PEP Error Help

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001. Critical Error: Invalid System Indicator

Cause: System Indicator not = "PEP" or the field is blank.
Solution: Change the value to "PEP".

002. Critical Error: Invalid Transaction Code

Cause: Transaction Code not = "100", “200", "210", “300", or the field is blank.
Solution: Change the value to “100", “200", "210", or "300".

003. Critical Error: Invalid Beginning School Session Year

Cause: Information in this field does not match the Header Record school session or the Beginning School Session year is not valid to the current opened database.
Solution: Change the value to match the Header Record Beginning School Session Year or make sure information being submitted is for the current opened database.

004. Critical Error Invalid Sponsor Code

Cause: Sponsor Code does not match that of the Header Record or is not a valid Sponsor Code.
Solution: Change the value to match the Sponsor Code of the Header Record.

005. Error: Invalid Sponsor Code for Site Code

Cause: Sponsor Code and first three digits of Site Code do not match.
Solution: Verify the correct value for Sponsor Code or Site Code.

006. Critical Error: Discontinued Edit


007. Critical Error: Invalid Site Code

Cause: Site Code not found on Sponsor Site database, Site is closed, or Site is not required to submit PEP data.
Solution: Verify the Site Code.

008. Error: Invalid Filler (bytes 14 -19) on STAFF Record

Cause: Positions 14-19 on the Staff Record must be blank.
Solution: Make spaces 14-19 on the Staff record blank.

009. Error: Invalid Filler (bytes 14 -19) on Non-Attendance Record

Cause: Positions 14-19 on the Non-Attendance Record must be blank.
Solution: Make spaces 14-19 on the Non-Attendance record blank.

011. Error: Invalid Social Security Number

Cause: Social Security Number is not numeric, is not within the valid range 000000001-799999999, does not begin with 998 0r 999, or field is blank.
Solution: Change Social Security Number to be a numeric value within the valid range 000000001-799999999 or it must begin with 998 or 999 for Post-Secondary or Vacant position respectively.

012. Error: SSN Duplicated Within LEA

Cause: Social Security Number must be unique within LEA (Only one Staff Record per SSN).
Solution: Validate the Social Security Number so that it is unique within your LEA.

013. Error: SSN Duplicated in 2 or More Districts for October 1 collection period

Cause: Social Security Number cannot be reported in 2 or more Districts as a Full time Employee.
Solution: Validate the Social Security Number so that a full time employee is reported within one district.

014. Error: Database Closed for Processing

Cause: PEP data have been transmitted outside of the submission dates listed in the current PEP Time Line.
Solution: Confirm the submission dates as outlined in the PEP Time Line.

015. Error: Class Schedule Record Invalid for October 1 or June 30 End-Year collection period

Cause: Class Schedule Records may not be included for the October 1 or End Year, June 30 collection period.
Solution: Do not include Class Schedule Records with the October 1 or End Year, June 30 collection period.

016. Error: Discontinued Edit


017. Error: SSN Bytes 4-6 Must = Sponsor Code for Generated SSN

Cause: Social Security Number is a Generated SSN, but Social Security Number (pos 4-6) does not equal Sponsor Code.
Solution: Change Social Security Number (pos 4-6) to equal the Sponsor Code for a Generated SSN

Record 100 Errors (100-149)

100. Error: Invalid Last Name

Cause: The first byte of the Last Name is space or the second and third bytes are spaces,or a byte is not A-Z, apostrophe, or dash.
Solution: Verify and change to the staff's correct Last Name.

102. Error: Invalid Staff Name (suffix)

Cause: At least one byte of Suffix Name is not A-Z, period, or space.
Solution: Verify and change to the staff's correct Name suffix.

104. Error: Invalid First Name

Cause: The first byte of the First Name is a space and/or each other byte is not A-Z, an apostrophe, dash or space.
Solution: Verify and change to the staff's correct First Name.

