This will show the user the student's tardies.
Ref Date - Date of the tardy
Time - Time of the tardy
Out Ex - This will indicate if the out tardy was excused or unexcused as chosen when the tardy was posted.
Tardy Out - This will display the out tardy description. The tardy will be posted in both the check-in and check-out fields with the same clock time. This is because a tardy is neither a check-in or check-out, simply a notice that the student was not where they should be at the correct time.
In Ex - This will indicate if the in tardy was excused or unexcused as chosen when the tardy was posted.
Tardy In - This will display the in tardy description. The tardy will be posted in both the check-in and check-out fields with the same clock time. This is because a tardy is neither a check-in or check-out, simply a notice that the student was not where they should be at the correct time.
Print - To find the print instructions, follow this link: Standard Print Options.
Year - The user can change the year if needed.