New Year Scheduling Preparatory Steps for the District Coordinator

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Below is a listing of steps that a District Coordinator might want to review in advance of New Year Scheduling.

Some of the steps have to be performed in JPams, and are designated with a “JPams” indicator

  1. Go to System / Sponsor Site Editor.
  2. Check to see if 1516 sponsor is in place by going to 1516 and click the Find button.
  3. If you find that the 1516 settings already present are correct, skip to step #3.
  4. If no 1516 settings are present, in 1415 sponsor site, click the Copy button. Set the From for 1415 and set To as 1516. Click Ok to roll sponsor information from 1415 to 1516.
  5. In 1516 Sponsor, check the various settings, and update as needed. Be sure to click the SAVE button.
  6. Update the dates for Grading Periods. There is a copy utility to push these dates to other school sites.
    • Save the updated grading period dates for the current site.
    • Go to Action, then select Copy to Other Sites...
    • Select the other sites, then select Copy Sites.

Calendar Rollover

  1. Go to System / Calendar Editor.
  2. Check to see if 1516 calendar is in place by going to 1516 year.
  3. If 1516 information is present, review dates on the top of each school site. Adjust as needed, then click SAVE on each site.
    • If no 1516 school calendars are present, in the 1415 calendar system, click the Utilities button in the upper left, then choose Rollover Calendar.
    • Set the Current Year and New Year, and then click OK. Verify that only the green shaded rows are checked. Make sure only the pink rows are not checked off. Click Rollover Calendar.
  4. When the school calendar dates are established, come to this program to enter the dates for the new year calendar. When one school's calendar is set, copy the dates to the other schools.
    • At the calendar of the current school with correct dates for the next year, click Action, then Copy This Calendar Set.
    • Select the sites to copy to, then select the calendar records under the first one labeled (Header) 10.
    • Click the Copy button to copy the calendar records to the other school sites.

Update Course Catalog

  1. If no course catalog changes are needed, skip this step.
  2. Go to Schedule / Entry / Course Catalog Maintenance.
  3. Any courses that need to be removed from future scheduling can be made obsolete by clicking in the Honor field and adding O for "obsolete".
  4. Any new courses can be inserted by clicking in the first row and entering the details, then click the Save button.

Set the “Next School” in Student Master

  1. Go to "Student Master / Loaders / Next School Loader.
  2. If your district has a straightforward feeder school system and does not have complex feeder school needs, you may want to just skip this and go on to step 5.
  3. If your district has complex feeder arrangements, consider using the Next School to help manage the movement of students.
  4. In the Next School Loader, for the highest grade at the school, set the school where the students will go next year.
  5. Note: If your district allows movement outside of the highest grade, the next school can be used for any grade level.
  6. Be sure to set a deadline to have this data in place, and check it, before doing Student Master Roll-up procedures. Continue to check it for each subsequent student master roll-up procedure.

Create New Year Student Master (student rollover)

  1. Go to "Schedule / Entry / Create New Year Student Master.
  2. Directions and a video can be found at this link: Create New Year Student Master
  3. Districts using Next School: Be sure to select to use the Next School option. This will cause the system to hunt for any student with the selected school, and present the students in a listing.
  4. Districts using Next School: The option for “Keep students at Rollup School….” will give the user the option to give priority to the Next School or the SBLC retention code.
  5. Can be done several times as needed to update the students. Be sure to run the Undo procedure when performing this step later in the year.

Obtain Feeder Students

  1. Go to Schedule / Entry / Obtain Feeder Students.
  2. Not needed if your district used the Next School as a means to rollover students. If this is your situation, skip to step 7.
  3. Directions and a video can be found at this link: Obtain Feeder Students
  4. Can be done several times as need to update the students. Be sure to run the Undo procedure when performing this step later in the year.

Create New Year Master Schedule

  1. Go to Schedule / Entry / Create New Year Master Schedule.
  2. Directions and a video can be found at this link: Create New Year Master Schedule
  3. If you have a school that likes to enter master schedules from scratch, you don’t have to do this step.
  4. This step simply takes the master schedule for the current year and carries it up to the next with no students in the classes.

Staff Contract Rollover

  1. Go to JPams / Human Resources Command Center / EOY Rollover.
  2. If not a Edgear only district, this can wait until after the Human Resources office has posted separation dates in the summer time.
  3. If a Edgear district, this step needs to be done right after Master Schedules are created for the New Year.
  4. Set the Year From and Year To. For the most part, take the default settings and click the Ok button.
  5. A list of staff with current year contracts will be presented. Select boxes will be selected by each employee. Click Process. Each selected employee will have created a contract for the next year.

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