Student Message - Text-To-Speech Message

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Student Event Messages - Text to Voice video

Menu Location


On the left navigation panel select Communication > Entry > Student Event Message.

Setup Options

Setup Box 1


Year - Defaults to the current year. A prior year may be accessed by clicking in the field and making the appropriate selection from the drop down list.

District - Default value is based on your security settings. You will be limited to your district only.

School - Default value is based on your security settings. If you are assigned to a school, the school default value will be your school site code. You will not be able to change this value. If you are a supervisor or other district office employee with access to the Student Information System, you will be able to run programs for one school, a small group of schools, or all schools in your district.



  • Grade - Grade level of students whose records need to be edited or whose names are to be included on a report. Leave the field blank if all grade levels are to be included. Otherwise, click in the field to the right of Grade(s) to select the desired grade level(s) to be included.
  • Gender - Gender of students whose records need to be edited or whose names are to be included on a report. Leave the field blank if both genders are to be included. Otherwise, click in the field to the right of Gender to select the desired gender to be included.
  • Homeroom - The teacher who is assigned a group of students in addition to the regular classes that they teach. Leave blank if all homerooms are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Homeroom to select the desired homeroom(s) to view.
  • Club - Extracurricular activities in which students may participate. Leave blank if all clubs are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Clubs to select the desired club(s) to view.
  • A.M. Bus - This is the morning bus number the student rides.
  • P.M. Bus - This is the afternoon bus number the student rides.
  • Program - Leave blank if all program codes are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Program Codes to select the desired program code(s) to view.
  • Parent Home Language - Select the language spoken at the students home.
  • Ethnic - Ethnicity of students whose records need to be edited or whose names are to be included on a report. Leave the field blank if all ethnics are to be included. Otherwise, click in the field to the right of Ethnic to select the desired ethnic(s) to be included.
  • Counselor - Responsible for scheduling, testing, student grades and transcripts. Leave blank if all counselors are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Counselor to select the desired counselor(s) to view.
  • Sport - Leave blank if all sports are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Sports to select the desired sport(s) to view.
  • A.M. Bus Stop - This is the morning bus stop number.
  • P.M. Bus Stop - This is the afternoon bus stop number.
  • Special Codes - Special Codes must have been entered into the Student Master record for students. Leave blank if all special codes are to be included into the report. Otherwise click in the field to the right of Special Codes to select the desired special code(s) to view.
  • Show Remote Only - If this box is checked, the report will list only those students who come to your school from another school in the district.
  • As of Date - This choice will list only those students who are actively enrolled as of the date selected in the date field.


  • All - Select to view all students.
  • Sped Only - Select to view sped only students.
  • Non Sped - Select to see non sped students.


  • All - Select to view all students.
  • 504 Only - Select to view sped only students.
  • Non 504 - Select to see non sped students.


  • All - Select to view all students.
  • LEP Only - Select to view sped only students.
  • Non LEP - Select to see non sped students.

Clear - Select to clear out selections.

OK - Click to continue.

Select Individual Students - Select individuals student to send a message to.

Add Staff


Object Code - Select to choose an object code of the staff member to message. This field relates to Human Resource. Leave blank to call all staff members regardless of object code.

Function Code - Select to choose a function code of the staff members to call. This field relates to Human Resource. Leave blank to call all staff members regardless of function code.

Select Call Groups - Select to limit the staff only by a selected group.

As of Date - This date will display only the staff who are active as of the date selected in the date field.

Home Site Only - Selecting this option will limit the message to only those staff members who are "home based" at the school site.

Select Individual Staff - Select individuals staff to send a message to.

Clear - Select to clear out selections.

OK - Click to continue.

Next - Click to continue.

Setup Box 2 - Select Schedule Options


Schedule Call - Select if the message is to be scheduled for a future date/time.

  • Date - Select the date for the message to go out.
  • Time - Select the start time for messages to start going out.
  • Stop Time - Select the stop time for messages to stop going out. In Communication Configuration, calls are set for start and stop times for the district as a whole. This will override and allows an earlier time to be selected, if needed.

Previous - Select this option to return to the previous page.

Next- Click to continue.

Setup Box 3 - Select Message Type


Record Voice Message - Select to send out a Record Voice Message.

Follow the instructions below.


WAV Voice Message - Select to send out a WAV Voice Message.


After checking the box to send out a WAV Voice Message, click Next to continue.

