Fee List

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Video How-to

Fee List video

How to

These instructions will provide a list of students who owe fees for one or more types of fees.

  1. Log in to WebPams.
  2. Select Lists under the Student Master area on the left of the screen.
  3. Select Fee List and the Setup Box will appear.
  4. Click Ok to move to the next screen.

Setup Box Options

  1. Year--Defaults to the current school year.
  2. District and School--Defaults to your district and school based on your security settings.
  3. As-of-Date--Students enrolled on or before this date with no exit/leave date will be considered active
  4. Grade--To select all students either leave the field blank or click in the field and select the check box at the top of the list. To select one or more (but not all) students click the check box by the name(s).
  5. Gender--To select all Genders either leave the field blank or click in the field and select the check box at the top of the list. To select one click the check box by the gender.
  6. Ethnic--To select all Ethnics either leave the field blank or click in the field and select the check box at the top of the list. To print one or more (but not all) ethnics click the check box by the ethnicity.
  7. Fee--To select all Fees either leave the field blank or click in the field and select the check box at the top of the list. To print one or more (but not all) student who owe fees click the check box by each fee you want to include on the report.

Definitions of Column Headers

Name--Name of students who owe fee(s)
Sidno--Local student ID number
Homeroom--Homeroom teacher to which the student has been assigned
XXX--3-letter abbreviation(s) of the code(s) requested for the report; hover the mouse over the column header to obtain an explanation of the abbreviation; the number of columns will vary based on the number of fees selected in the setup box
Fees Due--The total fees due by the student for the selected fee category for the report.
NOTE--If the student owes $10 for a lock and $15 for a lost library book and you only request a report for

students that owe for their lock, then the total in the Fees Due column would be $25 although you only asked for the list of students who owe for their lock.

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