106. Error: Invalid Middle Name

Cause: At least one byte of Middle Name is not A-Z, apostrophe, dash, period.
Solution: Verify and change to the staff's correct Middle Name.

108. Error: Invalid Sex Code

Cause: Sex Code not = "M" or "F".
Solution: Change value to "M" or "F".

110. Error: Invalid Ethnic Race Data

Cause: Only “Y” or “N” is accepted in any of the ethnicity fields.
Solution: Verify that only “Y” or “N” are in the ethnicity fields.

111. Error: Invalid Ethnic Race data at least one must be selected (one must be checked "Y")

Cause: At least one byte of the ethnicity fields must be “Y”.
Solution: Change at least one value in the ethnicity field =”Y”.

115. Error: Invalid Contract Day Count

Cause: Contract Day Count not numeric, not > 0, not <= maximum value, or blank.
Solution: Enter the correct Contract Day Count.

117. Error: Invalid Data for Employee Status Code

Cause: Data in certain fields may need to be default values. This includes Retirement System Code, PIP Salary Amount, Total Salary Amount, Contract Day Count, and Workday Minute Count, depending on employee status code.
Solution: Make sure that the Status Code of Employee is correct or set the salary information onthe Staff Record (Record 100) to the default values.

118. Error: Invalid Workday Minute Count

Cause: Workday Minute Count not numeric, not > 0, not <= maximum value on Annual Edit Table.
Solution: Enter the correct Workday Minute Count.

120. Error: No Site-Position Record

Cause: Each Staff Record must have at least one Site-Position Record.
Solution: Verify the existence of a matching Site-Position Record

125. Error: Invalid Employee Type Code

Cause: Employee Type Code not = "F" or "P", or field is blank.
Solution: Change the value to "F" for Full-time or "P" for Part-time.

130. Error: Invalid Teaching Certificate Data

Cause: Teaching Certificate Data (Type Code, Number) invalid or blank when it is required.
Solution: Correct the Certificate Data to valid values or blank depending on Employee Status Code.

131. Error: Certificate Not Reported for Instructional Position

Cause: Certificate must be reported for an Instructional Position unless 1-Program is Head Start, 2-ROTC, 3-Post-Secondary employee or 4-Teaching Certificate Exception Code is reported.
Solution: Report the Teacher’s Certificate for an Instructional Position or report theException Code, since it is not a Head Start, ROTC Program, or Post-Secondary.

132. Error: Certificate Number Duplicated within LEA at site

Cause: Duplicate Certificate Numbers are reported by LEA at this site.
Solution: Validate the Certificate Numbers for uniqueness.

133. Error: Years Experience Count Invalid for Certificate Type

Cause: Allowed Years Experience Count less than that allowed for Certificate Type
Solution: Change the Allowed Years Experience Count to match the Certificate TypeCode requirements.

135. Error: Certificate Does Not Match Name & SSN on Teacher Certification Database

Cause: Certificate Number incomplete or not correct, or Name and SSN do not match Name and SSN on Teacher Certification database.
Solution: Verify correct SSN and legal name. Change name and SSN on either PEP or Teacher Certification database, whichever is in error.

136. Error: Certificate Not Found on Teacher Certification Database

Cause: Certificate Number incomplete or not correct and cannot be found on Teacher Certification database.
Solution: Verify Certificate Type Code, Certificate Number, and Certificate Suffix Code and submit the valid certificate.

137. Error: Certificate Does Not Match SSN on Teacher Certification Database

Cause: PEP SSN does not match the SSN on the Teacher Certification database.
Solution: Verify the correct SSN. Change the database with the error, either PEP or Teacher Certification.

138. Warning: Certificate Last Name Does Not Match Name on Teacher Certification Database

Cause: Last Name reported on PEP does not match last name on Teacher Certification Database
Solution: Verify the correct legal last name. Change the name on whichever database is in error, either the PEP or Teacher Certification database.

139. Error: Certification Number Incomplete: Suffix Missing

Cause: Certification Number Incomplete: Suffix Missing.
Solution: Change the Certification Number to include a valid Suffix.

147. Error: Tenure Lost Reason Code Invalid for Tenure Status Code

Cause: Reason code should be blank for Tenure Status Code = 00, 01, and 02.
Solution: Change Tenure Lost Reason Code to blank.

148. Error: Tenure Lost Date Invalid for Tenure Status Code

Cause: Tenure Lost Date should be blank for Tenure Status Code = 00, 01, and 02.
Solution: Change Tenure Lost Date to blank.

149. Error: Tenure Add Date Invalid for Tenure Status Code

Cause: Tenure Add Date should be blank for Tenure Status Code = 00 and 02.
Solution: Change Tenure Add Date to blank.

Record 100 Errors (150-199)

150. Error: Invalid Teaching Certificate Exception Code

Cause: Teaching Certificate Exception Code not blank or not a valid value.
Solution: Change Certificate Exception Code to blank or to a valid value.

151. Error: Teaching Certificate Exception Code Invalid for Non-Instructional Staff

Cause: Teaching Certificate Exception Code should not be reported for non-instructional positions.
Solution: Change Certificate Exception Code to blank for Non-Instructional Staff.

153. Error: Teaching Certificate Exception Code Invalid with Certificate

Cause: Teaching Certificate Exception Code is invalid when a Teaching Certificate Number is reported.
Solution: Remove Teaching Certificate Exception Code when a Teaching Certificate Number is reported.

155. Error: Invalid Tenure Status Code

Cause: Tenure Status Code must be 00, 01, 02, or 03 for employee status code 01, 05, and 06.
Solution: Change to a valid Tenure Status Code.

156. Error: Invalid Tenure Add Date

Cause: Tenure Add Date should be blank for Tenure Status Code = 00 and 02
Solution: Change Tenure Add Date to blank.

157. Error: Invalid Tenure Lost Date

Cause: Tenure Lost Date should be blank for Tenure Status Code = 00, 01 and 02
Solution: Change Tenure Lost Date to blank.

158. Error: Invalid Tenure Lost Reason Code

Cause: Tenure Lost Reason Code should be blank for Tenure Status Code = 00, 01 and 02, and should be a valid value (00, 01, 02) for Tenure Status Code = 03
Solution: Change Tenure Lost Reason Code to a valid value or blank.

159. Error: Tenure Status Cd Invalid for Employee Status Cd

Cause: Tenure Status code should be blank for employee status code = 02, 03 and 04.
Solution: Change Tenure Status Code to blank.

160. Error: Invalid Educational Level Code

Cause: Educational Level Code not valid.
Solution: Change Educational Level Code to a valid value.

161. Warning: Educational Level Does Not Match Level on Certificate

Cause: Educational Level must match level on Certificate.
Solution: Change Educational Level to match level on Certificate or update Certificate.

162. Error: Educational Level Less Than Bachelor for Instructional Position

Cause: Educational Level must be at least Bachelor, unless ROTC or Certificate Type Code = "AN", "VT", "VP", or "FL" which was Exception Code="3".
Solution: Change Educational Level Code to Bachelor or higher for Instructional Position.

164. Error: Invalid Date of Hire

Cause: Date of Hire for staff is invalid or missing.
Solution: Add Date of Hire for staff member.

165. Error: Invalid Allowed Years Experience Count

Cause: Allowed Years Experience Count not numeric, not in valid range, or field is blank.
Solution: Change Allowed Years Experience Count to be in the valid range of numeric


166. Error: Invalid Highly Qualified Flag Occurrence: xx

Cause: xx number of Highly Qualified Flags are not valid values.
Solution: Flag must be Y or N (blanks and other characters not valid)

167. Error: Invalid Employee Status Code

Cause: Employee Status Code not a valid value.
Solution: Change code to a valid value (01, 02, 03, 04, 05, or 06)

170. Error: Invalid Retirement System Code

Cause: Retirement System Code is not a valid value.
Solution: Change Retirement System Code to a valid value or a blank, if appropriate.

