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This program will allow the user to modify when the system makes calls/texts, which calls, and for which schools.

Menu Location


Click on System. Under Entry, select Communication Configuration.

Setup Options


Year - Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.

District - Default value is based on the user’s security settings. The user will be limited to their district only.

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.

Click OK to continue.


The first set up box illustration below is for the District (700) settings in the Show Options For School field.



The second set up box illustration below is for the School settings so select a school in the Show Options For School field. If the settings have not been saved for a school, that school will use the district defaults set up for school 700.


Field Headers

Call Options

Repeat Message- Select this option to play back the message twice for the recipient.

Start and Stop Time (Mon-Fri) - Enter the time of day to begin sending calls for Monday-Friday. Emergency calls will always be sent immediately. Use the 24 hour time formatting.

Start and Stop Time (Saturday) - Enter the time of day to begin sending calls for Saturday. Emergency calls will always be sent immediately. Use the 24 hour time formatting.

Start and Stop Time (Sunday) - Enter the time of day to begin sending calls for Sunday. Emergency calls will always be sent immediately. Use the 24 hour time formatting.

Caller ID By Area

AT Caller ID - Type in the number to display on caller ID.

DI Caller ID - Type in the number to display on caller ID.

GR Caller ID - Type in the number to display on caller ID.

Do Call

Send OOZ Approval Calls - Select this option to send a call when an Out of Zone approval is made.

Included Schools for AT Calls - This will allow the user to select which schools receive attendance (AT) calls. If no schools are listed, then all schools will receive attendance calls. If schools are listed, then the ones listed will receive the calls and the ones not listed will not receive calls.

Included Schools for DI Calls - This will allow the user to select which schools receive discipline (DI) calls. If no schools are listed, then all schools will receive discipline calls. If schools are listed, then the ones listed will receive the calls and the ones not listed will not receive calls.

Included Schools for GR Calls - This will allow the user to select which schools receive grades (GR) calls. If no schools are listed, then all schools will receive grades calls. If schools are listed, then the ones listed will receive the calls and the ones not listed will not receive calls.

Do Not Call

Excluded Call Types - This will let the user choose selected call types to not send to all schools and also lets you choose to not send calls to students at selected schools. Enter the call type codes, separated by commas, to not send certain call types to students and parents at all schools in the parish. NOTE: The next blank, "Excluded Schools", has no effect on this field.

Excluded Call Types Saturday - Enter types of calls that are not to be made on Saturday.

Excluded Call Types Sunday - Enter types of calls that are not to be made on Sunday.

Excluded Schools (Only available for district default setup) - This will let the user choose selected call types to not send to all schools and also lets you choose to not send calls to students at selected schools. Enter the school site codes to exclude schools from sending any calls of any kind to students and parents. This means that for any schools entered here, students and parents will not receive any calls no matter what. NOTE: The blank above, "Excluded Call Types", has no effect on this field.

Email Options

We have added the ability to have a separate email pathway using a different email SMTP user/pass for sending JCall messages.

Alt SMTP Address - This is the address SMTP server for JCall.

Alt SMTP User - This is the SMTP user name to authenticate for JCall.

Alt SMTP Password - This is the SMTP password to authenticate for JCall.

Alt SMTP SSL - Select if the SMTP server requires SSL.

Alt SMTP Port - The TCP port SMTP uses.

Filter Message - This is the hidden text that can be used by email servers for filtering purposes.

Group Call Options

Group Call Types - Each call type listed is grouped and only one call is made. The user can specify a specific call like "AT001". Use AT for attendance, use DI for discipline, and GR for grade calls. Separate each type with a comma.

Grouped Call Days to Run - Select the days of the week for the grouped calls to go out. If left blank, calls will go out everyday.

Start Time (Mon-Fri) - Enter the time for the grouped calls to start going out.

Start Time (Saturday) - Enter the time for the grouped calls to start going out.

Start Time (Sunday) - Enter the time for the grouped calls to start going out.

First Period Attendance Time Option

Run Time 1 - 6 - Select attendance calls to go out.

Late to School Begin Call Time

Start Time (Mon-Sun) - Enter the time that new late to school posted will begin creating calls. Anything posted before this time will be ignored. If left blank, late to school calls will always be created.

