DHH VPN Access Directions

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Follow the directions below to get access to the DHH's VPN in order to download monthly Medicaid eligibility files.

  1. Please have these two forms completed and email to Stephanie Mouton (Stephanie.Mouton@la.gov).
  2. Once Stephanie has received both forms, the Appointing Authority in her section will have it approved.
  3. Stephanie will then forward these 2 documents in electronic format to Office of Technology Services for further set up.
  4. Users have to complete both of these forms and sign. Then the Access request form will need to be completed by the Appointing Authority and signed.
  5. Users will also need to provide the following screenshots to prove their system is VPN security compliant:
    • Proof that BitLocker or another full-disk encryption software is installed/enabled
    • Proof that they have their virus protection updated
    • Proof that they have the latest windows updates
  6. Once Office of Technology Services receives the completed forms and screenshot, Office of Technology Services will then request Tech Support to create an AD account and send the instructions for downloading the VPN client.
    • This download will work for Windows 7 and 8.
    • If users have Windows 10, users will need to get VPN working via their IT staff. Office to Technology Services will send them the DHH profile to be added.

Jcampus / Required Reporting / LA Professional Billing Input

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