175. Error: Invalid Retiree Return to Work Code

Cause: Retiree Return to Work Code not blank and not a valid value.
Solution: Change Retiree Return to Work Code to a blank or a valid value.

180. Error: Invalid Sabbatical Status Code

Cause: Sabbatical Status Code not a valid value and not blank.
Solution: Change Sabbatical Status Code to a valid value or blank.

181. Error: Sabbatical Status Code Invalid for Non-Instructional Position

Cause: Sabbatical Status Code cannot be used with a non-instructional position.
Solution: Verify that the object and function codes refer to an Instructional Position when using a Sabbatical Status Code.

185. Error: PIP Salary Amount Not Numeric

Cause: PIP Salary Amount must be numeric.
Solution: Change PIP Salary Amount to a numeric value.

186. Error: PIP Salary Amount Invalid: No Certificate Reported

Cause: PIP Salary Amount cannot be greater than zero when No Certificate is reported.
Solution: Change PIP Salary Amount to zero or add the certificate number.

187. Error: PIP Salary Amount not between Minimum and Maximum Amounts Allowed

Cause: PIP Salary Amount must be between Minimum (1129) and Maximum (3721) Amounts.
Solution: Verify the PIP Salary Amount to ensure it is between the Minimum and Maximum Amounts Allowed when PIP Salary Amount is greater than zero.

190. Error: Invalid Total Salary Amount

Cause: Total Salary Amount not numeric, not in the valid range, or field is blank.
Solution: Change Total Salary Amount to a numeric value in the valid range.

191. Error: Total Salary Amount Not Equal to the Sum of Salary Amounts on Site-Position records

Cause: Total Salary Amount must equal the Sum of Salary Amounts on all Site-Position Records.
Solution: Recalculate the Total Salary Amount to equal sum of all Salary Amounts on all

Site-Position Records.

193. Error: Total Salary < Minimum Wage for Non-Instructional Position

Cause: Total Salary must be >or = Minimum for Non-Instructional Positions.
Solution: Recalculate Total Salary to be >or = Minimum for a Non-Instructional Position.

195. Error: Invalid Salary Reduction Code

Cause: Salary Reduction Code is not a valid code of 1, 2, 3, or blank.
Solution: Change the Salary Reduction Code to a valid value of 1, 2, 3, or blank.

196. Error: Salary Reduction Code Invalid for October 1 Data Collection

Cause: Salary Reduction Code may not be entered for October 1 Data Collection.
Solution: Enter blank spaces for the Salary Reduction Code field.

Record 200 Errors (200-249)

207. Error: No Matching Staff Record

Cause: A corresponding Staff Record was not submitted with the same Beginning School Session Year, Sponsor Code, and Social Security Number.
Solution: Verify the SSN and submit a matching Staff Record for this Site-Position

208. Error: Duplicate Site-Position record

Cause: Site-Position records must be unique.
Solution: Remove or change the duplicate Site-Position record

210. Error: Invalid Object Code or Not Allowed on PEP

Cause: Object Code not valid value for PEP or field is blank.
Solution: Change Object Code to a valid value for PEP.

217. Error: Invalid Salary Data for Employee Status Code

Cause: Salary Data may need to be default values. This includes Annual Minutes, Salary Amount, Fund Account Code, and Salary Type Code, depending on the Employee Status Code.
Solution: Make sure that the Status Code of Employee is correct or set the salary information on the Site Record (record 200) to the default values.

218. Error: Invalid Object/Func for Superintendent

Cause: Type 2 or 5 Charter is using the incorrect Object Function Code combination for an administrator
Solution: Change the Object Function Code to 111/2490 for administrators.

219. Error: Invalid Function Code for Object Code

Cause: Function Code is not valid for Object Code.
Solution: Change the Function Code to a valid code corresponding to the Object Code.

Record 200 Errors (250-300)

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