Student Request Fast Loader

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The Student Request Fast Loader allows the user to load course requests for one or more courses to groups of students at one time in a loader format. Students are on the left side of the screen, and courses to select for requests are on the right.


Student Request Fast Loader video

Menu Location


On the left navigation panel, select Scheduling > Loaders > Student Request Fast Loader.

Setup Options


Year - Select the appropriate school year. For this program, select the Year for the upcoming school year.

District - Default value is based on your security settings. You will be limited to your district only.

School - Default value is based on your security settings. If you are assigned to a school, the school default value will be your school site code. You will not be able to change this value. If you are a supervisor or other district office employee with access to the Student Information System, you will be able to run programs for one school, a small group of schools, or all schools in your district.

Grades - This option limits the students to only those with the selected grades.

Gender - Gender of the student/employee

Ethnic -Primary ethnicity of the student/employee

Sports - Click in the field to the right of Sports to select the desired sport(s) to view. Leave blank if all sports are to be included into the report.

Clubs - Extracurricular activities in which students may participate. Click in the field to the right of Clubs to select the desired club(s) to view. Leave blank if all clubs are to be included into the report.

Teams - This selection should only be used if your school is using Team Scheduling. Click in the field to the right of Teams to select the desired Teams(s) to view. Leave blank if all team names are to be included into the report.

Special Codes - Special Codes must have been entered into the Student Master record for students. Click in the field to the right of Special Codes to select the desired special code(s) to view. Leave blank if all special codes are to be included into the report.

Program Codes - Student program codes

Active Only - A check will limit the list of students to only students who are enrolled. Default is to have this checked.

As of Date - If “Active Only” is checked, students enrolled as of this date will be displayed on the left side of the screen. The default is to have the current date, but can be set to the first day of school next year to show the new students gained for next year.

Special Ed

  • All - Select this to show all students.
  • Sped Only - Select this to show Sped only students.
  • Non Sped - Select this to show Non Sped students


  • All - Select this to show all students.
  • 504 Only - Select this to show 504 only students.
  • Non 504 - Select this to show Non 504 students.


  • All - Select this to show all students.
  • LEP Only - Select this to show LEP only students.
  • Non LEP - Select this to show Non LEP students.

Edit Next School Request - This setting will allow you to view the students at the schools they are enrolled for next, and allow you to load their templates for their next school. To use this feature, you will have to have security rights.

Course Criteria

  • Grade Levels - Click to limit the grade level of courses to pick from.
  • Transcript Group - Click to limit the transcript group of courses to pick from. Example: Transcript group of “English” will limit the pick list of courses to those categorized as "English" such as English I, Reading I, etc.
    • Limit Courses to Master Schedule - Use only courses in current Master Schedule.
    • Active Only Courses - Select to see only active courses.

Stu Courses Filter - This option limits the students to just students currently requesting your selected list of courses in this box. Leave empty to not filter the students by the requested courses.

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.

OK - Click to continue.


Studentrequest.png To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.

Student Name - Student's/employee's full name

Sidno, ID - Local ID of the student

Grade - Grade level of the student and/or course

Ethnic - Primary ethnicity of the student/employee

Gender, Gen - Gender of the student/employee

Homeroom - Student's homeroom

District (Dist) - District in which the student is enrolled

School/Site - Site code of the school in which the student/employee is enrolled/works

Course - Course Name

Gr - Course Grade Level

Cred - Credit Value of Course

Honors - Honor Codes associated with Course

STD - Standard Course Type

SEM - Number of Semester Course lasts

#PDs - Number of Periods the Course lasts

PRI - School Priority of Course

SEQ - Schedule Sequence of Course

Group - Transcript Group Code

ST Code - State Code

Local - Lock Number

On screen, the user will see that there are students with select boxes on the left, and courses with select boxes on the right. Additionally, on the lower right, the user will notice that

there are course alpha select buttons, along with a course search text box.

Selecting Students - Click the select box next to the desired students. To select all students shown, click the box in the upper left next to the column header labeled “SEL”.

This will place a check in each student’s box. To clear all selections, click in the same box again.

'Selecting Courses - To locate a desired course either:

Scroll up / down to the desired course

In the lower right under the courses, click an alpha button to move the course listing to the letter clicked

In the lower right, type part or all of a course name to move the course listing to the desired course.

When the desired course is located, click the select box next to the desired course(s). To clear the selection, click the box in the upper middle of the courses listing next to the

column labeled “SEL”. This will place a check mark by each course. Click again to clear the check marks from all select boxes for courses.

Assign the selected course requests to the selected students: Click the Load Request button. The system will think a moment, then return a message of “Students requests set!”. At

this point, requests have been assigned.

Remove the selected course requests from the selected students: If a mistake was made, or a correction needed, and the requests need to be taken away, first select the desired students, then

select the desired course to take away as a request. Click the Unload Request button. The system will think a moment, then display a message of “Student Requests Unset!”. At

this point, the requests have been removed. Also, the Unload Request will work even if you leave this program and come back to it later.


Request fast loader bottom.png

Load Requests - Click this button to assign selected course requests to selected students.

Unload Requests - Click this button to remove selected course requests from selected students.

Setup - Click to return to the setup box to change settings for the utility.

Print - To find the print instructions, follow this link: Standard Print Options.

Help - Takes you to the Help website for written instructions and instructional videos.

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