Multiple Teachers
When more than one teacher needs access to one course because it is being co-taught, you can set security permissions for the additional teachers/staff.
In the Master Schedule Editor, using the "Access" area from clicking in the Add Staff column, choose the permission for each additional staff. Click Save.
RW (Read Write) - The additional staff will have full access for creating, editing and posting grades.
RO (Read Only) - The additional staff will have the ability to only view the grades, assignments, seating chart, etc.
NA (No Access) - The additional staff will not have the ability to view the grades, assignments, seating chart, etc.
PA (Partial Access) - The additional staff can only enter or change grades for their assignments/lessons that they created.
PC - The additional staff can only enter or change grades for their assignments/lessons that they created. But in addition, they will also will have the ability to post comments for all grading period grades.
NOTE: - Additional Staff, even with RW access, cannot have access to Teacher Notes and Categories.
See Master Schedule Editor for additional information.