Update GPA

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It is always a good idea to run the GPA update prior to running the GPA Ranking Report for the transcripts.

The Update GPA program is accessed by clicking the Update GPA button on the GPA Ranking Report.

Setup Box Options for Update GPA


To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.

For other set up values not listed in the standard set up list:

Use Current Grades: Select if Grades Closeout EOY has not been done. If the EOY Closeout has been done, then do not select this option. Select if semester/final grades from the current year are to be included in the cumulative gpa calculation. This is only applicable if you are in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th 9 weeks.

0.5 credit to 1 credit course….: Usually selected. If a single semester of a full credit course is taken, the final will be given with only a 0.5 credit to match.

NOTE: Check Use semester grades only OR Use final grades only but do not check both. If neither are checked, then both semester and final grade columns will be included in the GPA calculations.

Use semester grades only: For use after the EOY Close out has been done. Select if district calculates cumulative gpa only on grades that are in the "Semester" column of a transcript.

Use final grades only: For use after the EOY Close out has been done. Select if district calculates cumulative gpa only on grades that are in the "Final" column of a transcript.

Include P grade as failures: In some circumstances, students opt to use a "P" grade for Passing, as opposed to the typical A, B, C, for proficiency placement courses, Driver's Education, etc. The student’s transcript will show 1 credit for the course, but the "P" will not calculate into the student’s gpa and zero quality points are awarded. But by checking this option, "P" grades will be counted as a failing grade. Normally schools do not select this option.

  • Selecting this option will take a "P" grade and count is as 0 quality points just like an "F" grade. Normally, schools want a "P" to simply be left out of the calculation since it has no quality points.

Include Early Graduates: - This will adjust the Cumulative GPA to include early graduates if option is selected.

Click the OK button to begin the calculation.

A message will be displayed indicating the processing is taking place. The processing will take several minutes. When done, close the Update GPA setup box. This will return the user to the GPA Ranking Report setup box.

Q & A

Q - If "Use Current Grades" and "0.5 credit to 1 credit course…" are both checked, does is use semester or final grades? Our district chooses to calc GPA on final grades only... so I want to make sure that I'm sending them the proper guidance.

A - The normal GPA would use the final grade if present for a subject. If the subject does not have a final grade, it will use any available semester grades.

To use final grade only for GPAs means that any course without a final grade will be excluded from the GPA. If this is what your district desires, then select the "Use final grades only" option.

The "Use current grades" would be selected if EOY Closeout has not been done. If the EOY Closeout has been done, then do not select this option. The "0.5 Credit to 1 credit" option will half-value a full credit course if only one semester grade is posted.

So, having both choices checked, would use current year grades in addition to transcript grades. If the courses have a final, it would be used, else it would use any available semester grades.

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