When the popup box appears, select Manage Recordings. Another popup box will appear to show all previous voice recording, select the New button located on the bottom of the page. By doing this, a title, description and script will need to entered, next select Record. Once this has been done, select Play to hear the recorded message. Make sure to select Save. The message can be deleted by selecting Cancel.

By selecting the Refresh button, the new recording will display in the list.

Previous - Select this option to return to the previous page.

Preview - Select to view the recording.

Send - Select to sent the message.

Text-to-Speech Message - Select to send out a Text-to-Speech Message.


Select Message - Click on the drop down to select a NEW message or a previous message. When selecting a NEW message, a popup box will appear.


SMS Text Message - Select to send out a SMS Text Message.


Email - Select to sent out an Email.


Caller ID - Enter the phone number to display on Caller ID when the message is sent out. If left blank, the school`s phone number that is listed in the Sponsor Site will be used.

Previous - Select this option to return to the previous page.

Next- Click to continue.

Getting Started

It is a good idea to compose a script of what is to be recorded before starting this task.

  • To place an Emergency Call, click on the phone in the top right corner of the screen, then click Student.

EmergencyCallButton.png This will skip having to browse the navigation panel of JCampus and go directly to Setup Box 1 described below. The only staff that have permissions to make Emergency call via the JCall system are Admin (700), Principals, Assistant Principals and Superintendent. NOTE: You cannot input a code 911 call manually when creating a new message and is only available through the emergency call button.

Otherwise, on the left, click on Communication. Under the heading Entry, click on Student Event Messages.


Setup Box Options

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options.

For other set up values not listed in the standard set up list:

  • Select Individual Students will list all students that meet the criteria of the options selected in "Filter" options. Within that list, select the students to call or leave blank to call all students. This program will only make one call per household.

If the message is meant for only Students, the user can jump down to click the Next button at the bottom of the setup box. If the user wishes to add Staff members to the message, continue with the next steps.

  • Object Code: Choose an object code to further filter the list of staff members to call in Select Individual Staff. This is not picking the staff, only filtering the staff list.
  • Function Code: Choose a function code to further filter the list of staff members to call in Select Individual Staff. This is not picking the staff, only filtering the staff list.
    • Staff Groups are defined by using the Call Group Loader
    • Clicking the box in the upper left will select all staff members.
  • Phone Type: Click to select the type of phone number to communicate to.
    • Commonly used types: 06 Home telephone number and 12 Personal cellular number.
  • Home Site Only: If including staff members in this message, selecting this option will limit the message to only those staff members who are "home based" at the school site.
  • Select Individual Staff: Click to select individual staff members.

Click Next to move to the next step in the create message process.

Setup Box 2

  1. If the message is to be scheduled for a future date/time, check the Schedule Call box, then select the date and time.
  2. Schedule Time End will end your calls from going out past a certain time. In Communication Configuration, calls are set for start and stop times for the district as a whole. This will override and allow you to set it at an earlier time, if needed.
  3. If the user wishes to send the message out now, leave the Schedule Call box unchecked.
    • If no date and time is selected, the message will go out in the next call interval.
  4. Click Next to move to the next step in the create message process.

Setup Box 3

  1. Select Text-To-Speech Message
  2. In the Caller ID, enter the phone number that will be dislayed on parents phones when the call is made. If left blank, the school`s phone number that is listed in the Sponsor Site will be used.
  3. Click Next.

Setup Box 4

Enter Title - Type in the name of the title of the message.

Enter Message - Type in the message to go out to students and staff. Limited to 800 character spaces.

  1. Also send an email is available in addition to message being created.
    • If a previously created message was selected, review the message, make any changes as needed, and then click Send.
    • If New was selected, a New Message Setup window will appear.
      1. Select the Arena.
        • EV = Event message.
        • AT = Attendance message.
        • DI = Discipline message.
        • GR = Grades message.
      2. Code is an automatically generated value.
      3. Type an event description.
      4. Click OK.
      5. Type the message. Be sure to limit your message to 800 characters, then click Send.
  2. To listen to the message, click Preview and enter a ten digit phone number that is a direct line without going through the switchboard.
  3. Click Send. A Message Being Processed window will appear. After answering the preview call and reviewing the message, click Send if the message is acceptable or click Previous if a correction needs to be made.


  1. After clicking Send, a summary of the number of messages with the message text will appear. If satisfied with the information, click Yes to proceed with the message creation; otherwise, click No and return to the message selection/creation window.
  2. A list of students that are scheduled to receive the message will be displayed on the screen. Print or save this report at this time if desired.

JCampus / Communication / Student Event Messages

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki