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These instructions provide an overview of the Transcript Workstation along with instructions on printing a single transcript or multiple transcripts.


Transcript Workstation Overview video

On the left navigation panel, select Transcripts, Entry and Transcript Workstation.

Setup Box Options

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.

For other set up values not listed in the standard set up list:

  • Select the Transcript Type: College, Official, Custom
  • Show Current Year Grades: Semester / Final Grades from the current year (only available after the first semester grades have been calculated).
  • Find Only Active Students: Check for students that are currently enrolled for the school year selected.
  • Make selections in the More Options section. After making selections in each area, click OK to return to the setup box.
  • Basic Button Options
  • Senior Graduation Date: Enter a date if different from the graduation date set in the Calendar.
  • Show Current Year Schedule (w/o grades): Display current schedule for the year at the bottom of transcript.
  • Show Rank: Display current rank of student.
  • Show Attempted GPA: Display highest possible GPA.
  • 0.5 to 1 credit if only one sem posted, even if final is posted: If checked, this will show a half credit of a full credit course if you are half way through the year. This should always be checked.
  • Select Course Master Records by School: Use only courses that are identified in the course catalog specifically for your school. DO NOT check this if you need to add courses from outside the state, etc. as you will see a blank screen when you click on State Code.
  • Show Sources for all Grades: Displays the school name for where each course in the transcript was earned.
  • Omit Obsolete Courses: Uncheck to be able to see the obsolete courses when choosing courses (clicking in the blank area) in the Courses column.
  • Display Long Course Names: Displays the long course name if it exists in the transcript in the language specified. This will affect printing from the iGear as well.
  • Grades Button Options
  • GPA Print Type: Choose from the drop down list. This is chosen by District and is stored in the Sponsor Site file.
  • Alpha Basic - 4.0 GPA but will allow for the states 5.0 courses to be averaged in
  • Alpha Loaded - 5.0 scale using courses that are designated in the Course Catalog's Honor field
  • Alpha Raw - pure 4.0 GPA but will NOT allow for the states 5.0 courses to be averaged in
  • Numeric Basic - same as the definition for Alpha Basic but uses numeric grades
  • Numeric Loaded - same as the definition for Alpha Loaded but uses numeric grades
  • Show Numeric Grades: Displays numeric grades with alpha grades.
  • Round GPA's: Rounds off the GPA.
  • Show Courses with No Final Grades: Shows grades for semester courses which have no final grade record.
  • Count Replaced Courses in GPA: If checked, this will average both the replaced grade (lower grade) in addition to the new grade in the GPA calculation when a course is taken over. To only use the newer/higher grade only in the GPA average, uncheck this option.
  • Use Semester Grades Only for GPA Calculation: This only uses semester grades in calculating cumulative GPA.
  • Printing Button Options.
  • Attendance Summary: (Custom use only) Show attendance summary on the bottom of the printed document.
  • Attendance Detail: (Custom use only) Show attendance detail on the bottom of the printed document.
  • Discipline Detail: (Custom use only) Show discipline detail on the bottom of the printed document.
  • Print Senior Graduation Date: The date senior students will graduate.
  • Print Signature Block: Show the signature affidavit.
  • Show principal name is signature block. This comes from the Sponsor Site Editor.
  • Use SIS School: Show the student's SIS school on the printed document.
  • Display the SSN: Show the student's social security number on the printed document.
  • Hide the Grading Scale: Hide the grading scale on the printed document.
  • Print Comment: Print comment text on the printed document.
  • Letter Size Paper: Print the transcript on letter sized paper.
  • Legal Size Paper: Print the transcript on legal sized paper.
  • Print EOC Scores (college): Check this to display and print EOC scores on the college transcript.
  • Print Vocational Block: Print the Vocational Block on the transcript. The Vocational Block includes: Diploma Path, Diploma Endorsements, IBC, Career Options, and Concentration.
  • Print Color Columns (College): Check to have the Sem1 column and Final column turn gray in the printed transcript.
  • Test Score Cards: Append the students test score card with the printed transcript.
  • Do Not Print Replaced Grades: Check to not show repeated courses on the printed transcript. Replaced courses are defined as those that have a replaced check on them in the Transcript Workstation.
  • Official Button Options.
  • Print/Transmit State Course Descriptions: Will print/transmit state descriptions instead of local course names.
  • Show Final Only: Shows final grades only; if a course has no final grade, then the course will not display on the screen and will not print.
  • Hide Courses with Zero Credit Earned: Does not display courses with 0 credit earned.
  • STS Button Options: This is for creating the transcript file for submission to DOE. It is not available at this time.
  • Set Defaults: The Set Defaults button is only visible to 700 users with AD permissions. When clicked, the user will be given a confirmation box to save the current settings as the default setting for the district or to cancel and leave the settings as they are.
Click the OK to advance to the next page.

