LEP Staff Responsible Loader
This program will provide a fast loader for LEP Staff Responsible to be connected to the LEP students.
On the left navigation panel, select Student Master > Loaders > LEP Staff Responsible Loader.
Setup Options
Year - Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.
District - Default value is based on the user's security settings. It will be limited to the user's district only.
School - Default value is based on the user's security settings. It will be limited to the user's school only.
As of Date - This choice will list only those students who are actively enrolled as of the date selected in the date field.
Staff Responsible - Click in the box and select from the list of staff responsible.
OK - Click to continue.
To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.
Student Name - Student's full name.
Sidno - Student's school identification number.
Sasid - Student's state assigned identification number.