Master Schedule Editor

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Revision as of 11:13, 5 January 2013 by Egadmin (talk | contribs)
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  1. Log into WebPams
  2. On the left, click on "Scheduling"
  3. Under "Entry", select "Master Schedule Editor"
  4. On the setup box
    • Select the desired "Year"
    • "District" and "School" should be defaulted based on security
    • Below "Master Schedule To Edit", choose whether to "Edit Original Master Schedule" or to "Edit October Master Schedule"
      1. "Edit Original Master Schedule" is the live working Master Schedule the system is using
      2. "Edit October Master Schedule" is a copy of the Original Master Schedule on October 2 at 12:01 a.m. used in October 1 LEADS State Reporting
    • Below "Master Schedule Grade and Period Range", select the desired grade level and class periods of the sections to view. Leave the fields blank to view all
    • Below "Load Count Coloring":
      1. Check the box next to "Set blue if scheduled <" if it is desired that the fields C1 - C4 be blue when the count of students is less that the number set in this field
      2. Check the box next to "Set red if scheduled is > max" if it is desired that the fields C1 - C4 be red when the count of students is greater than the max count set for the class
    • For "Default Sort Order", select the preferred order of the Master Schedule from the options. Either "Sort teacher/periods/course" or "Sort teacher/semesters/period/course"
    • For "Update Block Scheduling System", select "Yes - Validate Changes" to get a message when a section has been modified that effects a section in a block in the Block Faster Loader. Select "No - Do Not Validate Changes" to not receive a message
    • For "Course List Function":
      1. Leave the box to the left of "Include Obs Courses in Pick List" unchecked to exclude obsolete courses from the courses pick list
      2. In the "Course Grade(s)" Select the desired grade level of the courses to view in the course pick list
    • For "Load Count Roster Function":
      1. Check "Active Only" if only active students are desired when getting a roster of students for a section by clicking on the counts in C1 - C4 fields
      2. Select the desired date of when students would have been active if "Active Only" is checked
    • Click "OK"

Adding A New Section

  1. Click in the top blank cell below the heading "STAFF" above the first teacher
    • Select the teacher from the Employee Listing
  2. Click in the top blank cell below the heading "PD". Select the period the course will be taught from the pick list then "OK"
  3. Click in the top blank cell below the heading "COURSE NAME". Select the Course Name from the Course Selection by scrolling down the list or using the keyboard and clicking
  4. Section numbers are automatically generated upon saving the record
  5. Click “Save New” at the bottom of the screen
  6. “Copy Saved Record” will appear upon clicking save. Change the number of copies to save for that teacher if the class is being taught more than the class period initially being created. Click "OK"

Changing Of Existing Items

Most items in the Master Schedule Editor can be changed simply by clicking on the existing item and clicking on the desired replacement

Note: When changing items in the Master Schedule Editor, warning/verification boxes will appear. Read each box carefully and answer appropriately
Note: When changing a teacher's name, one of the questions is "Do you wish to replace all of Teacher A's records with Teacher B?". If Teacher B is taking over all of Teacher A's classes, then click "Yes". If only one or some of the classes are being taken over by Teacher B, then click "No"

Remote Classes

For the Offering School

  1. Locate the section to be offered to other school's students
  2. On the row of the section, locate the column labeled "REM". Check the box in the column "REM" on the row of the section to offer to other school's students

For the Sending School

  1. At the bottom of the Master Schedule Editor, click the "Remote" button
  2. Another screen will appear. On the left are the schools offering courses. Place a check next to the desired school
  3. A list of courses the school selected is offering to other schools will appear on the right. Check the section(s) needed
  4. Click the "Import" button at the bottom of the screen
  5. If this is the correct section, Click "Yes" to the question verifying the import
  6. Repeat, steps 1 - 5 if other sections from other schools need to be imported, otherwise, click "Close" to return to the Master Schedule Editor

Dual Enrollment

  1. To begin, all Dual Enrollment courses must be unique in name and have an Honor code of "D" in the course catalog
  2. Add the course to the Master Schedule Editor, see "Adding A New Section" or "Changing Of Existing Items"
  3. Once the new Dual Enrollment course is in the Master Schedule Editor, locate that course and then scroll to the right to find the columns "C HRS" and "PSEC SITE"
  4. For "C HRS", enter the number of college hours the student will earn once the course is completed with a passing grade
    • Note: If the Course Catalog has the Dual Enrollment course set for two semesters, but is only scheduled for one semester in the Master Schedule Editor, then the number of college hours entered into the "C HRS" field will be halved once rolled over to the Transcript
  5. For "PSEC SITE", click in the field and select the college/post secondary site the college hours apply to

Master Schedule Columns and Their Meanings

  1. STAFF – Staff Name
  2. ID/DEL – Staff Identification Number. Deletion of a course with zero students scheduled and
  3. PD – Class Period
  4. COURSE NAME – Course Name
  5. COMMENTS – Used to Make Comments about the section
  6. C1,C2,C3,C4 – Class Counts for Semester 1,2,3,4
  7. ST CODE – State assigned Code for Courses
  8. CRED – Credit given to a course in Course Catalog
  9. S1,S2,S3,S4 – Semester a course is being taught
  10. RM - Room Number/Name or a combination
  11. NP – Number of periods a class is taught
  12. GD – Grade level of a course
  13. SECT – Section number
  14. DIST – Distance Learning
    • State Virtual School Course – Virtual School Site
    • Satellite Course – course that is being projected from site to another
    • Other
  15. Max – Maximum number of students allowed in a class
  16. LKS – Allows you to schedule two or more classes together by assigning the same combination of letters or numbers for all
  17. DOW – Days of the week the class taught
  18. LUNCH – lunch time
  19. SCH – Local school number
  20. DIST – Local district number
  21. RSCH – School number of the school where class is taught if not the enrolled school
  22. RDIS - District number of the school where class is taught if not the enrolled school
  23. MREM – Maximum number of students that can be scheduled to a remote class
  24. REM – Section is offered to other schools as a remote section
  25. REC – Record number
  26. OBJFUNC – Object Function Code
  27. SE SPC – Special Ed Placement Setting Code – will popup when a sped class is created
  28. 12HR – Indicates that a teacher is NOT qualified for one of the courses they are teaching, but has earned 12 college credit hours in the subject area
  29. TEAM – Team assignment
  30. DOWTITLE – Day of week assigned, if any
  31. C HRS – College hours for dual enrollment course, if any
  32. PSEC SITE – Post Secondary site for dual enrollment course, if any
  33. ADD STAFF – Allows you add additional staff and percent of time teaching. Teaching time must add up to be less than 100%

Additional Information

  1. By clicking on down arrow on the right side of any column header, additional options are available to you
    • "Sort Ascending" - alpha order
    • "Sort Descending" - reverse alpha order
    • "Configure Sort" - allows you to do a custom sort by multiple columns
      1. "Clear Sort" - Clears the "Configure Sort"
    • "Auto fit all Columns" - allows you to adjust all columns’ width to fit the text in each field automatically
    • "Auto Fit" – does the same but only in the column you are working on
    • "Column" - allows you to hide columns by unchecking the columns you do not want to see
    • "Group By" - when grouping, all items are sorted and then collapsed into drop down items to make the information easier to access in an organized fashion. It is an expanded level of sorting
      1. "Ungroup" - Clears the "Group By"
    • Freeze - allows you to keep a chosen column stationary while scrolling from left to right
  2. By clicking "Print", you will be given a box that allows you to make a choice of saving or printing in different formats
    • By highlighting rows within the list and then clicking print, the rows highlighted will be the only rows printed
    • Click + Drag
    • Control + Click
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