Student Master - IGP

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This program will provide a multitude of information on the IGP tab pertaining to the student chosen. This information will explained in sections.




Diploma Type - The expected diploma type at graduation will be displayed here.

Diploma Endorsements - This blank will allow you to enter Diploma Endorsement codes for individual students. Choose from the Diploma Endorsement choices in the popup list.

Potential TOPS Eligibility - This blank will allow you to enter TOPS codes for individual students. Choose from the TOPS choices in the popup list.

Post Secondary Plans - This blank will allow you to enter Post Secondary Plans for individual students. Choose from the Post Secondary Plans choices in the popup list.

Diploma Curriculum - The diploma pathway towards the diploma type will be displayed here.

IBC - The student's IBCs are displayed here. If the user clicks on the blue IBC, a chart will appear.

Career Options - This blank will allow you to enter Career Options for individual students. Choose from the Career Options choices in the popup list.

Work Force Plans - This blank will allow you to enter Work Force Plans for individual students. Choose from the Work Force Plans choices in the popup list.

FAFSA - The student's FAFSA code will be displayed here.

Academic Support Plan Attached (T9 only) - To add a T9 academic plan upload the file in Doc Archive in the correct folder.

Graduation - Enter the students projected graduation year.

GPA - Enter the student's current GPA.

ACT - Enter the students ACT test scores.

Community Service - Enter the student's community service information for the current year.

Scholarship - Enter the amount of scholarship(s) the student has earned.

Advanced Courses - Enter the advanced courses the student has earned credit for.

Course Selections For Chosen Pathway


Column Headers

Subject - Course Group

6-8/T9 - Course and credits for grades 6-8 or 9th grade transition from student's transcript or earned grade for the course.

9th - 12th - Course and credits for grades 9th-12th from student's transcript or earned grade for the course.

Graduation Tracker

  • Req - Graduation tracker required credits.
  • Earned - Graduation tracker earned credits from student's transcript or grade earned from the course.
  • Enrolled - Graduation tracker enrolled credits: credits from courses without a final grade from the student's current year schedule and any future year schedule.
  • Must Complete - Graduation tracker credits left to complete - note that the row total from this column is the sum of this column's credits and not the difference of required and earned credits since the student may earn more credits that what is required.

Student Has Passed All Required Components of the Graduation Test - Indicates if the student has passed all required components of the graduation test.

Graduation Templates - Click in the box to schedule the student to a graduation template. It will show a template number and the template description. This will display above in the Course Selections For Chosen Pathway area. Templates are previously created in the Graduation Template Editor.

Course Long Name Options

Display Long Course Name - Select to audit by long course name instead of the course records short name.

  • Language - English - Select the default language for the long course names.



Activities - Activity classes.

6-8/T9 - Course and credits for grades 6-8 or 9th grade transition.

9th - 12th - Course and credits for grades 9th-12th.



Year Earned - Year the IBC applies.

Code - Code assigned to the IBC.

Description - Description of the IBC.



Assessment - Course assessment type - highest recorded score, found for the student is displayed.

Courses - Academic course 1 thru 5 - highest recorded score, found for the student is displayed.

Scores - Scores for academic courses 1 thru 5 - highest recorded score, or achievement based on highest score, found for the student is displayed.

Personal Instrument - Testing type.

Personal Scores - Testing type scores.


Enter the student's employment information for the current year.

Clusters, Concentration, Program Type and Local/Industrial


Clusters - This will include a list of 16 vocational areas that have been developed by the state department of education. Districts will choose which one(s) of these 16 areas that students in their schools will be able to successfully complete based on the curricula available in the district. Counselors at the individual schools will know which one(s) of the clusters are to be used for their students.

Concentrations - These are related to the selected cluster for a student. These are numbered so that the number indicates the related cluster. For example, Cluster 01 will have concentrations numbered 0101, 0102, 0103, etc.; Cluster 02 will have concentrations numbered 0201, 0202, 0203, etc. The Concentrations list will be limited to the group related to the selected Clusters.

Program Type - This will be either Apprentice, Career Academy, or Career Major.

Local/Industrial - These include 5 different program types: Local Certification, Industry Certification, Work Based, School Based, and Concurrent Enrollment.

NOTE - EdGear maintains the list of Clusters and related Concentrations annually from the State Department of Education. These lists are updated and made available without any user intervention needed. Related vocational courses are also updated through the local Courses file update at the beginning of each school session.

To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki