Common Special Education Column Headers

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To find definitions of commonly used column headers, follow this link: Common Special Education Column Headers.

Student--Student's name
SID NO--Student's Identification number
SSN--Social Security Number
Sch-Student's school number
Eth--Student's Ethnicity
Grd--Student's grade
Birth Date--Student's birthdate
Except--Primary exceptionality
D--Frequency/Days of the Week support received
Eval-last evaluation date
IEP DT--IEP/Service plan date. If the student has an "*" in the SP field then this date is an Service Plan Date.
IEP Teacher--IEP Holder - Person with the complete IEP
IEP Type--IEP Status--(1) Iterim; (2) Initial; (3) Review; (4) Expired--Transitional
IS--Placement/Service Determination
L/A--Statewide assessment the student will participate in
MA--Math assessment grade
MIN--Frequency/Minutes in a day
Provider--Teacher provider for services
RE--Reading/Language assessment grade
SEC EXC - Secondary exceptionality
Serv--Supplemental services
SP*--Student with a service plan
Testing Accommodations--Student's Special ed accommodations
Age Span--Class age span
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