Selecting a Student

  • Find Button: Click on the Find button at the bottom of the screen to bring up the Find Box. Click on the name of the student to open the Transcript Workstation for the student.
  • Search Box: Use the Search box to the left of the Action button in the top-right corner of the window. Below are examples of what can be entered:
  • LastName, FirstName: Enter the last name of the student followed by a comma and then the first name. If you just enter the last name the pick list will show all the students with that last name. The same is true for the first name.
  • FirstName LastName: Enter the first name followed by the last name to select the student. As above, you can enter just the first name or just the last name.
  • SA SID" Enter the State Approved Student ID number to bring up the student. You can also enter a partial and it will bring up all the matches.
  • Student ID: Enter the Student ID number and it will bring up the student. You can also enter a partial and it will bring up all the matches.

Column Headers

To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.

For other columns not listed in the common column list:

D: Delete record
GRP: Transcript group for the course; 1: English, 2: Comp Education, 3: Math, 4: Social Studies, 5: Science, 6: H & P E, 7: Foreign Languages, 8: Vocational Electives, 9: Regular Electives
Course: Course description/name
S1n: 1st semester numeric grade
S1a: 1st semester alpha grade
S1yr: School Year the 1st semester grade was earned; usually the fall of the school session BUT always use the end of the school year. Ex: If the school year is 15/16, always enter 16 in this column.
R1: Check box to indicate that this grade record is to be replaced by a second instance of the course. (usually a low grade)

wer grade

S2n: 2nd semester numeric grade
S2a: 2nd semester alpha grade
S2yr: School Year the 2nd semester grade was earned; usually the spring of the school session BUT always use the end of the school year. Ex: If the school year is 15/16, always enter 16 in this column.
R2: Check box to indicate that this grade record is to be replaced by a second instance of the course. (usually a low grade)
F1n: Final numeric grade
F1a: Final alpha grade
F1yr: Year the final grade was earned; usually the spring of the school session
R3: Check box to indicate that this grade record is to be replaced by a second instance of the course. (usually a low grade)
Cp: Credit pursued
Ce: Credit earned
H: Honors indicator(s) from course catalog
G: The letter G will be in this field if the grade is from the current year grades file
S-code: 6 digit state course code
Grade Source: The 6 digit state site code and site name where student earned the grade. NOTE: If the credit was earned in another state, then a state site code should not be included. In the grade source box, there is space limitations so the most recent grade source is listed first. Ex: Final grade source listed first/ the 2nd semester grade source listed second/the 1st semester grade source listed first.

Definitions of Labels/Column Headers in the Save Window

S1: Semester 1 information; required if there is a grade entered for this semester
S1: Semester 2 information; required if there is a grade entered for this semester
F: Final information;
CP: Credit pursued
CE: Credit earned
Part No.: Used for semester records for full credit courses in which a student takes the first half during semester two. In this example the part number would be 1. For 4x4 block scheduling the first half taken during semester four would have part 1 for the part number.
REP: Replace course indicator
CR: Credit recovery indicator
SS: Summer school indicator
Honors: Values from the honors field in the course catalog
DS: Distance learning indicator
Credit Site: For a dual enrollment course this must be the post secondary site; for all other courses this is the high school where the credit was earned
State: State other than Louisiana where credit was earned
Enrolled Site: Required for dual enrollment courses only; it must be the high school where the student was enrolled; leave information blank if this is not a dual enrollment course
College Hours: Required only for dual enrollment courses; must be greater than zero
Grade: Student Grade Level

Processes Available Through the "Action" Button at the Top Right

Gear Box: Gives ability to access multiple sources of information about the student on the workstation.
Calc GPA: Recalculates student GPA; gives two popups with detail of grades and quality points used for GPA calculation. If you don't get two pop up screens, then the GPA type is wrong in the Sponsor Site.


