Teacher Class Period Breakdown
Teacher Class Period Breakdown A breakdown of periods by ethnicity, percentage of each period ethnicity and the categories in each period.
On the left navigation panel, select Scheduling > Count > Teacher Class Period Breakdown.
Setup Box Options
To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.
The following items are not part of the standard setup options:
- Expand Race-Will give all of the races at the school per class period
- Combine Student Grade(s)-Combines all of the student in that class period instead of listing each grade level separately
- Include No Loaded Period(s)-The teachers with no students assigned to them will be included
Column Headers
To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Column Headers.
Clicking on column cell count(s) will produce a list of student(s) that make up that count.
Column Cat will give you a y-yes and n-no if all students in the class are classified with all four:
- All SpEd
- All English language learners (ELL)
- All Gifted
- No special grouping
CNT-Gives the count of each race included for the report %-Gives the percentage of each racial makeup of the class
Print Options
To find the print instructions, follow this link: Standard Print Options.