Print Student Schedules

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This program will print the schedules for individual students, schedules for small groups, or the schedules for all students.


Print Student Schedules video

Getting Started

  1. Select Scheduling from the left side of the screen.
  2. Select Lists under Scheduling.
  3. Select Print Student Schedules and a Setup Box will appear on the screen.

Setup Options

To find definitions for standard setup values, follow this link: Standard Setup Options. For other set up values not listed in the standard set up list:

  1. Select Special Code(s) to limit the list of students based on special codes. Special Codes must have been entered into the Student Master record for students. To select all students click the check box to the left of Value at the top of the special code(s) list or leave the field blank. Selecting the box beside the blank line will select students that do not have a special code.
  2. Select Team. This selection should only be used if your school is using Team Scheduling. Click in the field and a list of teams is displayed. Click the check box to the left of the team(s) you want to display. To select all students click the check box to the left of Value at the top of the teams list. Selecting the box beside the blank line will select students that have not been assigned to a team.
  3. Select Homeroom to restrict scores to a group of students in a specific homeroom or homerooms. Click in the field and a list of homeroom teachers will be displayed. Click the check box to the left of the Homeroom teacher(s) you want to display. To select all students click the check box to the left of Value at the top of the homeroom teacher(s) list. Selecting the box beside the blank line will select students that do not have been assigned to a homeroom teacher.
  4. Select Counselor to restrict scores to a group of students assigned a specific counselor or counselors. Click in the field and a list of counselors will be displayed. Click the check box to the left of the counselor you want to display. To select all students click the check box to the left of Value at the top of the counselor list or leave the field blank. Selecting the box beside the blank line will select students that do not have been assigned to a counselor.
  5. Select Adviser to restrict scores to a group of students assigned a specific adviser or group of advisers. Click in the field and a list of advisers will be displayed. Click the check box to the left of the adviser you want to display. To select all students click the check box to the left of Value at the top of the adviser list or leave the field blank. Selecting the box beside the blank line will select students that do not have been assigned to a counselor.
  6. Select Club(s) to restrict scores to a group of students based on club membership. Clubs must have been entered into the Student Master record for students. Click in the field and a list of clubs will be displayed. Click the check box to the left of the club you want to display. To select all students click the check box to the left of Value at the top of the club list or leave the field blank. Selecting the box beside the blank line will select students that do not have club membership on their student master record.
  7. Select Sport(s) to restrict scores to a group of students based on Sports team roster. Sport teams must have been entered into the Student Master record for students. Click in the field and a list of sports will be displayed. Click the check box to the left of the sport you want to display. To select all students click the check box to the left of Value at the top of the sport list or leave the field blank. Selecting the box beside the blank line will select students that do not have a sports team on their student master record.
  8. The Show selection allows you to restrict your list of students to All, Sped Only, or Non Sped.
  9. Select the As-of-Date. This represents active students as of the date you choose. It usually defaults to the current date. To change the date, click the drop down arrow for the month and/or day and/or year. Or, you can click on the calendar icon at the right of the year and make changes in the calendar popup window.
  10. Select Order to List. The choices are Alpha, Grade, Homeroom, Team, Adviser or Counselor.
  11. Select the scheds per page to limit the number of schedules to be printed per page. If you are going to distribute the schedules to students/parents, then select to print 1 per page.
  12. Select Printing Options:
    • Print Locker information--includes the locker number and lock combination in the schedule header if this information is in the Student Master Record
    • Include blank student schedules
    • Print unscheduled requests--these will be listed below the scheduled courses
    • Print comments--must be checked in order for you to enter a comment to be printed on the schedules
    • Print AB DOW Titles
  13. Click OK to move to the next screen. A list of students populates the screen per your settings.

Printing Single, Multiple, or All Students' Schedules

  1. To print one student's schedule click in the square to left of a student`s name.
  2. To print schedules for multiple students click the square to the left of each name.
  3. To print the schedules for all students click the square found above the list of student names.
  4. Continue the printing process with the following steps.
    • After selecting the name(s) of the student(s) click the print button located at the bottom of the page.
    • If you included the print comments option in the setup box, a message box will appear. Type the message for the students using up to six lines in the comment box; then click continue.
    • A print preview appears on the screen. Click the printer icon at the bottom right of the print preview. Then click the print button at the top right of the preview window.
  5. Close the print preview window.

Scheduling Main Page
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