Mass Calculate Semester / Final Averages for Entire School

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Post Grades Master: Mass Calculate Semester / Final Averages for the Entire School

Note: This only needs to be done when at the end of a Semester or Term to generate Semester / Final averages.

  1. From within the Post Grades Master program, click the Admin button on the toolbar. Select Mass Calc Sem/Final Grades.
  2. At the setup box, set the Year, School, and Grade level(s) of students to have semester / final averages to be calculated.
  3. Semester to Display Scheduled Students:

• 4x4 Display: Set to “ALL”. • 2x8 Display: Set to “Both”

  1. Semester Grade Calculation Requirement: Set to “All Marking Period Grades Within Semester”.
 •	Using this setting means that in order for a Semester or Final average to be calculated, grades for all grading periods need to be present.
 o	Example:  P1 grade = “blank”, P2 grade = 85C.  Result with this setting will be a grade for S1 of “blank” since not all marking period grades are present.
 •	If the user selects “LAST Marking Period within Semester”, then the only grade needed to make a semester or final average is the last grading period.

o Example: P1 grade = “blank”, P2 grade = 85C. Result with this setting will be a grade for S1 of “85C”. Because only the last grading period average was needed, an average was made even though the first grading period was missing. o Note: Use this setting with great caution. Contact your Jpams district coordinator on the proper use of this setting.

  1. Click the OK button to begin.
  2. A message will display indicating that averages are being processed. It will take some time, and when done, a message indicating completion will be displayed.
  3. To check the averages, click on a teacher / class at the bottom of the Post Grades Master and locate the computed averages in the appropriate semester / final column. Semesters will be the green highlighted cells. Finals will be the pink highlighted cells.
  4. In the Semester and Final columns, calculated averages will show an average with a lower case letter, such as 95a, or 4a. This is to show the user that these are calculated averages.

• If the user manually enters a semester or final average, the letter will be uppercase, such as 95A, or 4A. This is to show that these were manually entered semester or final averages. • Any recalculation performed will not change the manually entered grades in the Semester or Final cells.

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