Mass Calculate Semester / Final Averages for a Single Class

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Post Grades Master: Mass Calculate Semester / Final Averages for a Single Class

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Grades, then Entry, then Post Grades Master.
  2. At the setup box, set the Year, School, and Grade(s) of students to work with.
  3. Semester to Display Scheduled Students: set 4x4 to All and 2x8 to Both as shown below (default).
  4. Semester Grade Calculation Requirement: Most districts set to All Marking Period Grades Within Semester.
  5. Grade Posting Mode: Set to Report Card Mode as shown below.
  6. Show Dropped Students: Select if the user wishes to see averages for students who have dropped the class. These students will appear “grayed out” at the bottom of the roster of students.
  7. Click the OK button to begin.
  8. In the lower left of the screen, click the desired Teacher, then Course. The students and resulting grades should display on the screen.
  9. Click the Save icon in the toolbar. The user will notice that the calculated Semester 1 (S1), Semester 2 (S2), and Final (F1) grades will be displayed [4x4 schools will additionally see S3, S4, and F2 for Spring courses]. The calculated letter values will be in lower case, signifying that the grade has been auto calculated.
  10. If the user manually enters a Semester or Final grade, the letter value will be in upper case. Any recalculation performed will not change the manually entered Semester or Final grade.
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