SPC (Student Progress Center)

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This program will allow you to modify the Student Progress Center's registration and viewing options.

Accessing the Communicaiton Configuration Program

JCampus > System > Entry > Communication Configuration

Communication Configuration Access

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Communication Configuration Setup Options

Communication Configuration Setup Options
Year: Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.
District: Default value is based on your security settings. You will be limited to your district only.

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Accessing the SPC (Student Progress Center) Program

Select the SPC tab at the bottom of the screen. Note: The image below has been shortened to save space.

Student Progress Center Access

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Accessing the SPC Options choices

Select the Options tab at the top of the SPC screen. See below:

SPC Options Access

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Explanations of the SPC Options

The SPC Options are separated into three sections:

  1. Display: Determines what is displayed when a student is selected in the SPC program.
  2. Contact: Determines what is Contact information can be updated by the user.
  3. Login: Determines who may log into the SPC system.

SPC Display Options

SPC Display Options Section
  • Display discipline without administrator action: Check this option to display all discipline referrals for a student regardless of whether the referral is major or minor. If left unchecked, only major referrals will be displayed.
  • Display lessons not displayed in gradebook: Check this option to display teacher lesson plans from the Lesson Book and assignments from the gradebook that the teacher has chosen not to display in the gradebook. If left unchecked, only gradable assignment from the gradebook will be displayed.
  • Allow Teacher Email: Check to allow students and parents to access their teacher's and principal's e-mail address on the Communication page.
  • Display New Year On Select "Always Show", "First Day of School", or 1, 2, 3, or 4 "Week(s) Before First Day". This option will tell the system when to display new year items to the students and parents.
  • Show Student Bus Information Check to display the student's bus and stop number on the Student Home Page
  • Show Student Bus Address: If the student has a bus number, this itme will become available. If checked, the address where the student will be picked up and dropped off will be visible.
  • Do not show grades if Fees due: If a student owes a fee and the fee is stored in our system, by checking this option, when a student or parent clicks on the Grades button, they will be asked to call the school for more information.
  • Allow district compare of scores Check this option to display graphs comparing the student's grades in a course to the average district grade in the same course.
  • Allow principals to view all schools: Check this option to allow the principals to access all students at all schools. If unchecked, a principal will only have access their students at their school.
  • Attendance Skip Codes: Select the attendance codes to skip when counting and displaying total days absence for the student.
  • Hide Browse: If you leave unchecked there will be a Browse School Courses button, but if you check this option the browse button will not show.
  • Show Current Year Greades on the Transcript: If checked, the current year grades will be displayed on the transcript.
  • Show JCall Messages: If checked, any JCall messages sent will be displayed in the SPC.
  • Show Previous Year's Graduates: If checks, the previous years graduates will be available for access.
  • Show Long Course Names: If checked, courses that have long course names assigned, will display the long course name rather than the normal course name.
  • Shoe Student Birth Date: If checked, will display the birth date for the student.

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SPC Contact Options

SPC Contact Options Section
  • Allow update parent contact information: Check this box to display "Contact Information" within the "Make Selection" drop down. This option will not allow a student or parent to update the parent contact information, only view.
  • Allow update parent address information: Check this option to allow the students and parents to update the parent's mailing address.
  • Allow update parent phone/email information: Check this option to allow the students and parents to update the parent's phone number and e-mail address.
  • Allow update student contact information: Check this box to display "Contact Information" on the Student's Home Page. This option will not allow a student or parent to update the student's contact information, only view.
  • Allow update student address information: Check this option to allow the students and parents to update the student's mailing address.
  • Allow update student phone/email information: Check this option to allow the students and parents to update the student's phone number and e-mail address.
  • Allow update student ethnic information: Check this option to allow the students and parents to update the student's primary and secondary ethnicity.

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SPC Login Options

SPC Login Options Section
  • Allow students to login: Check this option to allow students to log in to the Student Progress Center. See Student Login Editor for instructions on how to generate usernames and passwords for students.
  • Use student active directory: If students have an active directory account, check this option to use their active directory usernames and passwords instead of generating usernames and passwords in JCampus. When checked, you will then be asked to enter the active directory "Domain" name, "Host" name, and DN (Distinguished Name).
  • Allow staff to login: Check this option to allow district staff members to log in to the Student Progress Center. District staff is defined as AD, PR, AP, CO, SO and S7 profiles.
  • Staff Profiles to allow:: If you would like to add additional profiles, such as TE or SE, to the list of those that can log in to the Student Progress Center, click in this field and select the desired profiles as well as the profiles listed above. By adding additional profiles, you are deactivating the default profiles, so they have to be added back in also.
  • Login Staff Profiles as S7: If you want a profile to have the same security as a S7, then add the profile here.

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Once all of the items on the Option panel have been complete, the user should click on the SAVE button. The user may also click on the SAVE ALL button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes.

Accessing the SPC Validation choices

Select the Validation tab at the top of the SPC screen. See below:

SPC Valication Access

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SPC Valication Options

File:SPC Valication.png
SPC Validation Options Section

For each of the items listed below, if the Show column is checked, the item will be displayed on the Registration Screen and if the Validation column is checked, the item is required for registration.

  • Require PSN: This is the students PSN number as found in Student Master and is always displayed and required for registration.
  • Require Last Name: Last Name of the person registering.
  • Require First Name: First Name of the person registering.
  • Require Middle Initial: Middle initial of the person registering.
  • Require Address Line 1: The first line of the address of the person registering.
  • Require Address Line 2: The second line of the address of the person registering.
  • Require City: The city of the address of the person registering.
  • Require State: The state of the address of the person registering.
  • Require Zip: The zip code of the address of the person registering.
  • Require Home Phone Number: The home phone number of the person registering
  • Require Work Phone Number: The work phone number of the person registering.
  • Require Cellphone Number: The cellphone number of the person registering.
  • Require Beeper Number: The beeper number of the person registering.
  • Require Email Address: The email address of the person registering.
  • Require Employer Name: The name of the employer of the person registering.

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Once all of the items on the Validation panel have been complete, the user should click on the SAVE button. The user may also click on the SAVE ALL button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes.

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Buttons at the Bottom of the Screen


Clicking the Setup button will display the original setup box with the previously selected settings displayed.

Save All

Clicking the Save All button will save all the changes made to any of the programs or screens available in the Communication Configuration program.


Clicking on the Help button will take the user to "System" in the help system.

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Last Updated: 2016.01.05 (rd)

Communication Configuration Page
Retrieved from EDgear Wiki