Category Statistics

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Video How-to

Category Statistics video


  1. Log into WebPams page
  2. On the left, click on "Grades"
  3. Under the heading "Entry", click on "WebGradebook"
  4. At the bottom of the WebGradebook, verify the school year and teacher. Choose the course then marking period
  5. Click the "Reports" button at the top of the window
  6. Click on "Category Statistics"
  7. A list of categories will appear displaying statistical data
    • "Category" lists the name of the categories
    • "Points" is the value of the category in terms of total numeric points
    • "Bonus" are points in addition to the assignment points
    • "Weight" is the weighted value posted for the category
    • "Earned" is the total points posted/earned for the category
    • "Possible" is the total points possible for the category
    • "Median" is a measure of central tendency. The scores are arranged in numerical order from lowest to highest; if the total number of scores is odd, the median is the middle score; if the total is even, the median is the average of the two middle scores
    • "Mean", the most frequently used measure is the simple arithmetic average, or the arithmetic mean in a set of numbers. It is obtained by adding the scores for the assignment and then dividing the sum by the total number of scores posted
    • "Mean Indicator" is the percentage value of the mean/average score. It is obtained by dividing the mean score (numerator) with the assignment's point value (denominator)
  8. Click "Print" to print or save the report
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