9th Grade Entry: A popup appears that allows you to manually enter the 9th grade entry for a student. Currently, the 9th grade entry year will default to the first year a 9th grade course credit was earned by the student. So if the student earned high school credits in their 8th grade year and the course grade level is 9th grade or above, the year would reflect 8th grade entry. Also, use the first half of the year when entering this year. Ex: If the year is 15/16, then use 15. This also displays across the top of the printed transcript.
Rank Report: See GPA Ranking Report for detailed instructions.
Post Grades by Student: A list of grading period grades posted for the current year.
Student GPA - Choose to see all of the various GPA types and rank. The (I) means that if there is a replaced grade, then both replaced and original grade would be averaged in the GPA. The (R) would only include the replaced grade in the averaging of the GPA.
  • GPA Basic - 4.0 GPA (but will allow for the states 5.0 courses to be averaged in)
  • GPA HON/ADJ - Courses marked as Honors or weighted in the Course Catalog will be calculated using an inflated scale such as 5.0. All other courses for the student will calculate using a 4.0 scale.
  • GPA Raw - pure 4.0 GPA (but will NOT allow for the states 5.0 courses to be averaged in)

Note: If the GPA averages are all the same, then the student must not be in a Honors or state weighted course. Gpa 1.PNG

VEDS: Not available at this time.
Veds Data Collection: Not available at this time.
Doc Archive: IBC (Industry Based Certificate) - A list of vocational areas in which students get certification.

Additional Buttons on the Transcript Workstation

NOTE: Select one of the button at the top of the workstation, a popup will appear for that tab. There is a print button located at the center bottom of each tab selected. This will allow the information to be printed.

SPED: The button will be different colors based on the type of SPED student and/or status of services.
Blue: Special Ed Record.
Yellow: Eval or IEP has expired.
Red: Active Eval or IEP.
Gray: Speech only serivces.
Purple: Gifted/Talented student.
504: Button will be Red if there is 504 information on this student.
LEP: Button will be Red if the student has been identified as Limited English Proficient.
Health: Button will be Red if there is a health plan for this student.

Printing a Single Student's Transcript

  1. Find the student whose transcript needs to be printed using the Find button at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Click the Print Single button to get a print preview will appear.
  3. Hover the mouse in the bottom right corner of the print preview and a gray rectangle will appear. Click the printer icon at the far right of this rectangle. A new print dialog box will appear.
  4. Click the print button at the top.
  5. Close the print preview.

Printing Multiple Students' Transcripts

  1. Printing transcripts for multiple students does not require a student transcript to be displayed on the screen.
  2. In Transcript Workstation, click the Print Multiple button to get the print setup box. You can select different limitations in this setup box from the original workstation setup box.
  3. The group of students whose transcripts are to be printed can be restricted based on the following fields: Grade, School clubs, Program Codes, Special Codes, School sports, Team Codes, Counselor, and All students or Sped only, Non Sped, 504 only or Non 504.
    • For each of these fields identify any restrictions by clicking the field and checking the check box for the group of students desired. Leave the field blank if there are no restrictions.
  4. Select Order By: Last Name, Grade, Homeroom, Counselor, Advisor.
  5. The As of Date: will allow the user to print only the students who active on the date selected.
  6. Class: will allow the user to limit the print to the selected sections.
  7. Show Remote: Shows students remotely scheduled to the school.
  8. Select Students to Print: Leave the field blank if you want to print all transcripts based on your selections above. To print a small group of transcripts click in the field and check off the names of students whose transcripts you want to print.
  9. Click OK to return to the setup box.
  10. Click the Print button at the bottom of the setup box. A print preview will appear.
  11. Hover the mouse in the bottom right corner of the print preview and a gray rectangle will appear. Click the printer icon at the far right of this rectangle. A new print dialog box will appear.
  12. Click the print button at the top.
  13. Close the print preview.

Last Updated: 2016-02-10 (rd)

Transcript Workstation
Retrieved from EDgear Wiki