Retained/Promoted List

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The Retained/Promoted List is a report of students who have been assigned SBLC Codes for Retention, or Promotion, or no SBLC Code (passed).

Getting Started

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Student Master.
  2. Click Lists.
  3. Click Retained/Promoted List.

Setup Options

  1. The Standard Setup Options are presented, along with several others that are important for this report.
  2. Order to List: Choices are the usual Alpha, Grade, and Homeroom, but additionally an option of SBLC Code allows the report to be in SBLC Code order.
  3. Show (first instance): Choices are:
    • Both: Show students with no SBLC Code (students who passed), Retained SBLC Codes, and Promoted SBLC Codes.
    • Retained: Default setting. Limits report to only students with Retained type SBLC Codes.
    • Promoted: Limits report to only students with Promoted type SBLC Codes, as well as students with no SBLC Code (students who passed).
  4. Click Ok to begin the report.


  1. On screen will be a listing of students with SBLC Codes based on the Setup options of either Both, Retained (default), or Promoted.
  2. The bottom of the report will show a count of the number of students retained, promoted, and total students.
    • Promoted Retained List.png
  3. A column labeled "Sped" will indicate with a "Y" students who are Special Ed.
  4. By clicking on the column header, the listing can be sorted by any column on the screen.
  5. Click Print to print the report to pdf, xls, or csv.

Student Master Main Page

SBLC Code Loader Page
SBLC Codes Page
Retrieved from EDgear Wiki