Pattern Board Student Scheduler

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Course requests for a student are listed on the left side of the panel. Requests are loaded by seledcting items from the course catalog master at the bottom of the screen. When the requests are loaded the software will access the master schedule and place a square in the semester and class period reflected in the master schedule record. All offerings for the selected course will be listed in the panel. Characters representing the status of the square will be printed within the square and color shaded. Blue with a black S is a single scheduled offering. A red S in a blue cell a scheduled item where multiple offerings are available for the same time frame. A yellow cell containing an A contains available unscheduled items where all offerings are 50 to 80% full and can be reviewed with a right click within the master schedule. A green cell with an A stipulates up to 50% full in this time frame. An A in a red cell indicates 80 to 99% full. A F in a red cell indicates that all offerings are completely full where the scheduled students equal or exceed the maximum seat count set forth in the master schedule records which can be reviewed with a right click on the applicable cell.


The course master is used to load requests to the student panel by finding the desired course by grade and clicking the course name which will automatically load it to the student panel above. The user can navigate through the course master by clicking any header producing a sort order for selection. Minor sorts to a major order are respected. An example would be to view course within grade by clicking the course header as minor then clicking grade as major. Then the desired course is located then click the course name and the item will be loaded to the student panel as a request. Two other navigation methods exist. 1--the alpha panel 2--the typing panel The typing panel is the initial default when entering the pattern board. You may type all or partial search characters. You may also set the column you wish search by clicking that column header then type your search characters. The same procedure applies to the alpha panel except it will allow only one character group search.


A semester class period cell shaded blue with a red 'S' stipulates a scheduled item where the master schedule contains multiple options for the same course and time frame. If it is desirable to reschedule the student into one of the other schedule options then click on the red S and the the offerings will list from the master schedule with the present scheduled item highlighted. Make your schedule choice by clicking the course name of the chosen item.

Note that the master schedule list will normally show only items equal to the student schedule item clicked for option review on the pattern board. If you wish to review the total master schedule file then click the gear symbol at the top right of the master schedule list.


When the delete button is clicked and grades are available for the course students section number then software will ask to delete the schedule record and grades, move grades or abort.

MOVE: When move is selected the receiving course should have previously been added to the students schedule. The user will then click the course name of the receiving course in the students schedule. The software will then display an action window displaying the move data with an ok or abort option. The software will then move the grades to the receiving course and delete the sending request or schedule record when the ok is clicked. Only grading period finals will be moved. No move is necessary when changing within the same course name.

DELETE: When this option is selected then the software will delete the grades and schedule record. Any requests records that have a schedule will be placed in the schedule change data depository before deletion.


You may manually schedule all items or one item. A left click will automatically place the selection into the lowest equal item in the master schedule. A right click will list all equal items in the master schedule for your selection. Either choice will shade the cell green and place a 'M' within the cell indicating manually scheduled. If you use the automatic scheduler option for scheduling all requests for a student there is an option to skip scheduling manually scheduled items.


A quick view of master schedule section number items offered in any cell can be obtained by placing your cursor on that cell. If you wish to view details of these offerings then right click on the cell.

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki