Student Master - Programs
Select all Programs that apply to the student.
Column Headers
Delete - Click in the field to remove the row of information.
Program - Select the program code from the drop down.
Program ID - This is the programs identification number.
Area/Reason/Score - This is a text field to describe the program.
Begin Date - Select the start date that the program will begin.
Begin Type - Select the begin type from the drop down.
End Date - Select the end date that the program will end.
End Type - Select the end type from the drop down.
Services - Check the box if there Are Services Provided for this Program.
Refer Name - Select the person that is referring the student for a program.
Ref ID - This is the identification number to the person who is referring the student.
Approve Name - Select the person that approved the program for the student.
AppID - This is the identification number to the person who approved the program.
Refer Date - Select the date the program was referred to the student.
Refer Site - Select the site where the student will receive the program.
Save - Select to save all information input for the program.