Grade Call Options

Failing Grades Run Time - This sets the hours of the day at which the Failing Grades program will create failing grades calls. Depending on the grouped call settings, this might not be the time the calls are actually sent.

Include X in Failing Grades - Select this option to generate failing grades calls for X grades.

Send Unsent Grades Calls - Select this option to send grades calls that have not been sent since the last calling period.

New Assignment Call Time

Start Time (Mon-Sun) - Enter the time that new assignment calls to start going out.

Automated Call Options

Send Attendance Calls As SMS - Select this option to send automated attendance calls as text messages. These text messages will not be able to be grouped.

Included Schools - Each school listed is included in sending automated attendance calls as text messages.I f left blank, all schools will send automated attendance calls as text messages.

Send Discipline Calls As SMS - Select this option to send automated discipline calls as text messages. These text messages will not be able to be grouped.

Included Schools - Each school listed is included in sending automated discipline calls as text messages. If left blank, all schools will send automated discipline calls as text messages.

Send Grades Calls As SMS - Select this option to send automated grades calls as text messages. These text messages will not be able to be grouped.

Included Schools - Each school listed is included in sending automated grades calls as text messages. If left blank, all schools will send automated grades calls as text messages.


Attendance Messages

Check In Excluded Schools - Each school listed is excluded from receiving Check in messages. No messages will be created for Check ins.
Check In Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a check in record is posted.
Check Out Excluded Schools - Each school listed is excluded from receiving Check out messages. Not messages will be created for Check outs.
Check Out Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a check out record is posted.
First Period Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a first period attendance record is posted.
Late to School Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a late to school record is posted.
Skip Out Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a skip record is posted.
Tardy Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a tardy record is posted.

Discipline Messages

Major Referral Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a major referral record is posted.
Minor Referral Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a minor referral record is posted.

Grades Messages

Failing Grade Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a failing grade is posted.
Incomplete Grade Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a incomplete grade is posted.
New Assignment Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a new assignment is posted.
Teacher Comment Message - This is the text of the message sent out when a teacher comment is posted.

Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save all work.



JCALL - JCampus Automated System.

SPC - Student Progress Center.

ANS - Automated Notification System.

Setup - Click to go back to the Setup box.

Save All - Save all information selected/input.

HELP - Click to view written instructions and/or videos.

FAQ for JCALL System

Q - What fields are used in the JCALL Communication System?

A- Student Master Guardian/Father/Mother call related fields

Home phone - all call types except SMS text
Cell phone - all call types including SMS text
Work phone - never called
Email - email and on the call types with option for "Email copy of message"
Student Master Student call related fields
Student phone - all call types except SMS text
Student cell phone - SMS text only
Student Master Emergency call related fields
Home phone - only emergency type messages, except SMS text
Cell phone - only emergency type messages, including SMS text
Work phone - never called
Human Resources call related fields
Messages go to the following number in the HR Master
01 Alternate phone number - all call types except SMS
06 Home telephone number - all call types except SMS
07 Night telephone number - all call types except SMS
11 Cell number - all call types including SMS
12 Personal telephone number - all call types except SMS
09 Other telephone number - all call types except SMS

Q - Is there a Call/Message delivery order?

A - Calls are loaded by school number, then processed as a batch at once.

No order to the batch process. All numbers are processed at once.
Only one instance of a unique number loaded to prevent duplicate calls Ex: If Guardian home and Mother home are the same, only one will get loaded.

Q - Is there a difference in how a human answer versus voice mail answer is handled?

A - No difference in the delivery timing or methodology

Status, or reply back, is reported as either "answered" for human, or "machine" for voice mail.

Q - What happens when the system gets a busy signal?

A- Status, or reply back, is reported as "busy'.

No retry is made on a "busy" phone number. Next number is attempted.

Q - What is the default number JCall uses for phone calls to students? Is there a way to designate which number is the default number that is called?

A - Calls are sent to: Student home phone, guardian home phone and cell phone, father home phone and cell phone, and mother home phone and cell phone (Emergency calls are sent to emergency home phone and cell phone as well).

Texts are sent to: Student cell phone, guardian cell phone, father cell phone, and mother cell phone (Emergency texts are sent to emergency cell phone as well).

Calls and texts will go to all numbers on record unless opted out individually in a student's Student Master record.

Communication Configuration Page

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