Grade Distribution Report

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Grade Distribution Report video

Getting Started

Select Grades in the list of program areas on the left of the screen. Select Count at the bottom of the Grades list of program areas. Select Grades Distribution Report.

Setup Box Options

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.

For other set up values not listed in the standard set up list:

  1. Course Name should be left blank if all courses are to be included in the report. The course list is from the Courses Catalog. Otherwise, click in the field to get a list of courses. You may check one or more courses for the report.
  2. Course Group should be left blank if all courses types are to be included in the report. If the user wishes to limit the report to just courses in a transcript group(s), click to select the desired course groups.
    • Example: To limit report to just courses categorized as English and Math, click and select "English" and "Math". The resulting report will only show counts for classes categorized as "English" and "Math" of courses.
    • If you click the check box to the left of "value" then all groups will be checked.
  3. Select the Marking Period.
  4. Select the As-of-Date. This represents active students as of the date you choose. It usually defaults to the current date.
  5. Select the students to Show. You may run the report for All Students, Special Ed Students only, or Non-Sped Students (Regular Ed only.
  6. The Remote Scheduled Students Only option will limit your report to show grades distribution only for students that are scheduled into remote classes.
  7. Selecting the Active Courses Only option will limit the counts to students that currently have the specified course scheduled.
  8. Selecting Teacher option will let you choose a teacher(s)
  9. Click the OK button to start the report. Give it a little time to harvest the counts. Results will be displayed by teacher, period order.
    • Note: If a class is not displayed, it is because there no grades posted for the course.

Column Headers

To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.

For other columns not listed in the common column list:

  • TGR: Total grades posted.
  • Column Headers A, A%, through F, F%: Count of students with an A, B, etc., followed by the percent of each.
  • Column Headers P, P%: Number of students earning a grade of P followed by the percent.
  • Column Header O, O% through U, U%: Number of students earning a grades of O, S, N, U followed by the percent of each.
  • Column Header I, I%: Number of students with an incomplete followed by the percent.
  • Column OT: The number of students with grades other than those in previous columns.
  • Column OT%: The per centage of students with grades other than those in the previous columns.
  • Column QP: The total quality points divided by the total grades posted.
  • Column NUM: Total numeric points divided by total grades posted.
  • Column Grade: Grading scale letter equivalent of the NUM column. This field will be empty if a mix of grading scales are used.

Count Cell Click Applications

TIP: If the user clicks on the number in the grades count cell, the roster of students who have that grade will be displayed on the screen.

  1. To obtain a quick list of students failing a single course: Click on the count of "F" grades for a single course.
  2. To obtain a quick list of students failing all classes taught by a teacher: On the teacher summary row, click on the count of "F" grades.
  3. To obtain a quick list of students failing all classes in the report: Browse to the very last row of the report labeled "Grade". Click on the count of "F" grades to get a list of all students failing all classes on the report.
  4. To obtain the teacher's absence report and referral incident list: Click on the teacher's name.

Print Options

To find the print instructions, follow this link: Standard Print Options.

Last Updated: 2015-11-18 (rd)

JCampus / Grades

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki