Report Card Settings

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Revision as of 05:18, 17 January 2019 by Egadmin (talk | contribs)
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Settings Valid for Grades - These settings are valid for the grade levels in the From/Through fields.

Print Promoted/Retained -

Award Partial Credit -

Print GPA Type (Alpha Numeric) -

Print Course Credit -

Print Credits on Carnegie Unit Courses -

Print Hoorays/Warnings -

Calculate Semester GPA on - Choose the setting that the district uses to calculate Semester GPAs.

Option C - Sem Pts/Ct will calculate GPAs using the following formula:
A is 4 quality points
B is 3 quality points
C is 2 quality points
D is 1 quality point
F is 0 quality point
The total equals 10 so divide by the 5 grades which is a 2.0 GPA.

Calculate Final GPA on - Choose the setting that the district uses to calculate Final GPAs.

Option C - Fin Pts/Ct will calculate GPAs using the following formula:
A is 4 quality points X a 1 credit course = total of 4
B is 3 quality points X a 1 credit course = total of 3
C is 2 quality points X a 1 credit course = total of 2
D is 1 quality point X a 1 credit course = total of 1
F is 0 quality point X a 1 credit course = total of 0
The totals equals 10 so divide by the credits total of 5 which is a 2.0 GPA.

Print Semester Grades -

Print Final Grades -

Detail Absence/Discipline -

Move half Credit Grade -

Full Days / By Period Abs -

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