code into the school.

Entry Date - Student's entry date.

Leave Code - Student's leave code.

Leave Date - Student's leave date.

Delete - To delete any information on this student.

Test - Test administration name.

Test Date - Test administration date. The Test Date is not editable and will default August 1st of the given session year. The import test date is always August 1st of the selected school year on the setup (e.g. 2122 would be 08-01-2021).

Type - Test type can be: 1. Dibels Next, 2. Steep, 3. Step, 4. Dibels 8.

Time of Year - Time can be: BOY - Beginning of the year, MOY - Middle of the year, EOY - End of the year.

Score - 0-999


  • For 2122 DRDP: (1) Student not assessed due to extenuating medical reasons, or (2) Not a first time kindergartner, or (4) Student accessed with TS GOLD
  • For 2122 LA Literacy Screener: (1) Student not assessed due to extenuating medical reasons, or (5) Student has a documented signature disability and was assessed with an approved alternate assessment.

Alt Assess Reason - Reason can be: 1. Hearing disabled. 2. Visually disabled. 3. Verbally disabled.


LA Literacy Screener

For the test name LA Literacy Screener, the grade level is limited to Grade 00-03 only so it will automatically default in the Filters area. Also, the "Type" column allows the user to select the literacy types of 1 Acadience Reading (formerly Dibels Next), 2 Steep, 3 Step, or 4 Dibels 8.

The teacher can quickly tab through and enter the scores for a student. LA Literacy Screener allows 3 numeric digits in each field.

The teachers do not need to choose an Exception unless there is a reason the students are not taking the screening.

When a student does not have any scores, then user must choose one of the following Exception code choices:

  • 1 - Student not assessed due to extenuating medical reasons
  • 5 - Student has a documentated signature disability and was assessed with an approved alternate assessment.
  • 3 - (obsolete) Student assessed in another LEA
  • 6 - (obsolete) COVID19
  • 7 - (obsolete) School Closure (no distanced learning occurring)

The Alt Assess Reason reason can be:

  • 1. Hearing disabled.
  • 2. Visually disabled
  • 3. Verbally disabled

NOTE: Users can also manually type in data for these tests in the Test Score Editor or import a CSV file through the Test Score Import.

LA Literacy Screener (previous years)

The import is a .csv file and would only need the following four columns of data:

  • SIDNO - escholarID or local sidno
  • Type - 1 Dibles Next, 2 STEEP, 3 STEP
  • Score - 0-99
  • Exception - null (blank), 1 Student enrolled/present less than 10 days, 3 Student assessed in another LEA


(student with score) 1234567,1,99,

(student with excep) 1234568,1, ,3

LA Literacy Screener 20/21

The import is a .csv file and would only need the following six columns of data:

  • SIDNO- escholarID or local sidno
  • Type - 1 ACADIENCE READING (formerly Dibels Next) , 2 STEEP, 3 STEP, 4 DIBELS 8
  • Score - 0-99
  • Exception - null (blank), 1 - Student not assessed due to extenuating medical reasons, or 5 - Student has a documented signature disability and was assessed with an approved alternate assessment.
  • Alt assess reason - 1=Hearing Disabled, 2= Visually Disabled, 3 = Verbally Disabled
  • Virtual = Y, N


(student with score) 1234567,1,99,,,

(student with excep) 1234568,1, ,3,,

(student with alt excep) 1234568,1, ,,2,

(student with virtual) 1234568,1, 99,,,Y

LA Literacy Screener 22/23

For the import "LA Literacy Screener 22/23", the .csv file would need only eight columns of data: idno, type, score, exception, alt assess reason, virtual, LADC, time of year.

The new Literacy Assessment Determination Code (LADC) value is required only if Literacy Screener Exception Code is 5.

IDNO - escholarID or local sidno


Score - 0-99

Exception - null (blank), 1 Student not assessed due to extenuating medical reasons, 5 Student has a documented significant disability and was assessed with an approved alternate assessment or modified assessment

Alt Assess Reason - null (blank), 1= Hearing Disabled, 2=Visually Disabled, 3=Verbally Disabled" . The Alt Assess Reason codes provided by the LDOE are "1=Hearing Impairment, 2=Visual Impairment, 3=Fluency Based Speech Disorders, 4=English Learners, and 5=Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Virtual - null (blank), Y, N

LADC - null (blank),1=Alternative assessment, 2=Alternate procedures of administration for standard K-3 literacy screener

Time of Year - BOY=Beginning, MOY=Middle, EOY=Ending


(student with score) 1234567,1,99,,,,,BOY

(student with excep) 1234568,1, ,3,,,,BOY

(student with alt excep) 1234568,1, ,,2,,,BOY

(student with virtual) 1234568,1, 99,,,Y,,BOY

(student with excep code 05) 1234568,1, ,5,,,1,BOY

Teachers can also the data in Classroom by going to the Reports > Rosters > Screening Test Entry. Choose a test type of "LA Literacy Screener". There is a new field for "Time of Year" that they can choose BOY, MOY, or EOY.


For the test name DRDP, the grade level is limited to Grade 00 only so it will automatically default in the Filters area.

The teacher can quickly tab through and enter the scores for a student. (e.g. Select the first value then tab + 6 + tab would save a score of 6 in the next column). DRDP allows only for scores of 1-6 in each field.

The teachers do not need to choose an Exception unless there is a reason the students are not taking the screening.

When a student does not have any scores, then user must choose one of the following Exception code choices:

  • 1 - Student not assessed due to extenuating medical reasons.
  • 2. - Not a first time kindergartner
  • 4. - Student accessed with TS GOLD
  • 3 - (obsolete) Student assessed in another LEA

NOTE: If your district uses TS GOLD for your Kindergartner assessment instead of DRDP, the state is not collecting those scores. You will have two check boxes on the Edlink "Student" tab build options to denote it and not submit DRDP fields.

  • Include K3 Literacy/DRDP screening - Include the Literacy Screening and DRDP Assessment record
  • District uses Gold K Assessment - The district uses Gold K assessment so the program sends exception code 4 for DRDP on the 141 record.

For DRDP, the user can manually type in the data for this test in the Test Score Editor or import a CSV file through the Test Score Import.

Below is the layout for DRDP. Most errors are caused by including a column "cog-math 5" which should not be included.

The Import is a CSV file with the following columns:

district, site code, school, last name, first name, idno, iep placement, atl-reg 1, atl-reg 2, atl-reg 3, atl-reg 4, sed 1, sed 2, sed 3, sed 4, lld1, lld2, lld3, lld4, lld5, lld6, lld7, lld8, lld9, lld10, cog-math 2, cog-math 3, cog-math 4, cog-math 6, pd 1, pd 2, pd 3, pd 4

district, site code, school, last name, first name - Are not used ... just need blanks with commas. sidno - escholarID or local sidno iep placement - Are not used ... just need blank with comma. all the test columns (atl-reg1 through pd4) are values 1-6

Example: , , , , ,1234567890, ,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6



Setup - Click to go back to the Setup box.

Print PDF - Click the Print button at the bottom of the screen and print servlet window will appear. Click the printer icon at the top right and another print servlet will appear. Click the print button at the top left to print the report.

Export - To find the print instructions, follow this link: Standard Print Options.

HELP - Click to view written instructions and/or videos.

iGear - Highlight a student on the list and choose iGear.


Q - When selecting EOY and entering a score, I no longer see the BOY scores.
A - You should not see any BOY or MOY scores while posting EOY scores. You can control this by setting the test date range on the setup to be 05/01/2023. To see all results for BOY, MOY, and EOY, you would set the test date beginning range to 08/01/2022 and ending on 05/01/202. So, to avoid accidentally overwriting the previous screening scores, you should set the "Test Date From" and the "Test Date To" to the date that corresponds with the time of year for the screening of which you are working.
BOY (Beginning of Year) - 8/1
MOY (Middle of Year)- 2/1
EOY (End of Year) - 5/1

Q - In trying to import a CSV file into the Test Score Import, choosing LA Literacy Screener 2021 and August 18, 2021, I continue to get a "Type" error.
A - Including the header and row 1 is producing the error.

Q - For DRDP, number 3 exception code is no longer used. What is the alternative when a student was not enrolled at your school at the beginning of the year?
A - There is no replacement exception code. Those are supposed to be reviewed by the state assessment team and your assessment team. They will show as errors in EDLink. The state has no other answers for that situation.

Q - A teacher began entering student scores, and after entering them all, she is unable to see them. She said that she did not see a “Save,” but is wondering what she is going wrong.
A - The report will default Aug 1st. When setting the dates to 08/01/2020 thru 08/31/2020, the scores do show. Also, make sure the user posts the Test Type.

Q - When inputting 3rd grade Dibels 8 - Maze adjusted scores, we are getting an error for all scores that have decimals.
A - The scores should not have a decimal for what is reported to the state.

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